Secrets Thread.
Degeneracy, indiscretions, etc.
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Secrets Thread.
Degeneracy, indiscretions, etc.
You are anonymoose.
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My best friend passed out xanax and i copied his entire phone to my computer and stole his gfs nudes and pornos they made
Can you post some?
had 12 gf when 25
Screenshot of one of the pornos
I masturbate to my daughter Jenni every day
Is she hot? How did you feel now when you meet her?
Female cousin I had only met once before as kids got completely wasted at a party. My aunt had me sleep on the couch next to her. Proceeded to partially undress and feel up her amazing body.
This was 10 years ago, there are no pictures and I don't use social networks.
Since? Moar please
>Proceeded to partially undress and feel up her amazing body.
did you wank while you semi-raped her?
Yes shes super hot and i get hard really easily thinking about her sucking dick or her naked
Did anyone do gay experimenting with their friends growing up?
i did. whole thing was kind of gay to be honest.
When i was in elementary school, i used one of the girl from my class as a sex slave. I tried everything i wanted with her, and when i was done, i just tossed her and never talked/saw her again
what happened? tell the whole story
It's been awhile. She is so sexy to me. Nothing makes me cum more than she does.
I walked up on two women shooting heroin in their car, at a park. They had their windows rolled down so I felt the tits of the driver. The passenger had her door unlatched, and was barely in the car. I opened the door and she slipped out onto the ground. I felt her up and pulled my dick out to fap. Her mouth was open so I put my dick in it and facefucked her. The driver said to stop it in a sleepy way, so I walked over to her side and opened the door. She didn't resist at all when I pulled her face to my dick and slipped it into her mouth. I came and kept fapping with her mouth till I came again. The next morning I read a post on Facebook about 2 disgusting females covered in shit, and the pic was them. Somebody had more fun with them after I left.
we used to rub our tiny penises together and pretend to fuck each other at sleep overs. obviously our penises were to small to actually fuck each other in the ass, but we pretended.
I want to seduce and fuck my cousin Ashley. Pic related.
thats actually pretty fucking hilarious.
that's all you did?
I lived with my cousins when I was 7 until just before I turned 9 and they kept framing me for stealing things and hiding things in my room while I was in the shower. My aunt and uncle didn’t believe me so I was put into foster care the day after Christmas after it happened again. My cousin fucked my life up completely more than it already was. I remember the first time I was suicidal was on my 9th birthday a week later, thinking that no matter what I did they got away with doing that to me. Then worse things happened to me after being put in foster care.
there was some kissing and dick sucking, but mostly just humping under the covers at night.
>You are anonymoose.
Well that's not a suspicious assurance.
Nice try fbi
I remember my father's last words even though I pretend I don't.
Have you cum her food b4 user? Tell me more about your relation
More please
>Nice try fbi
lol. not even close. i am this fag.
Does your wife know about it?
Oh, well in that case, my wife likes to jerk me off while I watch beast porn.
Good times.
Recently found out my soon to be wife used to date a cuckold. She's done some wild shit and there are pics/videos but she doesn't know that I know
She would hate me if she knew
why she got liquid poo-poo?
Can we post fantasies?
of course you fucking virgin.
I'm addicted to sniffing her thongs and beating off into them
Go on, I’m masturbating.
I'm aroused knowing another man wants my baby girl. I'm a sick fuck.
Look at it more as pride that you and your line are that sexually attractive.
I fantasize about sister a lot. At this point I want to have sex with her
I like her legs, how about i knock her up and make you a grand pa?
have you tried rape? that might work.
Her legs make me go crazy
Why don’t you rape her? I think it would be worth it
I let my nephew shower with me and my gf earlier today
Was she your same age? What did you do with her?
Could never hurt her like that
Considering it. She's kind of a bitch and it would knock her down a few pegs
And if you propose her something dirty? She would do it?
Mmm maybe
he probably said something stupid
More ass?
"Quit shaking the ladder you little shit"
want me to rape her and send you pics?
i fap thinking about kim K snuffing taylor swift in a death fight
or maybe vice versa
I cum on my female co-workers food, I see what they put in the lunchroom fridge then sneak it off to the bathroom and add a salty surprise.
I think about who my ex's are fucking, and how they are some guy's prize, and how he's fucking her brains out every day.
I beat up my first girlfriend. Every girl I had after I treated well because I felt terrible for letting my rage get hold of me. Am I going to hell?
That's why I made sex tapes. I have the power to ruin my exes lives at any moment. Makes me feel better about things. ALWAYS make tapes. Always always always.
I sometimes dream of having a gf and having sex with her.
cheated on my gf with this girl
if you really are sorry enough to be willing to make things better and change, i think you'll be fine
Demi cheated on her bf with his brother. She sucked his dick
Her kik's demip7v
I like wearing adult diapers. Just bought some more Tykabkes
My sisters body is perfect and I don't think I've ever seen a girl hotter than her
What about her? Your sister is fucking ugly.
