Texas Thread

Texas Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


The elusive 940.

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anyone want to shoot their loads all over my wifes tits?


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Yo 940 here what part you in?

956 here. I’ll do it in real life if you want.


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Need some 915s

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Look at all that cottage cheese. Yum

any 956?

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believe me she would love that, what part of 956 are you from?

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Mcallen area

we are in browntown

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im glad i left that shit hole of a town

The tits are worth the drive

but brownsville def had some bad bitches

any Euless fags here?

True, but most of them think their shit don’t stink.

yeah we are planning on leaving soon, its fucking garbage here

believe me they would be worth it and then some

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Any 972 /214?

Someone needs to drop their KIK and trade some 903 with me. Preferably Dallas or north Dallas. I also have wins from Tyler area too.

do you have any other girls nudes from brownsville?

Damn, I could imagine those wrapped around my dick. How’s the ass


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940 here

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just my wifes tits

she would love that, she always talks about about wanting to have a nice fat cock between them, and her ass is pretty good but i dont have any pictures right now.

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Vanessa C. Went to Hanna

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Willing to travel for that

Come to SA I’ll fuck your wife if you need

more 940

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Kik? I want my cock between your wife's fat tits

Damn where at in 940

the dirty falls

I know y'all niggas have some of this slut.

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she doesnt have one but i will ask her to make one
believe me she wants your cock between them too

From Stephenville here, when can I play with her tits.

Does she work at Hooters on callfield?

nah wished i had some hooters girls

Drop her kik when she makes it. Wanna see more of her

Anyone have more of this girl here, see her pop up on the new chan site.

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Everythings bigger in Texas...

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God more plz

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you like?

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For further research what's the new chan?

Very much, she’s sexy. Any idea who she is?

ya from a small town in 940

its basically the new user ib

Fucking st jo, that's one trash ass village

Those are the best. any wins of her?


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ya but this thread is kinda a lurker thread so not anytime soon, i may do some on a vol a

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Well let’s see it, I don’t want this thread to die

Gotta link?


Doing god's work sir

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very nice

Dayum where in 903?

903 tyler/lindale

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ill post her all if someone shows me a 940 slut i know

Attached: 042.jpg (1280x1024, 47K)

Looking for 903 Tyler/Athens/Malakoff. Have lots to trade.

Anything on tatted up crazy Alison?

Damn she’s so fine

Any 903 in Longview?

903 yo!

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Got kik? Where in 903.

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Any Samantha from Carthage?

Texas server join up


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More pics?


512 chick, Megan P, anyone?

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Hurst here.



let's see those juggs

Any 915?

806, Amarillo/Canyon

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lets have em!

Also in 956, dat_guy2389 kik


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Any Wichita Falls sluts?

Any 936?

You tell me and if you are right I will post her face.

Last name begins with?

What part

damn, what a pair. more?

C.A ?

I'm from Carthage


Any 409?



know her? (on the right here)

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Conroe or Montgomery


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Was s

Anyone got Kayla s from 956?

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maybe from a party once, but never caught her name. got win?

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713 shelby

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Was s?.. lol what's it now?

Looking for Zuleyma from Royce City.

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very nice. any other 512 win?

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Any Paris 903 girls?

210 here

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915 here

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325 940 reporting in.
whats up y'all faggots?

yo where you at? im near Haskell

I need moar 915

Anyone got Dakota j in the 214?

damn theres a lot of 940s are all of you in Wichita Falls?

Kik: yourenotit

Down to trade some North Dallas preferably Garland Rowlett area sluts


Post kik


915 here

Attached: IMG_0817.jpg (1242x2208, 424K)

Got a kik? Let's trade

Got a kik?

trade 940 falls sluts kik dm13227

More? Where in 361?

Hnnng more

just her

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I got some 832/713 hoes if anyone is down to trade David_San23


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keep going, she's hot af. ex?


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God I love it


>Too big unless she has a small penis.

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Any Courtney T.? Big slut from around Decatur/Fort Worth. Or Sami R.? Same area?

Wf 940 poor yotes

Beth Geisel Euless slut

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Anyone from 210 know a Juliet guzman no nudes just want to talk about how's we'd fuck her

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No a chick but I'm from 409

Damn she got a name?

Shes legendary

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who is this?

Fuck me. More.

Oh fuck man yes

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Austin slut

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Any Amy S? 817

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corpus CHRIST fuck

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Love the drugs. More

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fuck yes

Longview bro here

More bet this bitch wants a cock in her mouth or that ass

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I'd nut so hard in that ass

940 fags im disapointed in u

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If you live near 979 / bryan college station area, and you’re a bi guy who wants to suck some dick and DP my Gf with me then kik me smokin_dreamin

Any thong?


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Yo 940 fags someone sell me some black

Fuck that's hot

Jacksonville? 903 here

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I want to cum all over her

in bru

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-15-10-31-47.png (1080x1920, 905K)

Those tits are garbage

Someone post Erendira from 214.

DFW area Chelsee

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More w dildo?

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Holy fuck I wanna impregnate this slut

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More 915? Unfortunately don't have any wins myself.

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Keep fucking going

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Corpus area

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Damn she looks dirty

Who is she

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What part of SA

Someone got a girl in 817 with a biohazard tattoo?

Not to sure. She look familiar?


Will post wins of her before she got the tattoo if anyone has any of her now



Anyone got her?

Attached: IMG-20190203-WA0013.jpg (729x1296, 71K)

I know her from tinder, not from Texas.

This looks like calli from atx

Anyone know her

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Who is this

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Girl from Ingleside

Gianni 713 goes to ut

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Is her name tristina

Leah 713 slut looking for nudes/stories

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fucking moar

Kia c from 713 stays in 512

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Sure isnt

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Any of her sister Shannon?

Keep going



Anyone from san antonio



Also trying to find swingers in SA

You know this girl

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Lol no

(((Laredo only)))

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I have no idea

You know her

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Always wanted to see Shannon’s tits any more of Emily?

Attached: A8960740-BBD1-48E8-9A9D-98CF68292A85.jpg (750x750, 63K)

That’s all I got.

What about her

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I got some more of Emily myself

Attached: 30A0FC27-89CB-4F62-A51E-74DFEC1826D2.jpg (720x480, 33K)

Nope I don’t

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Let's see some TXHC bitches.

Anyone know victoria


Attached: 1138268594155.jpg (467x623, 56K)

Nah she's from Spring area always a drunk mess in a bar.

Shes at community college

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903. Anyone know her?

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Another 903. Tits below.

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Attached: 000b.png (1584x1104, 1.46M)

any 409 bmt?

Anyone know Brianna D? 210

Attached: B3C1DDFF-C2F0-47EC-8D2F-6EBB42E85AC9.jpg (552x960, 34K)

O fuck more

210, anyone know BL?

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My fellow fags this is a jackpot here her talk post wwyd if you want there's leggings and bikinis @MissThannggg her twitter

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Damn that's hot


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Great ass on her

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That’s it homie

Thanks bro she's good material

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Shes a slut

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What's wrong with the proportions?

Gig 'em


Nice froggo body. Some women seem to lack what real good looking girls have.

Idk the angle? Heres another.

Attached: 000c.png (1022x1110, 910K)

Okay, long shot but S.A.?


Still wrong

Well not for you then. Sharing for anyone that may know her.

It's like getting a Choco chip cookie that has only 1 chip