Donald Trump

Donald Trump

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Other urls found in this thread:

My hero.

I hope he gets raped in prison.
All holes, no restrictions.

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Aaahhh shut the fuck up already. What hasn't been said?


>don't @ me

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It's called obsession mixed with confusion and drug addiction. Most of the people involved in all this shit have probably never clocked into a real job ever. It's hilarious. Obama was these people's God....and now Obama is complaining about Trump spreading fear. Haha.

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In other words, they got Obama's ass.

His tennis boipucci pics are nothing compared to this superior jewboi pucci

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If only this were true

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You would note for him if it was ?

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Got em

better be careful though they might get violent

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вы вce чepти

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Fucking sweet!


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ты чopт

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и ты чepт

вы вce чepти

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I loled out loud.

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fuggg the election cycle is coming. how many acts of vandalism and assault will occur toward drumpf supporters?

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I wonder what awesome candidate the dems will put up in 2020

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What a manlet, I'm surprised his pencil arms didn't snap

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the sacrifice will be worth it their pain will be even worse and the comprehension will be even less

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never underestimate the power of the soy this liberal woman can even prevent the vertical stripes from accentuating her breasts by pure democratic socialism

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Even they realize they have no one to run.

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Is a worthless piece of shit whose followers believe every single lie he tells them.

they might go for the native american vote

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sing it sister!

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sad how Natives and Japs were provably fucked over by the Democrats yet are cemented on their dicks at the polling station.

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You laughed out loud out loud.

I'd vote for and volunteer on her campaign.

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It's magic

You cant fix stupid

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Guaranteed Replies!
Very Cool!

im worried about your motives user

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magic veganism

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What happened to Ivankas nose?

you getting in the way of my beautiful future ?

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Nose job no doubt

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It seems to think if it can lift another avocado right now or if it should come back tomorrow to grab another one

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>All you have to do is post a picture of ol' Trump to start a thread full of temper tantrums

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And how the fuck does it have a double chin ?

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Fucking LEL. The amount of butthurt this man created is amazing. The fact that the media said he would never be president is hilarious. And now they're continuously lying with this russian shit.

Glorious. Truly great times.

When tattooing his arms the artist had to switch to shorter needles so he won't punch right through the bone

President for life!!!

Hail Lord Trump!

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but dont forget how far libs go with the tattoos

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That's actually just loose skin, mainly caused by getting facefucked on a daily basis by huge nigger dicks

I’ll be there!!
Hail Trump!!

Ah makes sense

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just look at those boats near to the sewer outlets them beaners are stealing our shit

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that you ?

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gay man bad

when you're so desperate to insult trump you include him with engine blocks

and mentally ill

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of course, muslims hate jews

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oh no, kids are learning empathy for different cultures, that's terrible.

The idea that people with so few resources would build two rope bridges when a single stilted bridge built in the style of those little docks would have sufficed is ridiculous.

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well Mohammed did say that submit is a family to the exclusion of all others

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>i... i bet i co...could take on the... the real trump!
said by the already exhausted soyboy

and obscene

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yeah but full marks to the artist for trying to portray mexico in a positive light

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some cultures are terrible.

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they look real terrible, laughing with kids, and playing games. fuck them.

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ITT: one shill with a ton of facebook tier anti trump memes

this is hwy you didnt win

Trump is introducing the nigglet to the concept of written language, that's what is happening here

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and then those kids grow up to question themselves, become mentally unstable, use sex and drugs as a way to cope with the damage, then die.
yup, fuck trannies.

waste of effort though

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Coming soon:
Attack of the giant pinata


if only that was all that is coming

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go back to your safe space snowflake

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I hope the kids tell their parents they want to be cross-dressers too when they get older

The Trojan Pinata

'nuff said

>safe space
if i were to say that stuff to liberals they'd break down and cry and demand for a safe space, so i think applies to you

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As much as you hate Trump, who do the Dems have that is any better amd also electable?

I would suck a log of shit out of Donald Trump's asshole just to piss of the liberals.

Really? So who would you have suggested in 2016?

Hillary of course.

That is strange as the FACTS state otherwise.....

Someones all salty and butthurt I think



how many shekels did you get for that post?

no there is another

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The left cant meme

>he does it for free

You'd suck a log out of a nigger's asshole just to please yourself

but sanders isnt black...yet

I still cannot believe that so many Americans vote to put this guy in the White House.

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not me friend i just come here to wind up the libs

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no but he is getting to grips with the culture

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Clearly not an intelligent guy. Not sure how a dumb person can execute the job of president.