I would find it extremely hot if a non-white person fucked and creampied my ex and gave her a non white baby
you were doing the Lord's work user. dont feel bad for it.
What an awful red flag before marriage.
I also fucked with her sexually and turned her into an absolute fucking whore by mistake. I had a fetish for deepthroating her and would be so manipulative so she would let me do it. She would then let me gag her, but she would cry and shit. After she left me because I was an abusive fuck, she went on a banging tour around town. I took her virginity, fucked with her, and turned her into a whore. She was such a beautiful simple girl, but I destroyed her. She could have been my lovely wife, and we could have had kids by now, but I let my demons out and produced another whore. It's not the lords work.
Bifag here, I'd love to fuck my gf's super cute nephew, ideally consensually.
The girl.
The Lord would approve your work, and so do I. Thank you for doing your part in making more whores for the world to enjoy.
My friend’s little sister came to a house party I was throwing once and passed out from too much liquor. My older brother and I took her to my bedroom and fucked her several times each. Was a nice bonding experience.
A 14 year old girl took advantage of me when I was drunk. Still feel really guilty about it.
taken in sacramento area?
you were raped. its not your fault.
Girlfriend is in to rape fantasies/rapeplay. Fantasized about being used by multiple men. Likes being fucked when she's under the influence and or passed out.
I've tag teamed her twice now, and she hasn't remembered a thing.
I hope so alex
ye wtf
I mean, I still feel pretty bad about it. Yeah I was drunk but I still committed a crime. Part of me wanted it, obviously, even thought it took me getting drunk to agree to it.
I have no idea where this cunt is now. Took when she wasn't dating me.
Good to know someone is a fan of holly taylor
Was she raped in the past or is she just fucked up? My girlfriend was raped by her dad and she’s into rape kink and daddy stuff.
She was sexually assaulted in the past. So I'm sure there's definitely a connection there.
Figured. That’s always where those fetishes come from.
Different user here, but does she ever talk about it at all?
I have trouble getting mine to open up about it. We used to be able to talk about such things, but one day she just couldn't, and now its like a cloud hanging over us.
I was never sexually abused yet I still have rape kink daddy kink ddlg all that stuff just bad
have a child with my sister. only our mother knows.
My wife keeps my dick locked in a chastity cage.... Nobody knows.
And presumably your sister?
Hmm. Where do you think it comes from then.
We talk about it, yeah. She’s fairly “over” it, her kinks are the only way it really defines her now. Maybe sit down and voice your her? If you can’t talk about it, at least talk about why she can’t talk about it? Let her know you’re concerned?
How old? Any health concerns yet? Odds are that kid is gonna be fucked up.
Fuck if I know. He died when I was like 7 though.
I do have weird things inside my thoughts
*voice your concerns
I'm going to the wedding of the girl I fucked at a party 2 months ago. Her husband to be has no idea what kind of a slut he's marrying.
Such as?
About being fucked by a dad what do you think
rather not say. and she's normal. so far so good.
Lol I thought you had something interesting to say but never mind
That’s good at least. Who do people think is the father
>Let her know you’re concerned?
Solid advice. I appreciate it. She does know im concerned. And we have a similar history, so talking about it wasn't something we could do with others, but we could always do with each other.
For the most part I just worry she's quietly backsliding and im helpless to help her.
Yeah, that's just the tip
ex-boyfriend who does not exist.
Well like I said, talk with her, let her know you worry she’s backsliding, just tell her everything you’re thinking. I wish I had something better than that. Maybe get her to a professional?
Oh yeah real strong guy you are.
Okay but does he think he’s the father? Is your family seeking child support from him?
just post the video
Wait never mind I misread that. Forget the first question obviously. But is your family looking for this guy who doesn’t exist?
Its good advice. But yeah, we will probably never see "professionals" again.
At least not for this. The only good consequence of that was each other.
Tbh im just concerned she's worried about the men in her life being like her father, her becoming like her mother, and having a child. I get hints of that sometimes. And just dont know how to answer.
>But is your family looking for this guy who doesn’t exist?
no. id give more detail than i am comfortable with, but no they dont look. but strangers have said that she looks a lot like me. but she also looks like her, so its not a problem.
I’m not sure what to say about the kids. Go out of your way to show her you’re not her father, be kind to her. But if nothing else, tell her all this. Good luck.
Married preacher with 4 kids. 3 are from 3 different men. Wife and I have been swingers for years and have a serious bi cuckold crempie fetish. I've sucked more cum out of her pussy and had more dick in my ass than the Holy Bible has Psalms. Hallelujah and Praise Jesus!
Fake but it saddens me there are people like this out there
This one time in band camp, we all shared one cig, it was so hardcore.
Me too user. Ever came on or in any of her things?
Came in her shampoo once
Not fake, can post proof.
t. user on Malaysian basket weaving forum judges me. Kek
Let’s see the proof
I got my mom blacked in a fucked up way and still regret and loved it. Kik: myfiance4bbc21
What you want to see? Ordination certificate or my diploma from Southeast Bible College right next to a few snapshots of my wife in a sex swing servicing several hung guys?
