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Tamest shit i've ever seen lol, is this a telletubbies thread? pussynigga
Can't wait for you to burn in hell faggot
I have more
is this real shit ? i feeling sick right now
Summer has come! \o/
More dead niggers please and thank you
Repost thread
Wtf is happening here?
kitten intermission
Looks like partial scalping by machine. Hair got stuck in the moving parts. Goodbye hair and skin.
oh the >brazillan
shotgun is the best !!!!
lol idk man with how long it took compared to most ive seen, a butterknife beheading is pretty rekt
A different type of edgy
that nerve gas though
both blessed by dubs
he was a true hero
>This is allowed
>Laura b is just too extreme to post on Yea Forums
apparently the story here is about some chinese family where the son is some kind of social reject and stays in house 24/7, prob depressed shit and parents are fed up, father says to son "shoot me if u hate me so much" but then son shots himself and dies. Then some random dance of pain.
IIRC your head remains alive for 8 seconds
how does this happen?
that shit was intentional
Op here with another goodie
>Laura b
not sure if I should post this here.
What's up with this one? Keep seeing it
I would have the strongest boner while beheading such cute boy
Why are chinks so fucking stupid. I’ve stopped looking at them as humans and more like advanced insects. Still better than niggers.
idk looks like regular chocolate milk
You fucking monster.
Nice reflexes you useless chink.
This is why chinks have bad reputations as drivers. Because it’s fucking true.
That was no accident. That was a girl child
What the fuck is wrong with you, you're sick in the head
The most extreme gore.
A sub human species.
If it's not illegal, post it
Anyone got the indian rape one?
This is now a china thread
Thats some GoT Battle of Winterfell cinematography right there.
Shut the fuck up
That nigga at the end definitely took his wallet
you sick fuck delete this shit
Kys first and post footage, fair trade
posting a classic
Threads like these didnt use to scare me but the more I see this shit the more I realize that I will die someday and it scares me shitless man. The worst part about it is that there is no other option than to die. Since I realized that Im constantly thinking about this shit and cant enjoy my life the way I used to :( Im on the verge of having a mental breakdown someday I feel.
rock concert!
Be nice faggot.
Thank you user.
then dont browse Yea Forums man, its shit board, only porn, rekt threads, some kike jewish shit and thats it. Find a new board and good luck
Such an alpha user. Says shut the fuck up on the Internet.
Fucking summer...
>and it scares me shitless man
rip kaitlyn
i cant watch this one. i don't give a fuck about any of the human ones, in fact i quite like them sometimes, but i hate this.
Nigs are gonna nig
haven't heard that before
Its nigganormandy
young girl that probably could have gone on to do great porn as an adult had horrible life growing up, pill addicted mom, abusive step father, was practically raising her younger brother, etc. an hero'd live after months of the mess that was her life unfolded before those who watched online
That's intense.
>enjoyin death of human but suffering for inferior animals
that just shows your autism and selfhate
What, giving water to a dying person is normal in India? Or committing suicide by getting under a train?
The pause where the driver debates if he should run the man over LMAO
summon Logan Paul
She survived with just a few scratches.
>kickin old lady on the vulva and running like a supermassivefaggot to hug your pony toys
Now thats funny
shut up you fucking faggot, I'm 21 and have a job, have been posting on this chan for 2 years, and have sex regularly, don't fucking call me edgy. I'm going to take thirty fucking Kershaw kerambit knifes and furiously stab you until your screams of pain are reduced to gurgles and then in your death throws find the biggest knife wound and fuck it until I orgasm, using the blood as lube, and I hope all of you other liberal retards get cancer and in your final days bleed out in a car crash so I can jack off to the images just like I did where the Starship Troopers where Diz gets ripped apart and chokes to death on her blood, you'd better fucking run before my penis is covered in your blood, and be a lesson to all of these faggots who think the fallacy of calling me edgy is a legitimate tactic for arguments
thx man will watch
please tell me this is copypasta
if not it is now
thank you for your contributions, you are a gentleman and a scholar
who the fuck sticks their head out of a manhole in the middle of the road without putting any blockers up
wait what the fuck is that
whale shark technically the largest fish in the ocean since actual whales are mammals
whale shark
I'm reporting you to the cops, I hope you rot in jail you sick fuck
lol. its because he gets rear-ended
Oh if its a fish is ok to slice it alive, its not like it suffers or anything
car stopped, then got hit by another car
oh im sorry i didn't know i said that
i don't speak grasping
It's like they genuinely don't understand that's not what a body should look like.
Jesus fucking christ, i thought this was just going to be a cute video
You should remove the first 2 minutes of that gif. Worth the wait though.
will do
thanks fam
I have seen so much shit on this site, but this is fucking disgusting.
