What did you guys think of the Catch a Predator show from NBC? I thought it was funny af, I wish they brought it back...

What did you guys think of the Catch a Predator show from NBC? I thought it was funny af, I wish they brought it back. If they did, some of you fucks would be on it.

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you know there's Hansen vs Predator now right?

yeah it's pretty funny

I wouldn't be on it, I'm not dumb enough to get caught

lol shit was great it had the cheaters feel but it was way more fucked lol


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It's funny because Hansen's wife set him up with a decoy to catch him cheating on her. Chris Hansen is a major douche irl

I got some Kitkats

>no victim
>just "intent" after they've been catfished to hell and back
>literal definition of legal entrapment but nobody gives a shit because LOL PEDOS

Chris Hansen needs to be executed.

That show has the best dialogues, it’s a fucking riot

>definitely not edited to make these guys look even worse than they are for viewers
>definitely nothing fishy at all about a television show that leads to actual convictions
nope nothing weird about it.

They have the full interviews online, I’m not defending the ethics of the show but iirc the crime is already committed by the time they show up

It's a fucking pedo man
Would you have preferred it being a actual kid

I'd rather it be neither because both are boogiemans to tug at your emotions.

Many of the cases were dropped and charges dismissed bc it was ruled as entrapment. That's why the last season or 2 they stuck with Petaluma CA.

i agree

Although entrapment does not ordinarily apply to actions taken by private organizations, when Perverted-Justice works sufficiently in concert with a law enforcement agency, the involvement of the state actor may allow for an entrapment defense.[33] Perverted-Justice takes the position that it has precautions in place to avoid entrapment issues, claiming that volunteers never initiate contact with the target or instigate lewd conversations or talks of sexual meetings.[33] However, former Dateline anchor Stone Phillips disputes that claim, arguing that, "In many cases, the decoy is the first to bring up the subject of sex." Phillips defended the tactic as enticement as opposed to entrapment, stating that, "Once the hook is baited, the fish jump and run with it like you wouldn't believe."[34] In contrast, Montopoli contends that this alone may render Predator-related cases vulnerable to the defense of entrapment on the basis that targets might be enticed to commit a crime that they had no previous intent to commit.


Calling a bird a croc doesn't make it a croc. It's still legal entrapment and the courts got away with it because they can.

My fav part is when dude walks into kitchen butt ass naked and gets caught LMAO!

They caught that guy twice kek

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Are you actually defending pedophiles?

I'm defending pedophiles, yes. Child molesters, no.
I'm also not a big fan of any sort of legal entrapment whatsoever having been through it myself.
Some of those guys definitely deserved to see prison time, but a lot of them were entrapped, pure and simple, and nobody rushed to their defense because of the stigma around finding youth attractive--literally baseline instinct for all males of any species, not just humans.

>are you actually defending -insert bogeyman here-

Not an argument, take your self-righteous moral faggotry and shove it up your ass faggot. You're on Yea Forums

was that the show where a local police deputy got caught i always wondered if they would have arrested him if the tv cams where not there..

Oh and the joke is on you since most of these decoys were espousing themselves as being within puberty range IE it is by definition not pedophilia.

Educate yourself and maybe anger won't be your first response to everything you dullard.

Friendly reminder that pedophilia is mostly a bogeyman
Friendly reminder that if they've hit puberty it is not pedophilia
Friendly reminder that this show actually made money off of self-righteously ruining people's lives by LURING them into a bad situation. Again, not for any altruistic reason, but for money. You think Perverted Justice actually gives a fuck about Justice? No. They give a fuck about $$$$. NBC gave them that $$$$.
Zero guarantees that these men would have ever harmed a child if they had not been entrapped by an organization that literally breaks the law for money quite sanctimoniously
Friendly reminder that it is up to YOU to protect your own fucking kids and if some creepy chomo gets ahold of your kid one day that's YOUR fucking fault you piece of shit WATCH YOUR GOD DAMNED FUCKING KIDS

Idk if there was a deputy that got caught but I do know there were alot of guys who got caught that weren't put on TV. Also someone commit suicide because he got caught

Friendly reminder that most child abuse/sexual assaults are not carried out by a stranger but by someone the victim KNOWS AND TRUSTS ALREADY such as a parent, sibling or other extended family member

Hey NSA guys, do your thing cause this user is a pedophile

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What would they do exactly even if I was?
You cannot make pedophilia illegal because that would be a thought crime. You can of course, ban child molestation and instate strict punishments for child molestation, but you cannot actually make pedophilia illegal.

I wish you could understand that all your self-righteous faggotry is doing is contributing to a witch hunt ala Salem in the 1600s.

You're literally trying to not only force people to think like you but actually punish instinct. I wish you could understand how stupid you are.