I once saw pictures of a female that was in need of rescue. I swooped in outta nowhere, now here I am.
My old work friend once drunkenly admitted to talking part in a wet t-shirt contest and said it was "once on their website... but now its deleted" since that day I spent month searching for it. After paying for the site I managed to find it, and its basically all I nut to, had it for years by now.
she turned into such a slut in the video, all for just some free drinks.
Was sweeten bullets at that confession until pic.
You literally said you could post proof you fucking moron
You got kik? Interested in trading stories
wholesome. anons gave pretty good advice imo. you seem to be doing your best and that's okay for now. just keep on it. 'professionals' really can help though, keep that in mind. there are shitty professionals out there but there's some decent out there as well. they're people too, some you 'click' with and some you don't.
I'm a born again Christian who goes on Yea Forums. Yes, I am a sinner.
The latter
No kik. Plus prefer to share here
I dream about magically body swapping to a cute beautiful young woman for 48 hours and have a gangbang with all the lonely horny virgins on Yea Forums.
I don't care for your color, race, white, black, brown or yellow, if you are fat, fit, skinny, short, tall, handsome or ugly, I will take all of you.
Just be clean, take a shower and be std free.
I'll be on the pill so no condoms, I want it raw.
Everything is permitted, dp, dap, dpp, bukkake, anything.
Yes, I'm a virgin and I self insert as one of the virgins fucking the beautiful woman.
my secret is that I was raped by 3 different people in my life, my dad growing up a bit (not much), someone I knew in high school, and a guy I went to therapy with and his friend.
I'm pretty much "over" it I guess but it comes up sometimes. and I don't tell anyone in my life about it. I have a boyfriend now and he doesn't know anything, which I'm okay with but I sort of wish I could explain better why I don't have my dad in my life any more or why I get bad about touching sometimes.
I don't ever want to tell him, really.
Wait...sorry isn’t that 4 people who raped you then? Share details.
Picture from the video will post more if there is interest
>a guy I went to therapy with and his friend
Can you explain this please?
Greentext would be appreciated but at least answer this.
>was it group therapy and a member of the group?
>or was it your therapist?
>what happened then?
ah, I guess I counted the therapy guy + his friend as one in my head. you're right.
Please give details. I had fallen for a girl in my group therapy but I didn't rape her.
How old is she? Still live with her?
What exactly happened?
Title should read "Post fake stories"
im a beta cuck with tiny clit.
I guess I don't really care if you're getting off to this. I've never really told this to my therapist either, so meh.
I was sort of friends with this one guy who went to the same group therapy program as me. we hung out occasionally outside of group. he was sort of flirty sometimes but I ignored it.
one day he called me and asked if I wanted to hang out so I said sure. he pulled up in a car (he lived near me so normally we just walked) and he said his friend also wanted to hang out so I was like, okay....
they're smoking weed so I smoked some too. eventually they pull into this sort of shitty motel, I'm getting weird vibes but idk. figured I was being paranoid. therapy friend guy said his friend had a room there with more weed and he wanted to chill there. so I went in and smoked a bit more and watched TV and after a bit his friend started feeling me up and I said stop but he didn't and I was kind of really a pussy so I didn't know what to do. froze up. was pushing but then therapy friend started stopping me so I honestly dead fish'd and just laid there.
She's 22. I don't anymore but it still see her pretty regularly
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
It goes without saying.
Interest from me, bud
Not the guy you're replying to, but real rape stories like that are so arousing. You know it's a larp when someone talks about fighting back
What happened with your dad, and the guy in high school?
I still wish I'd fought back but idk.
I went to the police a week later but regretted it because I was scared of the therapy guy and the police asked me if I had screamed, if I was sure I said no, etc. I kind of thought it was a stupid cliche that police asked those kinds of questions but idk, I just wanted to drop it at that point because it was a week after and I wanted to forget it.
Frequency of these threads and enquiry into full story and detail of very specific condition filling shares is giving a clear sign this is not being done for individual entrapment charges by an agency. Rather it's closer to large scale evidence gathering that would occur when a 3rd party organization attempts to create a "RECO" style cache and use it to bring down regulations on the internet's days as the wild west for our freedom of thought..
>I guess I don't really care if you're getting off to this
I'm not getting off to this.
You can help me though.
I went to group therapy.
There was this girl I really liked.
She seemed to be ok with me because she touched me a lot after sessions and laughed at my jokes.
We are not in the group anymore.
I have her in Facebook.
I want to see her and meet het, just talk to her and see how it goes because I really liked her.
She knows from group therapy things about me as I know for her.
What to do?
Shall I message her to meet?
Can it work out?
Please answer.
Thank you.
