You are sent 200 years into the past equipped only with your knowledge of the world (history, science, etc)...

you are sent 200 years into the past equipped only with your knowledge of the world (history, science, etc), you get to choose the exact location where you appear and you appear there at the time that is right now.
what do you do?

Attached: time travel.jpg (640x360, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

New England colonies.

Start making all the board games that are common now.
Live good life.
Slew of whores.

See me roll in my grave fags.

cackle manically, as while I'm a trained historian (admittedly with my focus being medieval europe), I've studied 19th C british economics, and work as an engineer/craftsman. I could easily make a fortune in the early victorian era with my knowledge of industrial mechanics, without any language barrier, or difficulties.

London was the center of power in the western world, I would go there.

My only forte is movies because I've seen a bunch of them so while I'm not smart enough to know how to invent the devices needed for movies I would translate all the stories I've watched into plays making a fortune and I would be remembered as the greatest story teller who ever lived.
Also i choose England because seems like it was the super power of the world back then

Go back to 1930 new york and kill Bat Man

you wouldn't survive long with that comma splice

299 Years? I would go back and invent nukes to blow up the comet that killed all the dinos. Sad what happened to them.

You don't get to choose a time period, it's a 200 year jump, so it's gonna be 1819.

200 years ago was about the time that English was formalized with French grammar rules and by 1819 no adults would be walking around talking and writing like that. If I took that comma splice out, I'd be about a generation ahead of my time. Similarly if I awkwardly worded my sentences to avoid the preposition with which this sentence would otherwise be ended.

Still used a comma splice. That's an automatic F in most college writing classes TISK TISK.

Stop being so gay and sticking to OPs lame format

Go back as an "inventor" and patent industrial equipment and processes, get rich, fuck bitches, smoke opium.

LOL I remember when I taught college writing. I used to say shit like that too. Is this your first year?


>all responses entail getting rich and fucking bitches

thanks for showing everyone how cookie cutter you are

So you are a virgin?

>go back to 1819
>immediately get infected with some weird disease nobody gets vaccinated against
wow that was fun

That doesn't make sense as a response to what I said. You're trying to divert the attention away from your using a comma splice.

Id make use of slavery and end all goat fuckers and alike using negroids, and then finish them. If i didnt manage this in my life id make sure someone gets this shit done.

>July 30 – At Edwardsville, Illinois, the United States concludes a treaty with the Kickapoo tribe, receiving their lands in return for their relocation to Missouri.
Go there and laugh at silly people that are called Kickapoo.

Appear in the 10th dimension and be a god.

I show Stephen Hawking the picture of the black hole for good karma, then I warn the people of the world to take Global Warming seriously cause we gon die if we don't. I'd rather keep using Yea Forums until I'm 80 guys.

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make sure hitler wins the war

Goddamn you're stupid

Yea Forums cuck poster wouldn't be able to survive 5 seconds in the 19th century without having a panic attack

Yes, user. Yes, I did.

That's fine. As long as he wins. My life is insignificant in the face of my people.

>time travel on earth
OP is an underage retard

Good luck telling people 200 years ago of global warming.
I'm sure they will immediately stop the industrial revolution because of you.

lol bitch ass non-english speaking ass lmao get fucked retard ass nigga

>newby English major doesn't understand his major
That'll be a great speech to give when you're serving tables

Good shit.

but you... you missed the part where... fucking dumb nigger....

>everyone itt is one other person

And people like you are the reason we will probably die in 15 years because of the lack of resources and destruction 8D

Listen there was a means to my end so why don't you mind your own business, nosey.

>Stephen Hawking
>people 200 years ago
You are fucking stupid

>Stephen Hawking
>The industrial revolution's greatest scientist

the fuck cunt, did you even watch the show?

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user has a point dipshit. Think they had the science back then to prove global warming was a thing? Fuck out of here you inbred idiot.

I would invent Michralsoft before it gets discovered

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No, nigger. I'd leave a letter to be sent to him in the future. Fucking pleb.

>Anons being triggered by something said on Yea Forums

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>English majors defending the pointless cycle of studying their own native tongue
>still wrong on the internet about English

It's possible if there's a solar flare.

>one instance
Yes user they used it for time travel all the time. Dumb bitch

You people are no fun
Too much reddit faggotry here anymore, and it's really sad because this is the last platform for real shitposting.

>because it was intentional and they did it all the time
great logic

Go to California and make a fortune in gold, then settle in Utah with a dozen wives.

Attached: fidel.jpg (300x231, 15K)

You're still fucking stupid user

Reddit is where english majors go newfag

>hurrrrrr reddit reddit
Only newfags bring reddit up when they're losing

the OP is lame, let's make it fun
the last 3 digits of you post are the amount of time you get sent back in time, you DON'T get to choose a location, you are literally in the same place you are right now but in the past. roll to see your fate

I guess you would know

>be an annoying autistic faggot
>everyone else is reddit

i was enjoying you getting made fun of

Painful to read

>people are insulting my feelings on Yea Forums
>y-you redditors

redditqueers are always too serious and act like facists about how things need to be or said. cant stand those soy ass queers and their mindsets

that's the point, stupid
lighten up

kek. I guess you didn't develop any good debate skills in your worthless major retard

basically, yes

Are you just responding with more autistic butthurt?

still in serious mode
queer ass nigga serious on Yea Forums ass no gettin pussy ass reddit ass voted for Gary Johnson ass pedophile ass nigga

They did it in episodes 1969, 2010, Stargate: Continuum, the last man, 'time', twin destinies, before I sleep, moebius (part 1 and 2) and Window of opportunity

Did you even fucking watch the show?

this is your life

Are you ironically being retarded?