>working for Israel
>for free

somethng doesn't add up.

jesus christ, it's Yea Forums meetups all over again

YLYL thread's that-a-way, champ.

and the other side wanted a socialist (see Venezuela) and a head of a crime family (see clinton foundation)

Jews and blacks are evil. Whites are good. Bernie is a lying kike who hates on the 1% while also being part of it.

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None of the attacks against Ford were remotely unfair. They were all justified. As for Clinton, the email thing shows that laws simply don't apply to her.

the tardpocolypse

Well we had to, all the non-Americans were voting for Killary.

imagine being this retarded with free k-12 education. how is Mississippi these days?

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the latest in the line of Republican candidates that have benefited from the coaching of Robert Stone, who aided (arguably) in securing Bush Jr.'s victory in the recount, and whose battle plans for political success are easily visible in Trump's; Stone pestered Trump for quite some time to run for president, seeing as they had a history spanning more than a decade

After trump's victory and successful re-election in the 2020 presidential election due to a united Republican front and persistent, calculated conflicts between Biden and Sanders splitting the Democratic vote (or Bernie conceding again to give Biden the platform, while millions choose to vote for Bernie anyway), this pattern will continue until he leaves office, and the next "bad boy rulebreaker, 'you can't say THAT on tv!'" Republican candidate steps up to bat.

After that there will be some return to formal politics, until the Republican Party wants to stand out again from the crowd and they have less than ten hopefuls.

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what could you possibly mean ?

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>not intelligent
>still beat your joke of a candidate

imagine supporting the interests of minorities over your own because you have chronically low testosterone

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First yr deficit lol... coming into office during the greatest recession since the Depression... wow wonder why he spent so much

if being a tard means getting rid of RELIGION OF PEACE then call me forrest gump

you have an alternative ?

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And just like that you've lost more than 50% of the vote.
Normally personal preferences aren't wrong, but you're wrong. Clinton was objectively the worst option.

the law applied fine. the reps have thrown a thousand turds at the wall hoping something will stick and make hillary go down, and all they have to show for it is shitty handshakes

My SAT score was better than Obama's. He had 560 on English and 620 on Math. I had 600 on English and 650 on Math. Obama literally only got into Harvard because of affirmative action. I'm from Western New York.

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"my candidate"? relax dude im not retarded, not pro hillary. and last time i checked you didnt have to be smart to be elected, look at american politics the last 20 years

how many businesses do you have?
>inb4 bu..buh muh bankruptcy
he's sill richer than you and with many successful businesses

Fuck off fash, it was her turn, the amount of votes shouldn't matter.

you may be right, she would have undoubtedly done some stupid ass shit, but that doesnt make trump a good president by any means


>imagine valuing the rights of all americans, regardless of their ancestry, origin, language, or skin color, or even just rights for people in general because you aren't massively fucking retarded

Right then you woke up ALL hot and sticky....

FACTS do not support your claim!

Stay mad.

Are you paid by the party themselves, or a branch of the government itself?

I'm curious. China pays its ten-centers. How much are you paid?

>start an actual war with russia
nah that's just some simple stupid shit right?

I wonder why you blow so many niggers and hate yourself for being white so much you fucking failure of evolution.

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got a million dollar loan from his father during a time when america still owned half the worlds wealth from WWII... an orangutan could be a successful business man with that enviorement

>imagine considering minorities people much less american

Why would I? I fight for my own DNA only. Shitskins are not even human beings. Learn how evolution works, moron. You fight for you own kind. Niggers don't give a fuck about you. niggers are overtaking whites in population because soft cucks like you let them have whatever they want.

LOL there wasnt a war between the US and Russia during the most heightened periods of the CW, dont think some facebook ads were gonna cause one now

False. She broke the law. Period. This is not up for debate anymore. I'm going to completely ignore the content of the emails, even though some were classified and that's another charge. What would you call deliberated deleting subpoenaed emails? What about deliberately destroying subpoenaed devices? Both of these things indisputably happened.

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you're right back to my safespace, different opinions scare me s-s-so much. thanks for the intelligent responses

and? his dad was successful, passed on some wealth to his son, son was successful in paying it back, can you say the same for your student loans?

I never said Trump was a good president. I said Clinton was a worse option. I also maintain the democrats have nobody worthwhile in 2020 either. That doesn't make Trump awesome.

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Classic palenigger propaganda kek

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no but an air space in a russian controlled syria wasn't going to help it.
but you dont actually care about brown people.

How did that Mueller probe put it.......