That's a really stupid question, hard to believe anyone would even ask that. The natural response is to "dead fish" as you put it, that's what real rape is like. It's good that you could move on from it
she's your daughter, and by god's law, your property
you may do what you want with your property, as per God's law, just don't rape or pay 10 silvers
I wonder if she's fucked that big ass Puerto Rican dick yet.
story about my dad is sort of boring by 4ch standards. he was (is?) an alcoholic. would not put his dick in me, would just touch me a lot sometimes and make me touch him.
with the guy in high school, it was a friend of mine who was walking me to the bus stop (I was taking a public bus home because I walked somewhere after school) and he took a detour with me. he pulled me aside into one of those sort of under-building parking lots and started kissing me a lot with a lot of tongue and I started pushing and told him to stop but (surprise) he didn't. he put his hand on my mouth and I'm not shitting you when I say I don't remember exactly what happened after other than my pants were off and he was telling me I'd always remember him because he was gonna take my virginity. he did and then left me so I put my pants back on and took a bus home. I was a foster kid at the time and I lived in a youth shelter, when I got back there I went to the bathroom. he didn't cum in me but I was bleeding a bit, not much honestly.
looking back I was really fucking emotionally dead from this shit LMAO, I really don't remember crying a lot other than from my dad sometimes. just no emotion.
the one i know is the blonde one. Always had huge natural tits. Remember always staring at them in work
some choc stains in her ass
getting to know her outside of group therapy I think would be good, user. there's this weird mentality in group therapy, sometimes people don't really act like they do in "normal" life there.
um, it does seem to me that she at least enjoyed talking to you too! you could message her to meet up, I suggest keeping it casual. I also suggest not bringing up a lot of... personal things, even if you've heard more personal things in therapy from her. that's different cuz that's a therapeutic environment, you know?
you're probably overthinking if you should message her or not.
Jesus Christ. I’m sorry.
Tell your boyfriend about it. You can’t keep all this shit inside.
me too
Thank you.
She knows from therapy I'm a virgin and I know she had issues with abusive cheating bfs (not rape though) so I'm afraid she sees me as a lesser man.
I won't bring it up but I kinda nervous.
I don't even know how to initiate the message.
Any help would be appreciated.
Keeping shit inside is what works for a lot of people, don't be such an emotional soyboi
honestly this is gonna sound autistic but I feel like if I involve past trauma it's gonna ruin this relationship for me.
he's waaay out of my league, he's a total normie pretty much. very attractive in my opinion, and I met him off /soc/. he's very optimistic, never really experienced a lot of shit in his life, is around my age (early 20s) and already has a career.
when do I bring up trauma in a way that doesn't scare him off and isn't TMI? I don't wanna scare him off Yea Forumsro, I'm lucky as fuck to have gotten him at all.
it doesn't "get" to me a lot but my old therapist used to do that therapist shit where she'd relate a lot of my bad habits and random panic attacks to my old trauma, so idk, maybe I am just underestimating how much of an effect it's had on me.
I just wanna be normal and stuff u know
>met him off /soc/
Don't kid yourself, you're top good for him.
You know what, I take it back. If you don’t feel the need to tell him, don’t. Just find an outlet to vent when you need to so you don’t explode. I guess this shithole works as well as anywhere else.
try and think of it as messaging an old friend you haven't talked to in a while, you know?
"hey! haven't talked to you in forever!! how are things?"
I'm not super experienced in this kinda stuff but, I think keeping it casual is good..
honestly though, I really think if you try to relax and not overthink it, you will be fine.
The majority of chicks have rape fantasies. While the majority of chicks raped before say it's a domination fanatsy not rape. I'll give you the kicker it's the same.
the only thing that's 'conflicting' about if I should talk to him about this kind of baggage is that I wish I could explain my reactions to some things. I know he has never commented on some things, or on any scars of mine (I was an emotionally fugged teenager, of course I used to fucking cut), but I know he notices them, and I feel like I'm probably just overthinking it all. this is my first time venting this much anyway, and I think I'm good just not telling him anything now honestly. I probably am just overthinking it, he doesn't need to know all this baggage.
How long have you been in relationship? It's definitely pretty heavy to drop early on, although depending on the person it might work. But there's really no reason to do it at all unless you feel comfortable with it, and it'd really depend on the kind of person he is. If he's not very experienced it might be really vicariously traumatic for him and it'd be understandable that you want to keep it from him
/soc/ is full of normies, it's disgusting
she most likely doesn't see you as a lesser man. I don't really know the full situation, but I don't think it means that much to be a virgin any more. my boyfriend is a virgin and I kind of like the idea of maybe being his first at some point.... maybe she likes the idea too (if you two do hit it off like that anyway).
breathe user you got this
>30-50% depending on study
And it's not that it's domination, it's that during a rape fantasy the woman is in total control even though she is trying to pretend she isn't, which is why it isn't the same as real rape
>during a rape fantasy the woman is in total control even though she is trying to pretend she isn't
You mean some kind of worship like a fertility goddess?
Some friend you are.
I would do that to people who aren't friends frankly also becausd I don't want to see my friends do it.
I never post or even lurk on /soc/ anymore tbfh, WAY too many normies.
I've been in the relationship for a few months.... I guess I should know exactly how long, but I don't know.
really not that long regardless. I probably am just overthinking it a lot.
