>be me
>mom tells me I can't live off her forever and that I need to get a job
>tell her I can't imagine working and that i'd rather be homeless
>she doesn't say anything
>redpill her more about how my birth was her fault and that I didn't choose to be born so now she has to take responsibility for me
>she starts to cry a little bit
>tell her to stop crying because she's an adult
>few days later I come home from the liquor store
>her and a couple of family friends are over
>one of them tells me I have to move out right now
>tell them I have no place to go
>they say I have to move anyway
>basically getting kicked out of my own house
>tell mom she owes me for all those years I was on social security and she was basically living off me and my brother's autismbucks
>tell her she should feel ashamed because she spent some of that money on herself instead of giving it to me and that she was basically stealing from me and my brother the entire time
>one of the guys comes out of my room with a suitcase full of clothes
>throws them outside and tells me to leave
>mom is crying
>this is bullshit
>he tries to force me out of the house
>throws me off the porch
>start screaming and crying
>lay there for at least 5 minutes screaming and crying
>scream and cry so hard I start coughing in between crying
>tear down all her wind chimes and start wrecking her flower bed
>one of the guys comes out and tries to wrestle me away form the house
>spit in his face and throw plants/windchimes at him until he goes back inside
>keep screaming and crying until she lets me back inside
>immediately head to me room to watch my favorite twitch streamer to calm me down
>use mom's debit card to donate to him so I can get the text to speech bot to say how my mom almost killed me
Be me
>basically getting kicked out of my own house
>my own house
Even though this is almost certainly a press x to doubt, if it's not, you need to get a job OP and stop being a perpetual spoilt child.
go dog cuntting, i hear they keep you warm at night
You have my sympathies OP, what the bitch tried to do to you is unforgivable. You should find a way to mess up those "family friends" that influence her decisions.
Why you laughin' faggot? Would you have us believe you live on your own, in a house that you pay for? Get real, you li'l bitch..
Fuck off. OP never asked or wished to be brought into this world and be even exploited by his own mother for financial gains. He doesn't own anything to anyone.
>OP never asked or wished to be brought into this world
i recommend suicide. works every tiem
Stop being faggots and wasting the gift of existence because you're too pathetic to be your own person and take risks. Life isn't fair, but it's a hell of a lot better than nothing at all, and it's under your control to a fair extent.
In conclusion, get a job.
I recommend he assfucks you to see if he enjoys it.
But did she buy you tendies that day or not?
In conclusion, shove it up yours and suck a dick. What part of "never wanted and never asked for" don't you fucking get?
the part where we should care
So why are you trying to make OP to care?
Shut up you pathetic piece of human garbage, abortion advocates use people like you to justify child murder.
It doesn't matter that you didn't consent, because not existing implies consent and you didn't exist before conception to be able consent. It's the same if someone is dying, you imply you have their consent to save their life.
Existence is a lot better than non-existence, and potentially an extreme better than if there is any hell.
Tldr: you can't consent to something if you don't exist. And it is assumed you consent to existence. If you don't there is an easy method called suicide. You'd better hope it's non-existence and not hell tho.
assume sucking fat dicks, Faggot
>told to get a job
>i don't want to work
Please, be fake.
Wow what a faggot. My life is so much better than yours ..why the fuck do I still come here. I just can't leave
I love broken familys
jesus hates faggots so gays def go to hell. if u kys it's auto pass into his pearly faggot-free gates
Spectacular b8 OP, you really outdid yourself this time.
Ill send you a thousand bucks a month to live for free if true. Must supply proof of greentext, though.
You might not believe this, but most people over 25 live on their own, and aren't a tumour to their family.
Holy shit, and I thought OP would be the biggest dumbass in the thread....
Well, you have the fucking undo it anytime you retard.
You mother doesn't owe you shit just because she gave birth to you, she has every right to kick you out.
And you have every right to undo her decision to give you a chance at life.
I'm not encouraging suicide, get a life that's not dependant on others you pathetic loser
>>immediately head to me room to watch my favorite twitch streamer to calm me down
>>use mom's debit card to donate to him so I can get the text to speech bot to say how my mom almost killed me
good boy
I am on your side, user
fuck your whore mom
Suicide is actually probably a great option for OP, sounds like he doesn't want to live and he wouldn't be missed
this retard thinks everyone can afford houses and each generation should do the same till the planet is out of space , ignore him guys
Oh yeah, because buying a fucking house is the only way of living, guess what you spoiled brat, there are apartments that you can rent. And there are these things called jobs, where you get money to rent these apartment.
Your mother works her ass off and when she gets home, instead of enjoying her adult life, she has to take care of a manchild who does nothing and whines like a bitch when she expects you to make some sort of effort
Maybe the dumb bitch should have kept her legs closed?
Op and the others who think like this are one of the main reasons for "senior love", with the abusive stepfathers that come with it.
No. The main reason are dumb whores who birth the motherfuckers, I think.
Get a job u fuckface
Yea Forums gives free speech to neckbeard man-child types who aren't looking to improve themselves or their condition, but glorify their incompetence and blame others for their problems.
Yea Forums is cancer of flawed thinking. Do not come here if you don't know who you are. You'd get sucked in and rate dicks and share lollis in no time.
>Existence is a lot better than non-existence, and potentially an extreme better than if there is any hell.
hello fren
that was a declaration of war
you must retaliate
fill up your piss jugs and poop jars
you will know what to do next when the time comes
How can you let yourself down like this?
Seeing so many "Humans" in this thread that don't want to get out of their comfort Zone.
People around you need you and the only thing you are doing is causing them harm by crying out for attention and locking yourselves in.
Don't you want to go out there and experience what life is like for LITERALLY EVERYONE EXCEPT YOU.
People be risking their lifes n shit just to get food on the table while you leech off of society and cry online about how you didn't want to be born because of your lazyness.
You truly need to kys, there is no hope for you disgusting parasites.
What you think is the worst garbage there is.
Grow up and stop making your family sad.
You are a disgrace to every human on earth, pig.
wow, who would've thought that you need to work to earn shit? Crazy stuff
According to your logic, if someone can't express consent because they don't exist yet, how can you stupidly affirm that existing is better than non existing?
fake and gay.
Son nice story but fake. If moms fuck buddy was there to put your fag ass out that would of been it. But your time is coming.
It should be obvious, once the vast majority of people do exist, they are happy to exist, as existence means something rather than nothing. Life In today's world is so much nicer than even 200 years ago, now even social parasites like op can survive in relative comfort in the west. Count your blessings.
You must love obooma. Now get a fucking job fucking leech!
he sounds more like white trash to me, probably voted for Trump
>Something is literally better than nothing
It's literally not though. You're only subjectively ascribing something more value than to nothing because you are able to experience it while it's hard for your mind to wrap itself around absolute nothing. Don't beat yourself though, even Mathematicians had hard time with defining Absolute Zero..