fucking cringe
Thats what ur mom said when I showed her your high school year book photo
What is he trying to be?
coping wh*teboi detected
I date black guys, but an afro or do-rag is a huge NOPE
Asian sissy boi
jokes on you i never showed up for pictures.
some kind of nigger dressed like a spaniard trying to promote ugly spics getting with niggers
you fucking dumb ass shitskin
Why do white girls take sexually suggestive pictures with black guys Yea Forums? Its like they want to anger white men.
sauce is you're a cuckold. commit suicide you disgrace
you deserve to be murdered for being a weak disgrace to white people
race baiting aside
fucking an hero
the model is @gawkgawk100 on instagram
Velveteen Dream is great, I don't get the issue.
you must be stupid nigger here
have fun running from your offspring you retarded monkey
Just angry white incels. Ignore them.
im sick of this "whiteboi" shit too, trust im on your side, sick of the cucks and insecure niggerfaggots on this board but that doesnt mean we post tumblr shit
its not the interracial part you faggot, incels arent the only ones upset, its the fact that at any given time there are like 5 fucking race baiting threads
>its not the interracial part you faggot
Keep telling yourself that.
i dont need to because i dont stay up at night thinking about interracial couples. truth be told i dont really care if interracial couples exist im just sick of niggers acting superior when nigresses date white men as well
well more white men have to fuck black women then
Hyped for Velveteen dream vs Tyler Breeze at takeover