I haven't dated that much so I'm not sure what the 'norm' is any more, especially when it comes to sharing and shit. I had one other ex and I had met him online yeeaaars ago, we dated for over a year irl when I had realized we lived close-ish, and we started dating soon after we started meeting up irl.
so I don't have a normie dating standard to personally go off of.
I think they mean that she's in total control because if she says no it STOPS. she controls the important parts, and it's all her choice.
By definition you can't be out of control in your own fantasy, and in reality rape entails a lack of control, so a rape fantasy is just pretending to be out of control while in reality being entirely in control of the situation
>if she says no it STOPS
It's not rape then.
Although I suppose women could get off with the lack of control.
Not stopping even if she begs them.
I suppose there are rapes and rapes.
Some not so bad, some emotionally scarring and some resulting in her death.
Go on..
Yea Forums isn't the best place for advice on normie dating standards haha. But I think it's healthy to take things relatively slow, and at a few months you're really still just getting to know each other, I think it's something that if it's right to tell him you'll eventually feel that it is, no need to force it
don't seem that huge in this pic
Yea Forums is where you call others fags, teach others how to be "alpha", then rate dicks and confess doing gay stuff as a teen.
Yea Forums the place to overcompensate
Doodoo ass hoe
yeah, it sort of makes the concept of 'rape' something.... way more manageable in your mind, I think. if that makes sense....
I'll be honest, I'm into cnc too, though I've never tried it irl. among other things, of fucking course.
but not irl. with my boyfriend, I have like, zero sex drive. same with my ex, I would almost never get super turned on. I still read doujins and I'm on a few good discord servers for the better shit, but I just don't get that turned on ever irl.
inb4 "it's cuz of ur sexual trauma user just talk to a shrink about it u retard"
I know I should I just don't
fair enough lul, thanks user
>my cousin Ashley
You really want to be doxxed huh?
Or more likely, not your cousin
The fact that you post this as a secret; is what makes it weird
>advice on normie dating standards
These wouldn't help me.
I hear from my friend
>just be yourself
>went to a bar and a chick gave me her number
>lol the girl from works wants my dick
Hell, when we enter any place girls flirt with him like that.
He radiates confidence or something.
Can't relate to that.
I'm the creep who doesn't talk and looks low in shame.
Hope there's a surveillance video somewhere of you doing it that can be used as evidence.
god I love Yea Forums
Sex drive naturally varies from person to person. If you're on any anti-depressant or anti-anxiety they can really fuck with sex drive, and if not it might be worth getting your hormone levels checked, low testosterone kills sex drive in men and women. But it's totally possible that you just have a low sex drive naturally. From a male perspective I think CNC is incredibly sexy, I love the idea of raping a woman and having her fight back as hard as she can, but deep down knowing that we actually do both want this
>ALWAYS make tapes. Always always always.
Look everybody it's VHS-Man
How old is her nephew?
you say like this is a bad thing to do
How will that ruin her life?
Were people under the impression she's a nun?
All that'll show people is that she happened to have dated a vindictive creepo.
>dating one girl with twin sister
>we go camping
>her sister came along with her boyfriend
>i snoop around her phone sometimes and i happened to come along a conversation between them about a swap without us ( the bfs) knowing
>horned up on the idea of fucking her sister
>camping night
>they say they wanna go pee so they leave
>come back with switched clothes
>i could always tell which one is which even though other couldn't i don't know how, i just can
>her sister was next to me so i wanted to see reactions from both of them and i start groping her ass
>she was cool with it and acted like it was normal
>went in for a kiss and we were making out infront of my gf
>i could tell my gf was aroused by it but her sister looked like she was into it too
>nighttime fingering her in our tent
>rock hard i make her blow me
>choking sounds which she usually doesn't make
>thought i would just fucking go for it
>bareback fucking the shit out of her
>really pounding her in every position
>100% they could hear us in the other tent
>came in her mouth and she swallowed (my gf does too)
>thought of the other dude fucking my gf crossed my mind
>didn't care cause he was a manlet and mentally i could not even compare myself with him in any level
>fucked her again fingering her asshole and everything
>came a little bit inside cause i wanted to shoot a little bit inside before i pull out
>she had 2 orgasms too
>went to sleep cuddling
>wake up
>my original gf is in the tent
>woke me up and started playing with my dick
>she does that occasionally in the mornings
>she told me last night was amazing
>figured that's what her sister told her so she is telling me
>morning sex with gf
>they still don't know i know
tell him
a few years back I got everything tested because I got some kind of random sickness, they just ordered a bunch of blood work and shit. I had slightly high test for a female, actually, and I used to be on meds but I'm not any more. only klonopin as needed, I don't take it that frequently.
my most shameful faps have always been to rape webms tbh.
For real?
I thought it was a porn thing.
I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
90% of the secrets are sexual bullshit.
Just goes to show how americans are sexually repressed prudes.
