When are girls most attractive and why is it 17-21

When are girls most attractive and why is it 17-21

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Because that’s the biological age they are supposed to start fucking and having babies

kys pedo....


Sick bait or a roastie

17 is wrong

Obv bait. 16 is legal in most civilized places.


I’m hitting a 17 yr old and I’m in my late 20s.

I am talking with a 17 year old virgin. I am 42. Can't wait...

It's 25, both from personal taste and also statistically speaking.

when they reach their peak in intelligence

so never OOOOOOOOOHH *dab*

I thought it was commonly accepted that 17 is to young

more like 12-17

yes and somebody is tracking your IP right now to get your ass

kind of old, imo
they get gross when they have to shave or wax

Approximately age 12 - 70, depending on the individual.... The woman you have your cock buried in at the moment is in her prime.

They graduated the two years before me. Can’t remember their names tho D East

Kik I’m from coatesville

Same with guys.

It’s not illegal in the state I live

Hey Amerifat, in a bright moment, please try to realize the fact that different countries may have different jurisdictions and banging 17 year olds might be legal where that guy is.


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I personally love 12-16, something about a small version of a girl is just so cute to me

17 they are already over the hill objectively!

Or 11-`15

It's rare when someone is honest the indoctrination has gotten so bad; you are objectively right.

right? it's fucking disgusting.
people should be ashamed to even think 17 is acceptable.
17 years old is waaaaaaay to fucking old.

or 4-10

He's hot. Round pink nipples and a beautiful pale body covered by just that skimpy speedo...

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