No EVIDENCE of Collusion with Russia

But the Fake News and Dems beat that drum so hard.......I guess each individual news,democrat and libtard celeb ALL made the same mistake at the same time...

if you take out student loans you are literally retarded. Community college -> free state tuition only sensible option. its not his fault by any means, just calling him some business wizard for it is dishonest

shitskins literally live off the backs of white people you dumb cuck

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Still mad she lost?

you're fucking retards. retards aren't human. I fight for human DNA. go back to your trailers you sister fisting faggots

it's a real article.
look it up fagget

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Okay, i cant agree with Clinton being the worse option just because i really couldnt predict what she'd do because she lies so damn much but i agree with the rest shut up slave

he made some successful businesses, how many do you have?

I care about American's, IDGAF about Syria, let Europe deal with it for once

>False. She broke the law. Period. This is not up for debate anymore
then your representatives are the biggest cockups in the world for failing to pin anything on her after, what, like 9 different attempts? if you faggots are right, all you did was keep the world's greatest supervillain from being US president, replacing her with a fat lazy shitbag instead

niggers are not humans. that's why they are retarded and never invented shit. go back to filming your mom getting fucked by niggers gay cuck loser

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God no. I'd rather have Roseanne Barr as president. Clinton is so corrupt she makes third world dictators blush.

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red states literally live off the backs of blue states you pill addled welfare queen

>enslave a race of people for 300 years
>free them but give them no right for 100 years
>give them rights but redline them out of suburbs so they can only live in inner cities

Why arent black people as successful? Must be because of their skin color. Big brain logic user

you are actually retarded
>clinton wanted air space in syria
>syria controlled by russia
>in order to get american air space in syria we would have to go to war with the occupying forces
who's the occupying forces dumb dumb?


is that from a twitter app or some kind of browser skin?

you're retarded and never invented shit
you happening to be the same color I am doesn't make you special, just prone to sunburn

say it to his face faggots

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Wait why the fuck is there only like 38 posters

so you actually believe Clinton would start a war with an unpredictable nuclear power over some airspace in a desert? Shes retarded, but not that retarded

I agree. The Republican party has sold the country out too. The top brass of the FBI knowingly let a criminal go free to further their own imterests. Hillary Clinton proved to me that literally nobody in the government has even a tangential interest in the well being of the people. If I had my way they'd all be removed amd replaced by people that aren't horrible, but we live in reality. The best we could've hoped for was keeping her out of power for four more years. I hope we manage the same in 2020.

same retards spamming facebook memes

uhh yes, she is, that was literally a statement in her campaign trail you fucking mong.

The one who started this whole thread can't even refer to him as President Donald Trump, so that shows you how much he/she/it knows. No doubt, a Trump supporter.

turns out a two party system not so good who couldve guessed

Still mad she lost?

2-3 recucklickans, 2-3 libtards, 10 single post spam bots, 20 edgy underage b&s that mistake our shitposting for intellectual discourse

oh we're showing respect to people on Yea Forums now? news to me faggot

whoever edited this should be given a loan of a million dollars

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that's like saying humans never invented anything you moron and white people burn easier but also produce more vitamin D. whites also have higher IQs than blacks

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lol. in the mean time, your boy is handpicking the worst set of motherfuckers to ever be appointed to office in the history of our country. every fucking appointment is someone that wants to destroy the office they've been placed in. shit's ridiculous

ahhh statements on the campaign trail the ultimate indicator of truth right there. Remember when Trump said he'd lock her up 400 times, and then actually did it? good times

Not a bot, you're just losing.

the south has more niggers than the north retard

Hi, RR

Stay mad.

are you grabbing these straight from my grandfathers facebook timeline?

So weak.

if you're not a bot, then you're a shitposter or a newfag, and since you can't fucking read simple English I'm leaning towards massive kamayamaya newfag

Not a bot, you're just losing.

it's also got more trailer trash. you think blacks are the majority on welfare? they could be 3x the white rate and whites would still be 4x the people on benefits

the only reason whites had to create suburbs is because niggers destroyed the cities that whites had created you fucking moron. niggers had plenty of time to be successful in Africa but they never were because they're mentally inferior. Even James Watson, the pioneer of DNA research agrees with me.

Attached: James_Watson_Nobel_Racista[1].jpg (300x383, 56K)

you're the one taking statements from one campaign trail as holy truth and disregarding statements from the other, so why dont you rub your 2 braincells together and come back when you have a thought for the first time in your life

trips checked

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Not an argument.

Yeah, I'm just mildly concerned you closet homos are ruining what makes America the center of the world economy

So weak.

i already won the argument when you replied with a 2 word attack on me instead of a counterpoint so gtfo or posit something you clown

you better be a bot, because otherwise science can't explain this autism

blacks make up 31% of people on welfare despite only being 13% of the population. whites make up 40% of people on welfare despite being 60% of the population. it all adds up to the fact that stupid niggers aren't pulling their weight. in fact shitskins are such a drag on the US economy that with no latinos or blacks the US would have no debt or deficit

LOL james watson is a complete hack he even stole his research on DNA from a woman so gtfo of here with that weak shit.

