There are 3 types of guys in this world
Which one are you?
There are 3 types of guys in this world
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the third guy just like you user
gonna align with jacket in this one
I suppose I will give a close second to hoodie, but t-shirt is a V I L L A I N
All three.
I'm 1, look like 2 and I'd probably fuck 3 in that outfit..
I'm red.
Black gets a pass because she cute but it's only a fantasy and he straight irl.
Death to green, total faggot and degenerate.
Pretty sure the guy with the skull shirt is very close to Shadman's actual personality (super-femme).
1st one.
Wanting to get something in your anus even if is from a woman NO. Never. And the third is not okay either.
>I'd probably fuck 3 in that outfit
n-nice de-desu...
Most 3, but partially 2.
Yes, I'm a fag.
Why is the middle girl (brown hair) so bored, angry and aloof?
i need a sad(t)girl
I..I don't know what that means.
I unironically like how shad draws, I don't like how his stories turn up though.
>desu = isn't it?
Nice, isn't it?
1 in 4 stories end well
J-just saying t...that I think y-your post is...c-cool...
All 3 desu
>3rd guy keeps visible arm hair when trapping
When they see cheerleaders:
guy 1 thinks of sex
guy 2 thinks of gay sex
guy 3 thinks of cheerleaders
Yeah. I'm number 3.
mostly the 2nd one and just a bit from the 3rd
1 well adjusted
2 truly lost faggot
3 confused, he has to fuck a girl and he'll be alright
You're missing all the fun normie
the third one just like all the other degenerates on this site
I'm a 40 year old virgin, don't call me normie.
I'm not a faggot though.
Look I'm not him but if you want your asshole cleaned out by cock...
Oh I...I mean...I-I didn't say-y that...
Is it not possible to be both 1 AND 2?
I didn't need you to say or confirm it, just post ass
Agreed, this is the first guy. Let's see that ass in a skirt!
forget the skirt and skip straight to panties.
unless you're all hairy still, kinda prefer my subs clean shaven but hey
#3 completely
Which one is gayer though?
The dude who wants to be banged by a load of dicks?
Or the dude who wants to dress up and be like the girls?
For this question assume guy 3 doesn't want dicks, and just likes to dress up.
Also for this question assume traps are gay. (They are anyway, but if you don't think they are, pretend for a minute.)
3, but I'd have the kind of sex in both 1 and 2 (while watching the cheerleading outfit).
I'm literally 1 and 2
if you want to crossdress (not for dick) then that shows just how much you like women, so much so that you want to be one, which means it's actually straighter than fucking women. If you fuck a woman while dressed as a women it's the straightest thing you can possibly do.
>which is gayer
>sex with men or no sex
what a S T U M P E R
aesthetically the edge lord, but I fuck like the letterman jacket
if you kiss a woman you're gay because women suck dicks and dicks are gay.
That what you tell yourself?
All the soy boys that'll argue 2 and 3 aren't mental illness
I see you are also a man of culture.
If you're a guy and you masturbate you're also gay because gays touch dicks and so do you
A prostate massage from a girl is one of life's greatest treasures user
Can't get me enough of a good ass in tight panties, and some traps know how to work it-- was in a thread with one and came bucks, must'a been a nursing student cuz he had lots of shots in scrubs.
Never knew I had a boner for nursing students but there I was, boner and all
no user, i'm not stupid.
if i'm going to dress like a woman i clearly want to get fucked like one too.
anyone who crossdresses but says they aren't gay is just in denial.
2 is the gayest.
3 is not gay if no dick up the pooper.
Yeah but only 1 in 3 stories end
The last one, definitely
>Bang woman while you're wearing a cheerleader's outfit
Sounds hot.
Most girls I know are Italian, so I'm used to arm hair. Feels weird when my arm hair is shorter than my friends.
You're right...
then how the fuck would you know if fucking a girl would set #3 straight? having never fucked a girl yourself
But 3 has a girlfriend and fucks her, it's canon.
Came here to say this.
Desu=it is. Desu ne=isn’t it. You uncultured swine
4th guy where Chad is sticking his dick in the Emo.
Here's my prediction for the next installment in the shade cinematic universe: The three guys convince each other to join the cheerleading squad. They all get led on with hints that their fantasies are about to come true. In the end they all get fucked by the football team, but the twist is that trap boi enjoys it and is so enthusiastic that he becomes head cheerleader. Maybe have his girlfriend finally find out as the last panel to foreshadow anything that isn't cuck shit.
trap on girl is patrician taste, as is girl with strapon on trap
This, I didn't correct him cause it was fucking embarrassing, but thanks for taking the time to do so
None of the above.
The true degenerate arrives
Thank you for educating me, I appreciate it.
sad to admit, but im either way the first or the last type..too drunk to tell
Has shad ever done anything like this? I want to see the trap and his girl friend tag team some guys
What’s with you faggots just fucking die of aids already
Number 3 is me to the max, i like to feel cute. I started taking hormones a few months back and have even worn a mini skirt in public a few times
Sauce my guy?
chad thunder cock
Google the title homie
Should have thought of that, thanks man
Why not 2 and 3 at the same time?
Is the second part only on Patreon? I can't find it on the mobile site