Is it fair that women decieve us like this?

Is it fair that women decieve us like this?

Attached: Screenshot_20190502-135607.jpg (1080x769, 359K)

I would say it's neutral if anything.

the good thing is that you just need to keep this in mind that a lot of "attractive/good" looking women are just people under all that makeup and they aren't some perfect angels that a lot (myself included) of guys make them out to be.

Ugly bitch without makeup
Ugly bitch with makeup
Dumb user is deceived by facepaint

this is why that app that took the makeup off pissed them off so bad. it undid their lies. it needs to be in automatic use everywhere for every picture to show the world what women really look like.

Women love to rail about "Fragile masculinity," but it's them that are really the fragile ones. So fragile, in fact, that the very idea that their lie might unravel even the slightest brings them all to a frothing frenzy of madness.

if you get tricked by makeup you have the tism

are you saying you cant tell when a girl has makeup on?

Based user wouldn't fall for it

In a picture you can be tricked, irl no, I think.

when she has makeup on, yes, how she actually looks without makeup on, you tell me

That's why you should never fall for a woman before you fuck her rough. After the rough fucking the face paint falls and you can see her for what she really is.

imma start putting makeup on my dick

just like tattoos, makeup can become a clear indicator of a person you can steer clear of.

Its folly to believe that the majority of people are deserving of your attention. it will never work that way. so let these indicators serve you.

you can i dont understand
aere you saying that like if a girl has makeup on you get like confused?

Not really, but they're also not good at anything, so they have to make themselves presentable somehow.

What's the problem? You could wear makeup too you know.


Women paint themselves and go through rigorous daily grooming to look more pleasing to us. Some are better than others. My wife has recently taken up serious make up as a hobby. She sometimes will paint her self up before sex just to give me a more pleasing face to look at.

What the problem?

are you stupid? I am telling you, I can tell WHEN she ACTUALLY HAS MAKEUP ON, HOW SHE ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE WITHOUT IT, not so much, what's so difficult to understand? you need some apples and oranges?

good point, fag

Attached: x dfcgvhb.png (937x827, 656K)

>She sometimes will paint her self up before sex just to give me a more pleasing face to look at.
She's a keeper.

even if the left one is ugly i still preffer her over the right one, how old are you, you have to be really young, stupid or both to not know that womans with a shit ton of make up are actually ugly, a tinsy bit of shadow on the eyes, a bit of what ever the thing they put on her chicks is called and chapstick and that's it, if a girl need to put on more than that to be pretty, then she is ugly as fuck, personally i know a few girls that hardly use make up and they are very pretty while the ones that use more are simply not as pretty, make up is fine but if she isn't already pretty without it then she looks like a clown with all that make up

Because they can. Majority of photos of women, of all ages, put out there are fake FaceApp news.