If you could make any rule for cute college girls in order to satisfy your fetish, what would it be, and what's the punishment for not following it?
bonus points for having different punishments for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd offences
If you could make any rule for cute college girls in order to satisfy your fetish, what would it be, and what's the punishment for not following it?
bonus points for having different punishments for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd offences
why dont you start?
what rules would you make?
No bras and panties allowed on campus. Must prove they aren't wearing any asked.
1st: underwear is removed and destroyed
2nd: stripped and clothing is destroyed. Must go the day naked, anyone can grope them
3rd: forced to be a public cum dump for the week
Right here
What would happen to these 5 girls who decided to wear panties? i'd want 3, 4, and 5 to have reached 3rd offense and 3 continuing to resist
If it's their first offence then they're going to be stripped and redressed without their panties which are then destroyed. 3, 4 and 5 would be taken where they are and brought to the main foyer of the campus. They're locked in stocks and have their clothes ripped off their bodies
I'd want to see her reach the third punishment
Or my sister
If 3 continued to resist, more drastic actions would have to be taken