Good for you to know that. It's hard to break the stigma about rape fantasies, especially as a rape victim, but there really shouldn't be one. There's a whole rapekink subreddit, which means even normies are really into it. You could try floating the idea of CNC with your BF
The absolute state of American sex ed
you should tell him
reposting from >have a few dvd-r discs of my parent's pov homemade sextapes (they don't know) since 15 and over the years has and is an occasional go-to when I'm feeling particularly questionable in my tastes. Hours worth of raw footage.
pic not related
>The absolute state of my no sex ed
Fixed it for you
What's CNC? Reminds me of an engineering term.
cnc = consensual non-consent
rape fantasy.
consensual non-consent
It's just fun to know every macho idiot guy i ever met was trying to cover up wanting to be fucked by dudes.
>consensual non-consent
Sounds incredibly vague and senseless.
You either have consent or you don't.
You can't have both.
It's oxymoronic.
I was thinking about computerized numerical control about engineering machines being driven by computers.
consensual non-consent.
pretend rape where both have agreed to it underlying. reclaiming something that was taken away. pic kinda related.
in the kink scene i've taken part in a few to aid healing to trauma when they were younger. it can be scary stuff, but so long as you use safewords it can be very liberating.
>pretend rape
That's so confusing.
What happened to penis in vagina?
I'm married and pregnant and I'm not sure who the daddy is. I was with 3 different guys.
If you're into rape for the reason of the potential mental trauma it might cause down the line for the victim then I guess it might be confusing for you
hope your son is not from a different race than your husband
Stfu megan
I didn't understand a single word of what you said.
If the chick is down for some rough sex sure I'd fuck her rough but that's not rape or imaginary rape or whatever buzzword shit you make up.
Stop over complicating things, it's just sex, you don't need a PhD in evolutionary biology and social psychology or whatever new age mumbo jumbo to do it and enjoy it.
Piss off.
best not to think of it too hard.
think of it as doing them a favor, albeit a very negotiated one.
not for guys that lack self-awareness or dealing with their heavy emotions that come into play.
It's a possibility :\
I'm a bartender at night and go to school during the day. I got drunk after work on night and had a three way with a regular and his coworker.
sure it's rough sex, but she's allowing you to be part of something special. lots of emotions involved and it's a very intimate thing to be exposed to that as you give it out.
Wow, so enlightened. Penis in vagina is penis in vagina, anything else is stupid, it's not like people have thoughts or feelings about sex
Next time you have a threesome remember:
>nigger cock in the stinker
>white cock in the pussy
>mouth is a multi culti free diversity and expression zone for all
Have fun, be safe, don't racemix.
I'm a simple minded man, I'm not big brain and educated like you kids.
I'm making her a favour by pretend raping her?
Now I'm really confused.
In the old days sex was reciprocating, is that problematic too?
I found all of my friends nudes, and I told her, and she promised me not to look. I look all the time. In fact, I'm still searching for the videos
I'll try to remember that, but there won't be a next time. I should have known not to get that drunk around guys.
Where you looking for it? Wanna find someone's nudes from a few years ago
>there won't be a next time
Don't be silly, have a bigger gangbang.
You enjoyed it didn't you?
Just take the pill and have fun.
I enjoyed not getting raped. I put myself in a situation that would have been rape if I had resisted.
I posted here about me and my step mother about three weeks ago, and posted again about moving back in with her on Eater weekend. If you missed it tough fucking shit i`m not posting it again.
Update Everything was good Saturday and Easter Sunday, and then she started wearing less and less clothes around the house in front of me, til Wednesday when she only had a thigh high night shirt on and was bent over looking through the fridge with her ass in the air, couldn`t take no more, so i grabbed a hand full of her ass spreading her cheeks and ran a finger up and down her slit and it was on we spent the rest of the day fucking and sucking. Had a deep long conversation about it and our past sexual experiences and now we are sleeping in the same bed, and fucking like rabbits every chance we get.
>I didn't resist to not get raped
You wanted 3 cocks inside you or not?
It was 2. I was invited to an after hours party. I was told "everyone" was going. I get there and it was just a few ppl. I used the bathroom. When I came out it was me and the 2 guys. Next thing I know we were drunk and the guys were feeling me up and kissing me. It was fun and felt good, but I think if I had tried to leave it wouldn't have ended well for me.
He's right you know, most women don't resist rape, so either you were raped or you weren't, resistance doesn't factor into it
When I was 15
There was this 10 y/o girl that lived on my street that would come over to my house and give me handjobs/blowjobs/lap dances whenever I asked
You tell me, was I raped?
It wasn't rape, you wanted it, they wanted it, all three of you consented, it happened, accept it and move on.
Doesn't make you a worse human.
Just be honest with yourself and the ones you care and they care about you.
small world.
mine was 12. i was 16.
she wasnt a next door neighbour but she lived at the end of the road.
we got along pretty well, and this was just something we did for fun.
anymore detail?
>was I raped?
No, you weren't.
Not even a little bit
I just kinda stumbled upon one and fell down a rabbit hole. Who are you looking for?