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the "y-y-you" format is very reddit
They do that on Family Guy a lot too
A show we all know as the least funny show of all time

>still butthurt people are jabbing at your freshman year major
>better use buzzwords
you showed him user

yes ki

An english major would know I guess

>still talking about reddit and grammar
literally no one gives a fuck you're on reddit or studying english

Sheldon Cooper IRL ass nigga but not a science major and has few prospects ass nigga but if he does he will definitely let me know to satisfy his self-worth that he probably doesn't have ass nigga

me included

No that's stupid what you just said

I'd probably become Jack the Raper

That format is proper english and existed before Yea Forums or reddit. You might want to study your useless major harder

smh what did I just read
I'm in the weird part of the internet again
Faith in humanity = restored

Why are you still attention whoring to the other 23 posters ITT? Are you really this buttblasted?
The topic is time travel faggot

I'd go back 9 to 10 months before OP was born and impregnate his mom. That way I can disown him for becoming such a giant faggot.

>Why are you still attention whoring to the other 23 posters ITT? Are you really this buttblasted?
No I just have some time. Got my coffee and shitposting on Yea Forums. That's what people do here, user I dunno if u know bruhhhh
>The topic is time travel faggot
Well now it isn't lole


May 2, 1933.

>ITT: reddit english majors think Yea Forums is an ingroup they have to try to be apart of
I'd go back in time and ban the humanities from getting taxpayer funding to avoid the modern cancer colleges produce. Only STEM

>Colombia 639 years ago
Fuck, I guess I get eaten by some animal in the first 10 minutes

I'm the guy who originally commented on user's English (jokingly and playing the idiot) and it made everybody upset in a way I couldn't have possibly anticipated. It's inexplicable, but not in a funny way. It just sort of became.

o no

>you are sent 200 years into the past
I'd rape a lot of loli's first, like a lot.
Idk, send me to a Catholic orphanage from 200 years ago

You must be German. Only Germans posses this style of autism. Correct me if I'm wrong. Also don't get mad I called you autistic. According to Jordan Peterson, who is a genius, it means you have a huge dick and get lots of exotic pussy, which is gay btw.

Attached: rockingwithlights34.png (500x518, 23K)

Straight back to the day that Donald trump announced that he was running for office, and then I place that fucking bet.

Gambling is degenerate


Go to the association that hired Gregor Mendel in the early days of genetic biology
Throw on them the whole book, trigger the biology revolution 140 years earlier
Go to Early chemists and give them as much as I can recall about modern chemistry.


I'm straight ragin' over here user

i would make sure i had all of my shots and bring a suicide you have any idea how dirty and sick people were just 100 years could very quickly find yourself being tard and feathered for being an outsider with crazy ideas..people 200 years ago had more in common with Jesus than freaking thanks..

The day it was announced that he was running i immediately said "he's going to win" and everyone around me said I was an idiot and mocked me for months on end.

>Go to the past with a PC, not too advanced
>PC gaming is the shit in 2019
You're welcome

Ive heard that London back then was the nastiest shithole of the world in which even todays indian cities are compared clean. London back then was so dirty i would travel there and take a shovel and clean up the mess. Also i would hide my knowledge of any future tech or otherwise i would be put into a mental asylum and THAT would be the end back then.

Go back to 1819 in England. Invent the first brushless electric motor, first capacitor, first water turbine, first PSC motor. Invent the lightbulb, ammonia refrigeration and air conditioning. Use my new found wealth to find the permian basin in Texas and become the oil baron. Do the same in Saudi Arabia. Invent cordite. Invent the breeder reactor.

The shit you could do with knowledge an engineering is crazy.

All these things already existed in 1819. Also nobody would listen to you only get locked away in a mental asylum for talking shit nonstop. You will be tortured and burned for heresy

Fuck bitches get paid

None of these things were even close to perfected in 1819. The Bessemer process wasn't even a thing until 1845. I could and would be the foremost scientist and industrialist of the time.

Dude, AC current wasn't even discovered by 1830. Tesla and Faraday were in diapers

Die slowly with no modern medicine. I have a condition

>you get to choose the exact location where you appear and you appear there at the time that is right now.


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Invest in bitcoin

Who ist girl 3rd from left?

There was the spirit at the beginning of the thread.

Having read this thread, I would go back to the New World and deliver IED blueprints, disguised as radios, to every single stead. Then I'd construct a VLF transmitter and detonate every single one of them simultaneously.

It's not as good as retroactively nuking the thread via nuking the Americas, but it'd do.

>Spawn into a tree and some ground