Someone sent me an email with this saying its a hidden message
can someone help decode?
Someone sent me an email with this saying its a hidden message
can someone help decode?
morse code, look it up
I tried Morse code and a few generators to try to reverse it but get nada
thats what a morse code translator said it means
wow morse
many dots
much hidden
yeah tried that, obviously nonsense
Try translating the message backwards, or try and pick out certain letters and decode it.
maybe its not morse code..
It's saying uh.
Would you look at that, it fucking knows things.
try to translate this
-.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / .- / ..-. .- --. --. --- -
It says something about a faggot named moot.
no it doesn't
It says:
>"I want a divorce Jim, It's been 25 years of misery and this gay hobby of yours ruined our marriage."
but my name is david not jim
It says 'be sure to drink your ovaltine'.
Was that the only thing in the email that might be a code?
I think the first word is raid. The issue is knowing where spacing is
I got it OP! It’s actually pretty funny, so I don’t want to ruin it for you. To read it, hold it up to a mirror at a 45 degree angle. You’ll thank me later
OP, what you have there is a secret message with proof of Russian collusion!
Still working at it. "RAID THE"
it wouldnt have anything to do with raid, its from a girl who doesn't know shit about Yea Forums
Without spaces is impossible to decode
Fair enough. I had to make assumptions about spacing.
.-. .- .. -.. - .... . -.- .-...--.-..-..
Bullshit! You don’t know any girls, you neckbeard!
Shit he's actually right. Look up a morse code sheet. It checks out
Can you at least give any context? Did she say anything else? Have you two hooked up?
Haha yeah. I'm not bullshitting. I just like this sort of puzzle. Came here for porn and got distracted
Raid the talp[...] Not too sure about that p