Fucking retard
i need answers
On a rekt thread. Sure.
Father calling kid useless, may as well kys, throws gun at kid, kid khs
You people really love posting the exact same webms year after fucking year
gosh I hope someday I will be this cool
Deserved it if she was that retarded
it means you are gnu
wow dude. I would stomp that bastard who took his wallet. But not gonna lie, I keked a little
why they walk on the streets ?
Mother of the fucking year
Pretty much all stereotypes are true
Nigerian engineering at its finest
A viable theory I read on here was that chinas growth was so rapid that all the poor village folk basically lives in megacities by now over night. They just dont know how to behave in that environment yet. Btw did you know that some time ago it was mandatory for a drivers license in china to run over someone? Pretty fucked up lol
look at the zombies standing by doing absolutely N O T H I N G
welcome to murica
Subhuman countries
Nobody cares what you think you disgusting pedophile.
This is why pedophiles can't get nice things
holy crap, how was that allowed?
But that's a teen not a child you spastic mongoloid
>Chinese caring about others after an accident
Clearly fake
honestly...ive seen some fucking kids. someof them fucking deserve it. future felons. some fucking kid just the other day, 15, runs into traffic and throws basketball at cars. kicks it into busy intersection. yelling sexual shit at every lady that passes. screaming IONT GIV A FUCK FUK U etc... demanding strangers for weed and cigs...not all kods are angels. some are fucking assholes way before they turn adult age
There is this pic (or webm cant remember) of a stupid fucking bitch jumping out of a landed helicopter. The rotors were still spinning lol. Her fucking stupid smile and the expression of the man standing there made the pic great. Some people clearly dont have the capability to think dude
And nobody cares about your pedophile apologist's arguments, he's still a minor you retarded closeted pedophile
>may as well kys
No, the father is a police officer that was fed up by the son being a useless waste of oxygen and not getting a job nor helping his mother with the family business; so he pretty much told his son "you might as well kill me right now", son took the loaded gun and shot himself.
In other words, the kid was useless and the father underestimated his commitment to stay useless.
My apologies moralfaggot
May I have a full class of what is good and bad? seems fine for a rekt thread you fuckin autist
Why did they electrocute that goat
Sounds like this.
I'm fine with you being a scumbag, I'm just pointing out any pedo-apologistic argument is retarded, they're all disgusting scum of the earth; universally hated, more than racists, more than niggers, more than terrorists.
Don't know about the water but sucide by train is really common from what i see
lol found it
The justification? Scientific/military experimentation.
The actual reason? Sadism.
Turn down the flame
very strange social network this Yea Forums ...
what happend to the guy under the table
Are you trying to convince them or yourself? If you have nothing to prove why do you reply... Oh right, because they hit and nerve and you're lying?
shut up faggot edgelord.
working at mcdonalds doenst count as a job you wage cuck
This is fake
Sex with 18yo - perfectly fine.
Are you one of those retards?
I think back to this site ... it's interesting all that
Why does the kid start running, immigrants started being violent?
she simultaneously gave tits and got the fuck out
what a trooper
hair wrapped around moving part...scapled
this started off good, until i realized that im still on Yea Forums rekt thread.
strange way to clean up the floor afterwords
"This is men's fault"
"Men placed that street sign at that spot"
Are you gonna pull an oogenhand? Faggot.
Is that guy Nusret gökçe?
>Are you one of those retards?
I think is obvious he is
Requesting more underage being rekt, if possible toddlers so i can fap
>whales are mammals
gr8 b8 m8
Guy is like: well, i guess i'll get a taxi
he's in hospital and it's treatment, the maggots eat the dead flesh, in this case his eyes.
18 is a MINIMUM, anyone thinking the MINIMUM is the appropriate one clearly get it off with even younger people.
18 is still too young unless you're like 22 and below, it is a line we need to keep creepy old farts away from naive young men and women.
Edge Meister
Its been proven that there is no significant traffic hike in summer months. Moot answered this a loooooooong time ago. So go fuck yourself
Yes they are totally Immigrants
>18 is still too young unless you're like 22 and below
Sorry who died and made you king of human relationships so can stablish acceptable age gap for everyone?
Doesn't anyone have the context on this?!
ya think She ever saw the video?
>Sorry who died and made you king of human relationships so can stablish acceptable age gap for everyone?
Are you retarded? I'm saying it's too young, not implying any legality. Good luck trying to date an 18 year old being an old fart without being fairly judged as a creep.
Sad, weak motherfuckers want to prevent kids from fucking eachother. It's ok, they will never stop it.
Technically yes
What a shitty dad. Blamed his son for doing it too i bet.