I can't say I wanted it. But notice in my original post I never said I was raped. I regret putting myself in that situation.
But now I'm 12 weeks pregnant :/
Friend of mine. Know she posted nudes somewhere years ago but she deleted them. Hoping someone saved them and posted them somewhere else
She got made fun of at school for not being “pretty”
I would comfort her and it just built to her trusting me
you should get back with her, and wife her.
it is your duty to control the semen demon you have created, and use her as you like but always take care of her afterwards, to save your soul.
What does she look like? Initials?
bad ass.
i just wanna fuck me cousin yall know, eat her out real good.
Mine and I bonded over her crushes not feeling the same way about her.
Told her she seemed cool anyways (and made it very obvious that I thought she was hot) and one thing led to another. If you didn't know any better we were always around each other and you wouldn't be none the wiser.
Trust and honing that goes such a long way.
Also, getting her into lap dances solidified the idea of self-esteem/worth/confidence.
My chick took the knott in her ass for the first time last night.
I'm 24 and I am just now forcing myself to learn how to make friendly small talk and flirt.
My 1st lap dance from her was when she came over to swim.
She was in her little 2 piece bikini
Having her ass rub against my dick drove me crazy. She could tell she made me feel good.
Sorry man, don't know her
I was dating an alcoholic single mom and she would get blackout drunk most Fridays and weekend nights.
I took this time to mess around with her daughter. I got as far as going down on her before I got busted one night and thrown out.
Luckily she didn't report me and we never spoke again.
Sounds sexy as fuck, not gonna lie.
Taught mine how to give private shows within the safety/comfort of my room. She was v bad and hilariously naive at the start, but caught on quickly.
My friend got busted for posting revenge porn of his girl, who is one of my close friends. I spent months hunting it down after she told me why she left him, fapped furiously when I found it. It's on loads of sites.
Figured as much. Any tips for finding nudes though?
I regret not trying to smash
But I had some weird handjob/lap dance fetish
I could only get off to her jerking me off or an ass job from the lap dance
I'd pay someone to help me crack my rar file. Has so many videos I made with multiple women and family members
We're missing information here. Did she deserve it or not? Like was she a raging bitch or a sweetheart that loved bunnies?
It was probably for the best that you didn't smash.
There is no better sight than having a girl who's completely enamoured with you that absolutely does not have a twerkable body/curves trying so hard to twerk like a porno slut.
That alone is worth putting off the smash indefinitely.
Dude, this happened to me. Except I started fucking her on the reg after.
So back then I was a lifeguard (not the fat fuck that I am today) and apparently she had a crush on me. I flirted with her a bit, but not too much.
One night I went to a dance and was shit-faced. She waited all night until I left to come find me. I was gonna go to an after-party, so asked her if she wanted to come? We drove a bit and I guess my reptilian brain took over because went to a cornfield I knew and parked so we could drink.
I kind of passed out or blacked out or something for a few moments. When I came to we were making out and she was topless.
Hot damn did she look good. We ended up fucking that night. She called me next weekend and we hooked up then as well. Then dated for about the next 10 months. She was a hornball. Found out she was molested, so that probably figures into the equation.
I think I was 21 at the time.
My gf fucks our dogs.
woah splendid
I still want to fuck my fiance's fat,idiot 19 year old daughter and get her pregnant.
Same. Mine just started taking the knott anally
Sounds like you had it made.
Why'd it stop?
Sounds like you should have your dogs checked for STDs.
Post it
she was young and I was in college. She wanted to be a kid. Then she fucked someone else. Rumors got back to me, blah blah.
I moved colleges for other reasons, and we had a one-night stand then never heard from her again.
I'm in contact with her now years later thanks to Facebook. She apologized for her behavior, and wishes that she had stayed with me.
She had some crappy one-nighters, etc. her husband is a little rednecky, but seems nice.
We both agreed if we meet up again we'll probably fuck one last time for closure. But she's like six hours away, and that's not worth the drive for just sex.
It's pretty surreal and hot to see her so debased. She's so nice, too.
Nah man
I needed to smash
She was flat up top but had some nice thighs
They were thicker than most 10 y/o girls
And she had a little ass
Ah fair enough. And wholesome
It's great that some things can be left in the past.
Each to their own.
Mine had minimal curves. But a great taste in fashion, outfit coordination. Sometimes that's all you need when they're popping their bods..
Ha ha dont have it on my phone, will see if I can find a link
Mine didn’t wear any revealing or tight clothes
But days she would give me a lap dance or come over to swim we’re the days I really got to see her body in just panties or her swimsuit
Mind if I ask how this all started? How does it factor into your relationship?
When i was last yer in high school and at the start of college i had a 40y old tsugar mama. Basically she was successful businesswoman no kids no husband i meet her at my first summer job in High School vacation, it was at clothes shop basically she was running all the brand shops in my town. She would take me to nice nice dinners, gifts usually video games, clothes, got me a nice phone we will spend the night or weekend at her house, at the weekends We have sex multiple times a day, hang out in the pool, hot tub she had a IUD so so I was not worried about getting her pregnant.
