Why do whitebois still live in the delusion that they are the master race?
Why do whitebois still live in the delusion that they are the master race?
Probably because intelligence gets you way further in life than a big dick.
Are you the dude constantly posting this shit. Bro stop being a fucking cuck and go out and and actually get cucked u fat fucking retard. Spamming every board with ur nigger shit. Please man ur a fucking psycopath ruining literally everyones time
Becouse you were mere slaves almost 200 years ago, and intelligence is better than a dick lul
90% of niggers in porn wear prosthetics, all you're watching is a chimp with a rubber penis fucking a stupid whore that'll want to 'settle down' when she's 30 and wonder why nobody wants her.
yeah... he must fall into the 10% because that bad boy looks real to me chief.
because we are lol
you must be blind
cope harder dicklet
What am I looking out for? I'll admit I might be wrong on this.
it looks lifeless, prosthetics artists are very skilled but they can't get it to react like a real dick does
Feel bad for anyone that falls for nigger bait.
all racebaiting aside, sauce on the vid? the girl is seriously hot
I will say that the head does seem a tad weird, I've noticed the same with mandingo too and the way his cock head looks.
I've always just thought "well, they're just genetically gifted".
Big dick gives you confidence, a lot faster than intelligence does.
So, I mean only if you have baseless confidence and refuse to find ways to substantiate it
Intelligence only gets you farther if you are also confident. If you are intelligent, but not confident you'll just get walked on by people with big dicks
Intelligent people with big dicks are fucking SCARY. (Usually end up sociopaths)
Also, not every non-whiteboi has a bigger dick than whitebois, and not every whiteboi has a tiny dick.
Are you 12? Most guys stop giving a fuck about their dick size after they grow pubes.
keep telling yourself that
>Why do whitebois still live in the delusion that they are the master race?
sauce plz
Because without us you'd be living in caves within 10 years.
white dudes can have big dicks too. anyone who is threatened because of dick size is already insecure. I know plenty of tiny dicked successful people.
lmao fake and obviously photoshopped dick, whiteboi
Nice prosthetic
Why do white ppl continue to fetishize us when they hate us?