I love diversity

>i love diversity

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>I can't stop complaining

>i love dicks

>My wife’s boyfriend got me a Switch so they can spend more time together.

Bet you don't live next door to it? All SJWs live remarkably shielded lives.

>my life is a shambles so I worry about what kind of sex other people are having

Most SJW’s are middle class white suburbanites. It’s what happens when you don’t have anything to complain about, you just start making shit up.

I was a diversity once

>I’m so apathetic the world around me can turn to shit, but that’s okay because I live in my own bubble.

>I’m so (a)pathetic

>”No u”

can confirm, was the diversity

>>mocaccio latte at only 30 bucks? such a deal

>I'm so apathetic that I let the world and my own life go to shit and don't actually do anything to stop either from going to shit
>but I'll still ceaselessly complain about everyone else because it makes me feel good without having to actually do anything

>cultural diversity is the main driver of success and progress

>I still like to project though, because even though I’m a failure I like to believe everyone else is as well.
>God I love soylent and soy products.

Yer arse

are we supposed to disagree or not

>Unironically kill yourself.

You can disagree all you want but that would be evil and racist (which are the same side of the coin)

whilst beeing on both sides of the coin at the same time, making a toss automatically a "good" decision

You hate the others you know of. You KNOW OF certain races but you don't KNOW them. You don't talk to them. You're not friends with them.

Back to int/ retard

Definitely ask your peers what you're "supposed" to think. Especially if those friends are on Yea Forums. That's very healthy.

Don’t you have a cuck thread to make, goy?

what if I don't want to disagree all I want what if I want to agree with you all I want xoxo

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You're so common and ordinary I could puke.

I'm not your goy, cuck

Yeah I thought it was obvious too but apparently not

>This thread

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