I'm 25 and I will keep fuckin 16yo as long as it pleases me and kids will enjoy it and even their mothers until the my very last breath, stay mad moralfaggot
I guess its contact lenses for him from now on.
Nobody cares kids are fucking each other, it's part of their exploration and development; nobody wants to enable old farts to screw that development for their own gratification.
Underage throat master
Clean painless death. It's a more moral and civil way of dispatching an animal than those goat fucking halal savages.
I don't really care, you're mentally ill; I'm not going to stop a murderer just because I don't like it, but your actions will bite you back eventually.
Welcome to the FBI watchlist
>you're mentally ill
Conceded but not pedophile
More rekt
That was normal milk
Just really really really off
rip in pieces
oof, this one got me :(
what's with that hair?
thanks for not killin teh kat
>mfw a pedophile is someone who wants to fuck 18 years old people
What word do you use for someone who rapes a 6 years old kid? Gerontophile?
Trust me my best friend
dat file name
>mfw when I have zero reading comprehension
"ephebophile" is just a word used to diminish the meaning of the word pedophile, but they are equally paraphilic.
Thats pretty neat
Can someone please post the one with that dude getting chopped in half at a train station?
Cut(e) Canuck
How is it bait? Whales are mammals.
Moral-faggoting this hard in a Rekt thread...
Using the word moralfag is like covering your ears and yelling out loud "LALALALALALALA"
Didn't expect more from pedophiles, but you're retarded if you think I care what you do, I'm only pointing out that your agenda will never progress, and that you're mentally ill.
>they are equally paraphilic
May be for your jewish eyes
"ephebophile" is just a word to make pathological what is normal male attraction towards youngers partners
Like you have never beat your meat to "teen" videos in a porn site, fucking hypocrite.
>and that you're mentally ill.
Men attracted to a 17yo = mentally ill.
>google are whales mammals
man sometimes I wish I were 14 again then I realize how stupid everyone is at that age
Nerve gas is now solid????!!
you look like a kiddo, honestly
Unless you're like 22 yourself, yes, of course; do you know how to read?
Yeah, that's what I though.
Ahhh, no. History and biology are not on your side.
But that's not what matters. All that matters is that you feel good about yourself being a moral person. Reality be damned. Right?
Get a sharper knife. Weak game.
I'm shaking right now, thanks for triggering my ptsd asshole
>if you have zero reading comprehension you are a pederast
I´m sorry to tell you, but you are the one who doesn´t even understand what he is writing.
i would run too if a horde of thirsty subhuman niggers land on a strand where you were on vacation.
Anyone have the one of that kid with a Nike shirt on who waves goodbye and shoots himself with a keltec shotgun?
>Some people clearly dont have the capability to think
You are probably a redneck that calls everybody online a pedo, but then fucks his 10yo niece.
Chink kills self, parents break into interpretive dance
Imagine being the driver and having to bring the car to a safe stop while her corpse with caved in skull and brains leaking everywhere is in the chair next to you.
everybody do the flop! = D
>Get a sharper knife
And may be give him a kiss in the cheek and a mug of hot chocolate first so it's not that bad for everyone
If anything he should have used a fork or a nail clipper
Nice projection.
"Teen" videos feature porn stars in their 20's, but that category of porn is mostly popular among teenagers and men in their early 20's; why? Because only they would be attracted to it, if you grow up over your 30's and are still attracted to it, you haven't had enough sexual exploration in your life, which leads to a paraphilic disorder
Snopes are two jews
sounds hot
I've been married for 6 years, my wife is 2 years younger than me.
Shuaiby was his username
>Are there any women here today?
wow you must be super tough in rl, very intimidating!
As if you don't already know, jesus you guys are a waste of oxygen
could just post the video yeah?
kek ok
He was obviously beaten before killed, but a dull knife is just cheap. It tells a lot about the owner.
You got the vid?
>if you grow up over your 30's and are still attracted to it, you haven't had enough sexual exploration in your life
In other words, you're losers who can't get laid
You've got a 30 second soundless webm or the full 4 minute video to choose from now.
Not on this board, sound is not allowed and files can only be 2mb big
Spot on.
Pedophilia(sexual attraction to pre-pubescents) is the only thing recognise as a metal illness.
She reminds me of Sonya S.
I'm beyond good and evil
you on the other hand are just a waste of consciousness, unable to think by yourself
yeah i mean its almost like there is no point to a rekt thread on Yea Forums and should just browse liveleak instead
i mean its just better quality all around
im sorry for my digressions.
She didn't even fight it....
oh fuck off nigger. girls r lovely. kids r gross
Oh my, this is awfull
What do you mean.
sarcasm nigger. do u speak it
Yo, I won't ask again! Someone must have it
Different platforms, different means of communicating with one-another. The formats are vastly different. Think about the user who requested the video here.