You were expecting oc on Yea Forums ?

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>caring whether everything goes to shit is weak
some of us have kids that have to live in this world when we're gone. I get that your concerns are limited to a waifu pillow and collection of piss bottles, but come on. think of other actual people for a minute

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Not same user but I’m guessing you were either a baby or not born yet when Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan went down, you also probably think they all had something to do with terrorists...

Niggers and Jews are ALWAYS BAD NEWS...

Who represents the majority of the 1%?
Who owns the majority of the media?
Who finances dodgy businesses?
Who runs most of the banks?
Who votes in congress to "donate" Billions of the Americans Peoples money to Israel?
Who funds communist parties and Antifa?

Well if you can see a pattern


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no, just not facebook trash. isnt this where memes were supposed to start? maybe we can get the next batch from 9gag or ifunny

i prefer my candidate not to make promises of war on the campaign trail faggot.

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sure he is you little bitch. you just can't accept the fact that niggers are subhuman and contribute nothing of value to the world cause you're gay for them or some bullshit

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Different user here, you responded with a false equivalency so you both lost.

Counterpoint to what? There was no argument to win because you had no argument.

and how did this recession start?

Not a bot, you're just losing.

>the US would have no debt or deficit
the US deficit and debt are largely used to balance the US currency against other world currencies, with all countries owning big stacks of bonds for each other to ensure confidence in currency conversion rates. but your trailer has a checkbook you balance occasionally, so I'm sure you're hot on international finance

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Still mad she lost?

didnt realize those shitstain excuses of countries had nuclear weapons my bad. Retard. and yeah im a starry eyed tankie who believes everything the government tells me just because i think the guy who cant pronounce half the english language is a bad president. fucking autist

>Mueller report released
Trump: Full exoneration
>AG releases summary
Trump: Full exoneration
>Congress releases full report, Trump attempted Obstruction ten times
>Mueller calls AG, writes letter saying summary was false
Trump:People investigating me are traitors

... learn to count lol


niggers don't give a shit about you. if you died they would laugh because youre white. youre a retarded cuckold bitch footstool who gets used.

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Thanks for checking me, brah.

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I'm just tired of Trump teabagging the nation having won.

me too thats why i didnt vote for them dumb bitch. or the retarded orange. binary politics are for retards

Dems don't want open borders.

Thanks for checking.

penta checking quads

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no it has mostly to do with the imbalance of trade you fucking moron. good on you being retarded. blow more niggers you impotent liberal faggot

you haven't read a single page of mueller's report

Sure kid.

Fucking checked

Newfag lurk moar faggot

no i just passed 6th grade unlike you, lmk when you need your next welfare check basement dweller

Nice response, now try again but try to be relevant and coherent.

you right

the sauce hardly matters the real question is are they funny

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Oh lawdy, checked

So weak.

One time Donald Trump came over to my house out of no where about 3 months ago. Just came into my fucking kitchen and took my hotdogs. That's it. Just my god damn Oscar Meyers. Mother fucking weirdo man.

Then he grabbed my 10 year old daughters asshole then left. Crazy prick.

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Sure kid.

banks packaged shit bonds together and called them AAA when the were not.

So he compounds it instead of learning from his mistake..

Still mad she lost?

>US gives non-gold fiat currency to 3rd world
>3rd world provides massive labor and resources to US
>US sells bonds to cover cost
>3rd world buys US bonds
>we pay 3rd world for resources in its own money, covering only the interest
yeah, we're fucking retarded, eh?

>out of ideas, better smug till the mean posters go away

You got MAGA'd, son.

Stay mad.

So weak.

i dont give a shit who cares about me you fucking chimp. and i dont base reality on who 'cares' about me. You think all white people give a fuck about your mouthbreathing ass becuase you're white? spoiler alert we dont


Only part of the mueller report that matters is “no evidence of collusion no evidence of obstruction” any ifs ands or buts after that are irrelevant.

Yes very true.

TRUTH sounds like Hate to those that HATE the Truth

>thinking trade has anything to with it when we're a service economy

back to ben shapiro videos retard

Not an argument.

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Stay mad.

>calls my response bad
>doesnt refute anything it, just attacks me

yeah you right yous was much better

Too easy

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they're not. unless your 75

>discounting something based on where it was posted
>muh nazis

Stay mad.

s-s-sooo t-t-triggered

Sure kid.

So weak.

I’m not part of your guys discussion, I just pointed out that you both used fallacies so you’re both wrong.

you just dont appreciate the beauty of black culture

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