Be me 18 NEET loser

>be me 18 NEET loser
>meet with friend
>he brings his new girlfriend
>she asks what I do
>awkwardly tell her I do nothing
>she gives a disapproving look and says ok
>feel like a loser
>ffw a few hours
>walking home with friend after we walk his gf back
>tell him I don't think she likes me, prolly thinks I'm a loser etc.
>he says it's none of her business and tells me he just wants someone to fuck so pay no mind to it
>feel better
>thanks friend
I slowly am getting my shit together but for now I'm just wondering why everyone hates NEETs so much

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women hate NEETs because they just want to use men as an ATM. if you are a NEET, you are a big FUCK YOU to women.

don't worry user. Get your shit together on your own terms.

incel detected

NEETs do nothing for society. They are basically leeches that need to be burned off.

If you are a NEET then you need to at least be doing something with your life, but you fags just sit at home and play video games. No girl wants to be with someone who is so weak willed that they can't even have interests.
Get it together.

you're on Yea Forums go fuck yourself you fucking nigger

also I got a hot Argentinian girlfriend with big fucking tits

because neets are useless user

Lie next time homie. Say youre a system administrator or something, bitches are stupid.

Big everything I bet.

Newfag detected.

>also I got a hot Argentinian girlfriend with big fucking tits

Well that just goes straight into my cringe folder.

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Go on disability and get all the bitches

her ass isn't huge but it's good enough and her nipples are massive

I don't think it's a's more a disappointment mixed with a bit of pity.

I was a neet for a while after graduating college and can see the feedback cycles that keep neets where they are. It takes a serious internal change of heart to escape. Hence, the pity.

But there's hope'll make it, lad.

You have a slave mentality while NEETs think like Alphas. Society isn't there to be served, it's there to serve. Frankly put, you're just a uppity bitch.

I don't understand. I've been homeless before I've leeched off someone. Actually 3 different times. Now I work a 100k job and have a girlfriend to take care of. I never ever stopped working. Even now when I'm asked if I know how to do something I lie and say I have experience and then I go research and do it on a weekend or after work easy money. Everyone wants something done and is willing to pay a bit cheaper if possible so go work that. Work until you drop and make enough connections and bullshit enough to get a job. Hey. I'm 18. In a horrible part of california where everyone complains about not having a job. It's still possible so get it done.

>be me
>Looking for housing
>Housing prices so high now because of all the immigrants we take in
>Don't want to live in the ghetto
>Decide to get a house with a walk out basement to rent out to split costs
>Find a guy online looking for a basement
>We exchange conversation via e mail
>Decide to meet him in person
>Before he comes he sends me a text asking if he can bring his friend along as he does not do well in social interactions
>U wot, mate? (The guy is in mid 20s)
>Uh ok
>He shows up, stereotypical neckbeard
>That's fine I'm not looking for a friend, just a tennant
>He's awkward as fuck
>I ask him what he does for work
>Doesn't work
>How are you going to pay rent then?
>On social assistance, gets $1200 a month
>Nigger your share of the rent is $1000 how are you going to live off of $200/month?
>Says he's good with money
>I dont want to make a scene but have decided this guy is not for me
>He then goes on to complain about how much it sucks living with his mom and having no car
>Get a fucking job idiot

How do people turn out like this? How can a parent fuck up this badly? I mean Jesus Christ you faggpts bring all of this on yourselves

Imagine actually thinking this....just imagine it

Fuck are you talking about? Guy is right. Go wash a dick of your Master after he fucks you in the ass you bitch boy.

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Oh yah a those alpha basement dwellers. Get your head out of your fat ass and take a walk outside, you delusional faggot

Pics or it didn't happen fag

>Bitch got fucked by society so hard he has a Stockholm Syndrome
lmao what a beta

You have lots of time user, just make an effort to progress away from NEETdom

I'm self employed have a wife and 2 kids that love me. You watch anime and jerk off to furry porn in your mom's house and no one ever even thinks about you

Hate is too strong of a word. I think it's that people simply look down on NEETs.

NEETdom goes against human nature, and things that go against human nature people naturally find "disgusting" - it's a biologic response ingrained into most normal people over millions of years for the purpose of survival.

Look at it this way. By nature, everyone is supposed to have a "drive" or a "motivation" to do SOMETHING. Not everyone is driven to be a CEO or some big wig, some people are driven to music, arts, computers, science, law enforcement, cooking, cleaning, whatever.. you fuckin name it. While there are some judgemental assholes out there, the overwhelming majority of people won't look down on you or find you "disgusting" because you're driven to do SOMETHING even if it's not a money maker. How many of us know struggling musicians who will never make it? They still get respect, pussy, etc even if they are in fact losers; but they aren't NEETs.

Being a NEET where you legit just sit at home with zero motivation and play video games all day is kind of like saying to the world "I gave up on being human" and people look at you that way. If you're playing vidya all day, why not start your own business, or go to school for vidya and get a job in vidya? That kinda thing.

Many people also look at spoiled rich kids the same way; they aren't NEETs, but the ones who literally just live off their parents money and never work or try to do anything (especially when they have the money to start businesses or do what they want)... well, it's disgusting, because it goes against human nature.

if all he needs is groceries, 200 a month is pretty doable

i was secretly a neet for a large person of my life, actually moved away from my family and got a job here in california about 9 months ago. nobody else really noticed a difference because i act the same. i go to work, come back, enjoy time by myself in my apartment. most people have no idea i've been financially independent for less than a year.

i'm just saying, some guys can get out of it