What's behind climate change activist Greta Thunberg'

What's behind climate change activist Greta Thunberg'

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ez out of school.

a camera, probably some stage equipment, maybe some curtains or at least scaffolding with lights mounted to it.

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Looks like a loudspeaker, stage monitor

nice ass

children are useful tools
they're dumb and people who attack them are considered mean

A desire to not die from catastrophic climate change due to the greed of multinational corporations

adults in the media have an agenda they want to promote, so they seek out a kid who's saying approximately the same things, and then promote the fuck out of them as a cute kid human interest story

What media corporations are interested in stopping climate change?

Exactly. This became modern from 1933, and has proven itself.

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I never noticed before that she has a nice bum.

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no one of course

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The fact that she actually gives a shit?

I know that is a foreign concept in troll land

The camera

no that can't be it

I don't know. Climate change is a big fucking deal and we should all be taking it seriously, but I don't know what makes this particular underage literal autist an authority. But I guess people are listening to her so I bid her godspeed.

it's to distract us from brexit for a while

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everything if you consider the earth is a spheroid.

Was actually thinking the same.

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