Tripping balls on some lsd show me some cool shit Yea Forums

Tripping balls on some lsd show me some cool shit Yea Forums

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Are you ready to experience a power not felt for thousands of years!?!?

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checked and yes show me father

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Describe how that picture makes you feel. How do you perceive it?

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safe and looks like a lizard

Go look in the mirror.

Dragon ball

I have i am 5

Lol why did you take this from the other thread? I posted it not too long ago

were in the same room together he wanted to post to my thread we tripping man nothing makes sense

That's rad as hell. Have a good time you two

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Here’s some kino Christian music you should give a chance

Have fun accidentally a whole penis

Please do this for me!!

Watch these 2001 bionicle commercials.

Tell me how these make you feel, how you perceive them

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fucking love bionicles dude

This should get you hype

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YO this shit on acid would be wildddddddddd

Who doesn’t?

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youre a god send

just watched through them they make me feel nice and really nostalgic

The Great Spirit sent me. I want you two to feel some kino early bionicle feels.

Look at these turaga on the cliff. Are they watching for someone? Are they waiting? Maybe they were waiting for you to see them. What would happen if they left the cliff and you followed them?

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I want to follow them where will they take me

You follow them and soon find a lonely guy. He was working but his job is done now so he’s all alone. He’s not green like the jungle is; what does that mean? Can you trust the one who finishes his work?

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I can trust him hes a hard worker

He’s happy you like him. He wants to show you his friends. Bionicle people enjoy travelers

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Im more than happy to meet his friends

Here’s the celebration for your arrival. But they want you to know life isn’t always fun. They can only have so much fun together because they know that life can be mean and unfair and dark... the knowledge that it won’t last is what makes the bionicle festival fun

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I wanna stay here forever though

We’re all sorry we can’t stay together forever. And there’s so much more to experience that we understand, even if that doesn’t make it easier. There’s so much knowledge hidden away on this lonely island in the sea. If you had the time, would you learn it all?

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If i had the time i would yes

Even the secrets that creep into the pets of your mind you try to hide?

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yes even those secrets

listen to this

so this turned into a bionicle thread ? im in . had this guy he was my favourite

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yorue a cunt

This is Makuta. This is the evil one’s form. He has no form. The great spirit is creation, so his brother is destruction. His brother is the pile of pieces you lay on your carpet before you build. Only out of the pile of pieces can your vision exit your mind and into the world. You can’t make things out of the Great Spirit’s creation anymore than you can combine the objects in your life to make something new. We wish our creation would last forever, but it’s because Makuta lurks- it’s because the void destroys that we can build forever

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Thank you for putting us through this journey me and my friend loved it made our trip a memorable one

This isn’t just a bionicle thread, this is the great spirit guiding one man (or maybe 2 I think his friend is tripping too) through a journey on an island separate from our world where he can learn the deeper meaning behind the things he built as a kid.

And you’re obviously a child the skrall were weak

my friend wants something to post to find you again whenever we trip so you can bring on another journey

I doubt we’ll ever cross paths again. It’s a large island with many mysteries for us all, friends. I’ve grown immeasurably since I began my journey. I’m a turaga myself. And you’re now part of my village, our koro. It is our duty to work together and through our unity we will achieve our destiny. Here’s how I was when I started my journey. Like you, I was plain. All I had was the tools I was given and through life I grew and acquired powers and tested myself and looked the evil in the world in the eye and came back stronger for it.

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My friend says thank you for the incredible journey i was completely immersed and through all the shitposting on this board i feel like a connection with you my mans

As long as you both understand your personal duty, you can work through unity to achieve your destiny. That picture is how I looked when I began. I’ve changed so much since then, but that’s a good thing. Maybe that picture can comfort you or inspire you as you strive to transform yourselves.

And even when the mysterious island takes you through a scary path, ont let fear stop the journey. If you can dream it, you’ll move more than mountains

Here’s a closing video for you. If you want more bionicle I’ll post epic old comic art

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Im sorry if you cant understand what im typing
but thank you for this it was great

I'll dump some of the better stuff from my trip folder

pinealgland dot tumblr dot com

behance dot net/gallery/69976231/Gibberish-Collection-12

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I understand you :) watch the video I have never combined bionicles and psychedelics so I’m glad you could.

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You are a real one my guy, I am OP's friend on mobile and i just wanna say from me to you. I had an amazing time

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Oh sorry realized I linked the wrong video.

This is the last video you need to watch, if you haven’t moved on yet