Italians know the familiar Blue Box means quality, perfectly "al dente" pasta every time...

Italians know the familiar Blue Box means quality, perfectly "al dente" pasta every time. That's why Barilla has been an Italian favorite for over 140 years, and continues to be the #1 pasta in Italy today. With more than 35 shapes in our line of traditional semolina pastas, you're sure to find the perfect pasta for any occasion.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What's your favorite shape?

I like cappelini

Good shit. Ziti with some fuckin meat sauce. Handmade sauce, not that store bought shit. Have some fuckin garlic bread and a big fuckin salad bowl. Make me food, bitch.

Being the largest pasta producer is a strong responsibility: that is why we select only the best quality durum wheat in the world, cultivated in the most sustainable way, consistent with our mission “Good for You, Good for the Planet”. In 2016, we purchased 1,167,000 tons of durum wheat globally. Approximately 70% comes from local suppliers who are close to where we produce our pasta (Italy, US, Greece, Turkey and Russia). In Italy, we purchased 732,000 tons of durum wheat both through cultivation contracts signed with Italian farmers, which account for about 54% of the durum wheat purchased in Italy, and through contracts drawn up to cover specific needs.

this is legitimately the best thread on here in a while

>Italy, we purchased 732,000 tons of durum wheat both through cultivation contracts signed with Italian farmers, which account for about 54% of the durum wheat purchased in Italy.
Fuckin A

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grain sludge slave food full of anti-nutrients

Shut the fuck up, you pussy fuck.


I got one these guys recently. Fuck boxed pasta. Fresh pasta is infinitely better and I don't have to use preservatives. Look beyond boxed pasta and jarred sauce. There's a better life out there

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the real human diet is blood and organs, eating grains is the definition of being cucked by civilization

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Love these for the Carbonara.

fuck yeah it is

The human diet is actually omnivorous but ok

But boxed pasta doesn't have preservatives

all animals are omnivorous, don't believe Herbivore/Carnivore.
it is a false dichotomy

Is this another thing from the Jews?

You, are an idiot. I knew you were but, I apperictae the extra effort you gave to confirm it.

Yes, they want you to believe that Herbivores exist so that you will be tricked into practicing the vegan diet and become infertile. It is a apart of the depopulation agenda. People are so sick because they are 80% of the way there anyway, eating grain sludge such as pasta.

Look into Agenda21

this isn't really true, cats for example are obligate carnivores and yes, they'll eat grass and plants but not for nutrients

Barilla is garbage tier.

So what, Barilla is posting ads on Yea Forums

>this is legitimately the best thread on here in a while

Its fucking pasta advertisment...

I've seen the wild cats in my neighborhood eating fruit before

Name better


Ova here!

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Nice use of commas

Man, I was just making a joke. I didn't know you were gonna go all tinfoil hat on me. Pasta is evil food from Jews who want to hide the fact the people are omnivorous? How about this: go outside. Or have sex. The internet is really hurting your mental health

Thanks, I fuckin, love, fuckin, commas. And I love you now for, noticing.

Yes, that says something about the quality of this board

I says a lot about our society when the best thread in a while is a fucking pasta advertisement

They're no better than the $0.50 per lb stuff, so buy cheap instead.

Their sauces are disgusting.

This dude knows it. Just look at India, the highest rate of vegitariansm in the world. Basically an endangered species those Indians..

Nice programmed response you have there. You forgot to say "who hurt you". NPC confirmed

>does dubs get the irony?


Indian vegetarians eat eggs and drink raw milk. This has nothing to do with Western Vegansim

Indian food makes you poop everywhere.

What response do you expect me to give over "evil Jewish pasta"? You expect me to take that seriously? Btw I looked up agenda21 and I don't see anything about white genocide pasta

Meh, I disagree. I don't like mullers or whatever the fuck it's called It taste like shit. Some store brands are good but they are probably made by a bigger company just in the store box. So, ya..

What do you think "sustainable development" means? The only sustainable course of action is depopulation.

Just look up how sperm counts have plummeted in the west, it is by design.


Store brand stuff has not much advertising, so they have to try a bit to get you to buy again.

This. Little fucking sauce goblets.

>conspiracy dubs checked

I'm sorry, but I don't actually know how to argue with a retarded person. I'm just gonna leave you be. I hope you don't hurt yourself :/

Apart from the 40 to 60% that can't drink it

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Ok, but what you called shit tier is made special as they advertised it to be. And it tastes fuckin good, better then most shit they try to sell you. I don't understand your point cause you kinda don't make sense.

and you're the one who mentioned Jews, not me. I let people pin this on whoever their scapegoat is as long as they will open their eyes.
People with lactose intolerance can drink raw milk because the lactic acid enzyme is intact and not destroyed by heating, this is why African bushmen drink Milk all the time despite their high rates of lactose intolerance, and why Raw milk consumption is so prevalent in India.

