We fucking your women black boi
We fucking your women black boi
black chicks that arent retared nigger bitch aka muh food stamps my section 8 love white men ive had 3 show alot of intrest in me but im really emotionally damaged and cant have a meaning ful relation ship
They're hungry.
>im really emotionally damaged and cant have a meaning ful relation ship
i don't like niggers , just like the next guy but their dicks are vastly superior. So it's only natural our white women prefer their big dicks and their overall superior physique
is this an attack against discord or what
thzat's pretty gay
Black pussy looks like horse pussy
I only fuck black women now. Only the hottest ones, which can be hard to find, but it's so good. They smell better too.
I'd still marry her
Lmao, you're terrible at pretending to be white
implying black men want black women which they dont
You DO realize that niggers don't care who fucks "their" women since they kinda know already that nigger women fuck everything that has a loose dollar in its pocket - right? Tell me you know that.
I would marry ana Foxxx and eat her out even if she kept fucking other guys for years
It doesn't work the other way around user we don't care
Loves white cock
woweethat's a mutt not a nigger
We know that. But we'll breed Blacks out of existence, works for me honestly.