Rate my beautiful cock losers
Rate my beautiful cock losers
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looks like you would writhe in agony if anyone touched the head
i wanna suck :3
That looks nasty dude, and I'm a fag
it's just meh
nothing good about it.
looks kinda dirty too.
what a hater
I just like showing people my dick
solid 9, though i don't know what all the black bits of debris are there for but I'd still suck it
It is a 7.5/10.
Can anyone give her a cock tribute?
tf, look like you have no ballsack
Post some asian cock, i love them tbh
where the fuck are your balls???
8/10, R8
yo mommaa
seriously what would you do if your cock was cut off
10/10, where are you?
That is fucking perfect. I want to wax you. Then worship you. I’d probably even do a few things I don’t want to do just to get the opportunity.
anyone else have ear wax problems? i enjoy taking my left in-ear headphone out and smelling my wax. i like the smell for w/e reason.
Rate? Need to know objectively what ppl will think of it
Does anyone know a way to get rid of those little bumps? I know they are apparently very common.
What happens when you plug it in :-)?
ewwww wtf OP?
What do you think anons?
A bit thin, but a nice colour. Probably looks bigger irl.
They should make dildos from that.
Prime aryan dick/10
Can't unnotice the nips
it looks really good aesthetically but it could be both longer and thicker.
Average I know
is this a problem? im uncut and have that same kinda plump moisturized looking dick head, touching it while hard and wet is so sensitive like you said, would that lead to a vagina making me blow my load instantly?
What up
It’s OK, I guess. I’m pretty horny and at least I didn’t go limp looking at it.