Hi (I'm vegan)

Hi (I'm vegan)
To all of you meat eaters, fuck you you fucking murderers.

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Nom nom


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Makes sense with a pig nose like that.


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I'll eat your meat

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get a hair cut and stop dressing like a woman, fag

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nom nom nom

steak :D

Attached: sadfsafsadf.jpg (500x375, 180K)

what did you say? i couldn't her you over the moo from my steaky to be.

Show penis

fuck yourself, cows etc. here for us too eat them… fuck you and get the fuck off..

i eat a nice filet… :) fuck off you cunt bitch

Respect to you matey... These monsters will rot in hell

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Plants are alive, they also have cells, breath, feel, react to being attacked, some emit a sounds of pain at optics we can not hear. Vegans = Still murderers... Malnourished Murderers at that.

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Also OP stop larping as a vegan, we all know your really a cannibal.

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For every animal you don’t eat, I will eat three

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I will eat none so have fun finding 3x of all the animals on the planet. I’ll wait

Stop avoiding your natural impulses.

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nice dubs

Post more pics



Where are your windows? Your bedroom looks like a mental asylum. Also post nudes.

Hi Vegan

Why did you quit being Vegan?


I have corned beef hanging from my teeth as I write this...

Show me your bionicle collection

Is it okay if I fap to your pic?

Well, when I came home from school my head started to get really hot. So I drank some cold water, but it didn't do nothing. So I laid in the bathtub for a while, but then I realized that it was my hair that was making my head hot. So I went into my kitchen and I shaved it all off. I don't want anyone to see.

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Thanks meat is tasty

I know vegans are kind people, in fact I tried to become vegan but that sucked. I feel bad for the animals I eat.

I'll eat your meat. Huehuehuehue

Low quality bait.

Kinda fucked up there, aintcha?

Agreed! Meat is murder! If you fags had to kill all the meat you eat, you'd all pussy out, cuz killing animals for food is fucked up and unnecessary. You think going to the grocery store to buy a hunk of meat is somehow manly and tough .. You don't know shit about what it means to be a man.

I'd hate fuck you then force meat down your throat repeatedly until you were normal.

Nice I’m vegan too but tits or gtfo please

i call bullshit on her she only has one bracelet on her left hand. everyone knows you need at least 6 to cover up all the scars from when you cheat at being vegan.also the bracelet looks new i think this might be troll come to steal our cookies.

you have a ponos or a vergina?

Enjoy being unhealthy and looking like shit.

Why are animals made out of food?!

I agree. A person needs to prove able to kill in order to be allowed the privilege to eat meat.

But then again.. Milk eggs etc isn murder so enjoy

Incredible how you managed to write 1 word without telling us you are vegan first!

ah loove vegans,
they taste like chicken

you know that we evolutionary are that because we eat meat


Buying meat is manly and tough? No, buying meat at the grocery store is what most people do on a weekly basis. We just call it buying food, faggot.

What an incredibly stupid thought.

I'll stop eating meat if I see your tits w/ timestamp

You sure you want to piss off murder people? :3

90% of the things you own were made by slaves, workers in slave conditions, or otherwise some illegal or immoral process. Every vegetable you eat is produced by humans who do back breaking, life dominating manual labor for the better part of every day of their lives, and you prefer that to animals eating grass for years before they die.

Tits or gtfo

And that is just an opinion of yours backed by nothing so there

Same pic same shit been being posted here for the past 3 years. Kindly kill yourself.

Because killing plants and insects to make “vegan” food isn’t murder, just sounds like someone who rather pic and choose what lives are important to convince themselves they’re good people for helping something defenseless (while killing and eating something even more defenseless). Another note, honey isn’t vegan, because it comes from bees, bees are insects not animals, but you can’t eat honey if you’re vegan, but if there’s insects crushed up to make your food dye or fake meat foods is okay, cause they’re not animals. Vegans are worse than the meat eaters, just pretentious losers who want to act like they’re doing something, without actually doing anything. As someone who hunts, I respect the fuck out of the animal who’s life will now help continue mine and I feel the same respect for the plants and other living organism I consume such as mushrooms since they’re not plants, but fungi. Also not to get started with all the land it takes to farm the food, then all the extra to keep vermin and other pests from eating the plants (which normally results in animal death, making the veggies no longer “vegan”) but since is not meet is okay, not only that, but if we’re going to hold vegans to their own standards, they literally shouldn’t be using anything that runs on fossil fuels since, that came from, you know, dead animals, or is ransacking the dead okay?