Barilla is low tier shit. Only broke people and fucking niggers buy it here in Italy. Try De Cecco instead, it costs like 40 cents more but it's really fucking good. And don't waste it with """meatball sauce""" pls, that shit doesn't even exist here.

Attached: DE-CECCO.jpg (1200x900, 236K)


Their pasta is just overpriced. Their other stuff is bad, so I avoid them.

fuck outta here shit poster
finally get a good thread and some worthless faggot shows up


I am growing borage specifically to make some ravioli

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>African bushmen

Nothing like a hand made sauce to go with your store bought noodles. Ahhh, Merica....

No shit fuck face. You're in fuckin Italy, I wouldn't buy Barila if I was in Italy either. You add nothing to the point of the post except to brag you're in Italy. You need a whipping.

I can't argue with price wise but from some of the other brands I have tried that sucked makes me not want to try other brands. Nothing worse then making a good meal and sit down ready to fuck some shit up, only to find the ziti tastes like sweaty asshole of a fat dude. Then I'm mad and want to mail the shit to the company with a turd on top. So they know exactly how I feel about their product.

Get a fucking job then you worthless lazy ass sponge

>double dubs tells no fibs

>Just look up how sperm counts have plummeted in the west
wow I guess its not a lie this time

Yeah well then I will make more time by not fucking your mom's asshole. I will dedicate my time to pasta. Thanks for setting me straight. Fag.

>triggered barilla poster

I spend all my dough on hookers

Hey why so mad? has your gf cucked you with Gonzalo or Tyrone again? I just suggested that there are better brands out there, fuckface. I'm shure that even if you live in the u.s. you can order bettter brands from the internet. The only one adding nothing to the post here it's you,

>dried pasta doesn't exist in other countries


Fuck off, yuropoor. Your time on the village computer is up

Then you are a pathetic person with no dignity.

As well you should, my boy. As well you should.

Are you one of those people who think there are 57 genders?

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Upside: Slightly better flavorless noodles.
Downside: You're Italian. How's your economy again? Celebrating 0.2% growth?

Eat a dick. Only a pretentious fuck would special order pasta. It's all in the sauce anyway as long as the pasta isn't shit. So, you are a dumbass.

Nope, the Gender revolution is tried in with the infertility and androgyny agenda
check for info on why men are becoming like women



The point was that brand uses 54% of Italy's shit. So, wtf are you talking about? Did you even read the thread? Tard.

Have sex with me

Lmfao this trumptard can't be serious. Enjoy your virginity, faggot

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Italian here, Barilla is owned by a weapons/ammo producer. They found heavy metals in it in the 80s.

Can confirm. My dad is Nintendo

thank you based Fiocchi for being the only 7.62 Nagant I can find at my local gun store

Sweet, I love heavy metals. Rock on Ted

Go fuck yourself with your shitty bargain bin pasta. You are the one that has to pay to play. Go find an alleyway to collect your next std badge you sewage dwelling cunt.

What has the disastrous economic situation of my country to do with pasta? I work for a software house and make roughly 60k a year so I can afford to spend 40 cents more on fucking pasta. It's not like we eat only pasta anyway, so it isn't this big of a deal at the end of the month.

>It's not like we eat only pasta anyway
The Media lied to me AGAIN! Fuck

are they capable not to?

They also have pizza

Wait, wait. Did that guy say Italians don't eat that much pasta??


Pizza has pasta in it.


Does your virginity always make you this upset? Do you eat expensive pasta just to hide the pain?

And how sad is that..

Jews created pasta and made pizza from it to kill white people

Check my dubs, fag.

I don't really care as long as it taste good, it's all good.

>based Italy poster
Dont let these angry faggots fool you bud. Some of us respect the godfathers of pasta. Problem is these kids have been eating the shit spaghetti their moms made them since they were babies so they get protective over their shit "meat sauce" recipe. Guaranteed it doesnt include fresh Italian tomatoes, probably has garlic powder instead of fresh garlic, and let's not forget their store bought barilla spaghetti.

trips of truth

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pasta and pizzapilled

>dubs of this guy knows.


Actually I have a 120k job, a wife with 3 perfect children, I have fucked more than 100 females, I go abroad twice a year, own a Ferrari and a five bedroom house with an acre garden with swimming pool. All you have is prostitutes and shitty pasta. My garage is bigger than your mom's entire house which you still live in. I bet you get her to cook your pasta too.

I see that LARPing is the only activity you can afford after buying your pretentious pasta. Sad. I pity you

penne. I make a tofu penne rosa that's the bomb.

Why do Italians eat polenta when couscous is superior in every way?

Sorry about the dire economic situation, you clearly need more pornstar politicians.

It's sad your wife has 3 children, and you have none of your own.