Let’s get a Jewish hate thread going
Let’s get a Jewish hate thread going
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I think only the really devout jews are bad. But regular jews who aren't that religious are just normal people.
I knew these orthodox jew lawyers who worked in a law firm with a few other lawyers. Turns out they were embezzling almost a million dollars over the course of a few years from all the other lawyers (small firm so it was a lot of money to them). The head partner guy went bankrupt, and then those jewish lawyers sued the secretary for embezzling that million dollars. Everyone knows it wasn't her, but she didn't have money to fight the lawsuit, and couldn't appear in court without losing many days of work.
The head lawyer ended up giving her all the pay for the days she missed anyway, but he lost a lot of business for not having a secretary a bunch of days.
I also used to do pet sitting, and once I had this orthodox jewish family. I was taking care of their dog perfectly, but then as I was searching for dog toothpaste, I stumbled across a hidden camera in the bathroom. The entire house was full of disguised cameras everywhere. Needless to say, I took pictures of all of them, and now I don't take jew customers.
Reputations are earned for a reason. It's real life, not idiots spouting nonsense online, that produce real racism against blacks, jews, muslims, or any other group who earns it.
I will never serve jewish customers again, or hire jewish people if my small business actually takes off. It's quite a disgusting religion. If they are non-religious then sure maybe. But not if they are devout. It's a very greed-oriented and self-absorbed way to see the world. And that's a personal choice, not anything genetic.
HALT. This thread contitutes anti-semitism and is therefore punishable by a lengthy prison sentence. Besides, Jews are your friends. So are immigrants. Don't bother sending them to Israel, though. That's for Jews only.
יש לנו כאן גוי שחושב שהוא יודע משהו.. אני צריך לדבר עם חיים על זה.
Fuck off libcuck. I'm so tired of the Dems and their libtard allies bitching about Israel whenall they're doing is keeping the Arabs in their place.
President Trump and real Americans stand with Israel and the Jews.
>יש לנו כאן גוי שחושב שהוא יודע משהו.. אני צריך לדבר עם חיים על זה.
translation: gimmee the shekles
eat a dick Schlomo
"Politically Incorrect" - glorified term for simply being a dick.
shut the fuck up kike
I don't care as much about politicis. Jews really do suck in real life for the most part. It's the religion that teaches unending greed. Have you read the talmud?
Maybe jews that renounce the faith are good, but then they aren't really jews anymore.
Did you that jews suck baby cocklets after circumcising them? It's part of the ritual.
Did you get your baby dick sucked by a rabi?
Or why are you all the up the jewish arse?
Holy shit there's a lot of libtards here today
Be careful not to spill your soy milk on your not my president t shirts
I'm not even american.
I'm a german that dislikes jews, I'm doing my duty.
What the fuck? Since when is anti-semitism a libtard thing? I voted for trump to get mexicans, arabs AND jews out of my country.
>calling right wings lefties
it’s okay schmuel, no need to project anymore
I don't think you know what "libtard" actually means user
Whatever you say libs
suck some rabi cock you fucking moron
Not to stir shit up even more, but you know Trump has been strongly pro Israel since the start of his term right?
You can't be an anti Semitic Trump supporter.
>doesn’t know what a libtard is
this shows how retarded democrats are
Yeah it's a really ugly religion, and very offputting. Very evil shit in the talmud.
That's why I don't like orthodox jews. It's satanic.
As an alt right guy who voted for him I've been seriously disappointed at how hard he's been sucking Israeli dick.
But I'll still vote for him again. He's the best we got right now.
Of course I don't expect a president to be elected in the US without supporting israel in our current time. I was hoping electing him would distance the US from the influences of foreign governments and eventually break free from the jewish and arab influence on US policies. We probably won't see the US freed from jewish influence in our lifetime but it's never the less a battle we must take so that the future can be liberated from them.
You realise it's the Democrats who have been anti Israel in recent history? Republicans love the Jews.
Dude he's just another jewish puppet. He was trying to grab guns too, but did a 180 reversal on that when he started losing popularity.
Don't think this born multibillionaire is your friend LMAO. Trump supporters are fucking STUPID.
He's another jew illuminati mouthpiece. Installed. Selected. Use your fucking head seriously.
Protip both are trash. Dems want mass poverty for all, republicans destroy freedom. Both are jewish pawns.
But he's really pandering to the Jews more than any president in recent times. Not just in the media but all that shit with moving the American embassy in Israel for example. It makes me worried.
Yea Forums is one big jewish h8 thread to me
Oddly centrist of Yea Forums
This. You're getting played if you vote for either major party. They're both owned by big money, and who do you think is behind that money?
Save, read and share the facts posted here:
I'm jewish
Quite honestly, it isn't the Jews you should be targeting. It should be religion in general.
"Atheist" Kikes are even worse.
I believe you mis-spelled "YLYL"
My kind of bread
Yeah, a friend of mine broke contact with me because I openly doubet that what they tell us about the holocaust isn't true, he was really pissed and he is a german catholic
Ah, forced memes
still hate jews Yea Forums?
Germans are the most jew-brainwashed there is.
How big is your jew-hate folder?
>It's real life, not idiots spouting nonsense online, that produce real racism against blacks, jews, muslims, or any other group who earns it.
Nonsense. It's idiots like you spouting off online that reinforces existing biases and escalates people into outright racism by normalizing it. You are part of an active recruiting effort by white supremacists in the USA whether you know it or not.
The Talmud is awesome. You should read it
you can see the sheer dissapointment in his eyes this man has lost the will to live
Even disgust.
Serves him right: he trusted a jew (and killed the ones that tried to warn him and free humanity).
Jews and fags, jews and fags, everybody hates those jews and fags!
It’s cause his grandkids are half black. Fucking genes being tainted by a nigger.
Faggy jew cunt
Fucking redditor detected
>Let’s get a Jewish hate thread going
Really how can we?
It is a dead religion. My Jewish friends eat BLTs with me as well as my BBQ ribs.
Jews do not care about Jews, why should I?
If I had Islam friends they would be gorging on my BBQ pork just like the Jews do.
My pig rocks!
I had a Hindu friend made her eat tube steak she loved it.
Death to Rothschild Zionism.
Smells like Palestinian bullshit in here...
>not going after muslims which contribute equally to world problems
Is that really productive?
same jew.
why hate others when you can just hate yourself.
>Let’s get a Jewish hate thread going
moar plox
>moar plox
Sure ....
Thanks, I'm saving and will be sharing, because sharing is caring.
Don't forget to save pics from this thread , there's a lot of bad goy stuff there.
not to be confused with Sharia or Sharon
>Thanks, I'm saving and will be sharing, because sharing is caring.
>Don't forget to save pics from this thread , there's a lot of bad goy stuff there.
Cheers man ...
Fill your gas chamber
You're a fucking degenerate for propagating this kind of thinking.