I've turned 3 of my last 4 gf on to k9
Good Lord, didn't think I'd get hard thinking about a sweet girl willingly taking a dog knot on her ass
ikr...i love seeing her tied
My best friend has a 20 yr old daughter with the body of a porn star... Huge tits, rock solid abs, and a nice round ass. Unfortunately, she's a heroin junkie and is currently living in a seedy motel with her junkie boyfriend turning tricks to get their next fix. My best friend talks to me daily about what to do about it. I'm very supportive and am his shoulder to cry on, so to speak.
Except I'm not supportive. I'm currently devising a plan to get her away from her junkie boyfriend, clean her up a bit, and get her into porn. She's that fucking hot. She'd be a fucking star (literally). Thinking about putting her up in a nice hotel, paying for her habit, and videoing her fucking for a few days.
It all starts with a toy lol
Nothing sexual or crazy, + I was a kid.
>7 years old
>friends with 5 year old black kid
>playing outside
>see a loner kid playing soccer by himself
>he sits down to drink a bottle of coke
>hand my black friend a large stick
>tell him to smash his face with it and pour his drink on him
>he does
>kid starts crying and wailing
>his mom sees, grabs my friend and screams at him
>marches him to his single mom
>black friend is crying and pointing at me
>get asked if I had anything to do W/ it
>deny it and throw my friend under the bus
>tfw that kid never came outside to play ever again
I don’t know why I did this. I know kids are dumb, and I shouldn’t blame myself but I’m 27 now and I still fucking hate myself for it.
Trips elaborate please
It's quite the jump from toy to dog knot
> getting hot heroin slut into porn instead of grooming her into your personal sex kitten
you're stupid
Hello Aaron.
I used to be a good girl (got scholarship for college, lost my v-card to my high school sweetheart boyfriend, etc) but slowly I've been corrupted into a slut. I just keep getting kinkier and sluttier. I always liked being submissive, being told what to do and pushed around. The older I've gotten the worse it's gotten. Now the idea is being used turns me on so much. I want to be someone's sex slave. I want someone to own me and I want to be shared with all his friends. To be relentlessly gang banged. I want to be creampied I don't know why I've become such a dirty slut but I can't help it. It's all I can think anymore. I need to make men cum like I need to breath.
you didn't commit a crime. she raped you ; she did the crime. not you at all.
I don't need more sex. I need a fatter bank account.
this here you moron!
First make her your personal sex slave, and *then* get her into porn. You need to make sure that she *needs* you first, then the money will flow. Don't fuck this up OP, we're all going to live vicariously through you. We expect updates
if you're not LARPing, move to Lawrence, KS. My wife and I need a slave. My sex slave and her household (and sex) slave.
Sure you can find more. Theres loads out there including vids. See her regularly with her fiance and fap myself to death afterwards every time.
Move to southern Ontario, Canada. Could make real good use of a sex slave
It's not complicated, but it's a lot of lil baby steps. This thread will die b4 I can lay my methods out tho
Dude you gotta tell him
I may be missing a lot of fun stuff, but lets begin with what i remember:
- Ate a piece of shit fallen from GF's ass during anal sex. I was beind her, she wasnt aware, and it was done to not confuse her with smell and messed sheets. So I ate it (probably a size of a wallnut) and drinked with some wine.
- Was invilved in a sex with anorexic woman. We were friends years ago, and when we met again.. well, life wasnt easy on her. Still, I did it! Also, she got miscarriage. Probably from me.
- Later did her again, she was already married. Her son now looks like awfully like me, but her husband seems ok with that.
- Once got drunk with a coworker and asked him for some gay stuff. He was obviously gay, but refused. =(
- Went to bathroom to vomit, and got caught masturbating there.
- Late night window masturbation sessions. I dont know why, im just doing it.
My ex is such a cuck. Knows I'm fucking other girls yet still fucks me, such a desperate bitch. She likes to pretend we're still together
Sorry that this happened to you, good for you for moving past it. I hope they get what's coming to them
have a friend that has a family (step daughter 15, son 12, daughter 10). another friend and i go over to play dnd and drink. i usually sleep in the theater room upstairs (it has a door/lock).
one night i feel a hand on my dick. i'm a light sleeper and can see the 10 yr shadowy form. my heart starts racing and i don't want to spook her (also i was still buzzed), so i let her keep exploring. she removes the comforter and touching my stomach, chest, and package (by then i was a full attention). by then my mind was racing and images of swat busting in and throwing me out the window with a bullet in my head. she keeps on touching me and in a move i turn over (face down) and make a low grunting noise. afterwards i hear the door close.
she's done this 3 other times. the last time she actually moved her hand up my thigh into my shorts. i so wanted to grab her and open her legs and go in. i twitched my dick as she got closer and i guess that freaked her out.
haven't been back. my friend has also slowly stopped txting/calling saying he's busy with family stuff.
Awww I wanted to hear so bad. Plz come back next time!
I'll look for the next one