What is your experience with CBD?

what is your experience with CBD?

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ive smoked it, havent made me high
not smoked since

Its not supposed to get you high bozo.

I've got like 15 grams of CBD isolate at my house. I like to make a tincture with MCT oil and I also dab it with my rig. Helps alot with my cripplit anxiety and also helps with my tremors.

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can you give me an idea on dosages? I will also be taking it for anxiety

Yeah I buy 3 gram buckets of isolate from Infusions CBD. I take about a pinky nail size mound under my tounge and let it dissolve for a few min. Take more if you'd like.

i use it to relax, help with my lower back, depression and ocd...i think it helps a lot.

took the oil for a month, ended up making me more anxious so I stopped taking it and haven't touched it since

Makes my eyes super dry. Also, super sleepy. But, overall very relaxed. I'll use it if I'm having trouble sleeping. Gonna stick to THC to enjoy myself, though.

Its bullshit and does nothing. The only people that think it does are the same people that think fibromyalgia is real.

Is it more expensive than real weed? Do people sell it to retarded teenagers?

Only use it if I get too high and need to come down

It gives you AIDS and bad luck.

Placebo for faggots

It's a fucken placebo. It don't do anything. But you think it does

It is not a psychoactive high, it's amazing how many people fail to understand that before trying it. It relaxes you and makes you less anxious, perfect if you're stressed or just wanna get comfy. It isn't a placebo at all, I've smoked CBD strains in large quantities before and you can feel pretty woozy from it (but in a good way). It has a similar warming effect to alcohol, just without the drunkenness that follows.

Tried it for anxiety/insomnia... did fuck all.
Just smoke normal THC high weed, at least you KNOW it's doing at least something.
I got through a 50g tub od CBD high weed and not once felt any benefit and it was rancid too, ended up throwing half of it away.

CBD oil might be a different story though, higher concentrations for sure.

I dab CBD wax everyday, it's awesome. I like to smoke some THC bud after that tho.

CBD oil is crap and u won't feel it, but CBD crystals or wax is good and gets you "kinda" high.
It just has to absorb from your lungs for max effect.

Whats my experience? Its usually older, pretentious wood stock boomers trying to get in on the weed culture trend that take CBD. Havent ever used it, dont need to. I dont have a "muh crippling disorder" type of attitude/excuse about life. Although, a fat joint goes great with a jack and coke.

Cloudn9ne is absolute shit. Buy legal meds, wherever its coming from. 100% garbage

it's if all you have had before was sativa
indica is the same but instead of that energetic awake feeling it is more chill relaxed and melt into your bed kinda feel

sativa awake energetic
indica is a sleepy weed