Need major life advice. Have talked to friends/family and both are split. I agree with both.
>be me >in 20’s >Lived in city 2 hours from LA >Always wanted to live in LA since kid >Always wanted to work in film >Finally get a job that’s remote allowing me to afford and live in LA >Live here 6 months, but no job growth/interviews >Recieve offer in hometown for good paying job with benefits > currently making 50k, would be making 100k
What do guys? I always wanted to live in LA. I work on my own schedule from home making enough to live comfortably... So do I toss it all to go back home and make basically double what I make now?
If it helps, job is kinda in same field but less artistic More task related.
Fuck LA it’s a shithole and full of libtards. Gotta chase the cash.
Landon Campbell
stay in LA. It's obvious that it's what you want. going to your hometown creates a shift in the timeline altering your future permanently.
Wyatt Garcia
I'd say go for the higher paying job but I also just passed up a job back in october that was about 20k more than I make now because of it being less artistic so I guess I can't give that advice. Money is obviously a huge incentive but if you're dead inside doing the job then its not worth it.
Daniel Butler
You could retire in half the time and have homecooked meals multiple times a week..
But cant you postpone them? Say something like "its a great opportunity but ive only just started this other job and i dont want to let them down blah blah blah" ask to start a year from now ir something..
Then you have a year to see what else comes up
Nathan Allen
Damn. This one really hit hard for me. This is exactly what I tried to explain to my parents about the situation. I feel it’s that movie moment where my entire life shifts one way. But idk which way will work better for me...
Nathan Brown
This... makes me think staying is the answer then. Both sides have their faults but if I had to choose id definitely say I’m liberal and anti anything trump...
Ryan Flores
Yeah... idk I just feel once I take the job I have 0 passion for, I become everything I’ve ever talked shit about. (People from highschool who just post baby pics and think eating at Olive Garden is the life)
Aaron Phillips
If by "work in film" you want to be a creative dipshit thats a retarded goal. Literally millions of retards just like you want to work in film. And now you can't even suck cock to stand out from them. Take the best paying normie job
Caleb Gutierrez
>I always wanted to live in LA.
California is covered in shit, you retard. Unless you are a Socialist retard, you do not want to live in California.
But having homecooked meal life isn’t something I seek. I’d much rather be someone who thrives in a job they love till death, than someone who retires sitting with a family and grand kids.
I can’t stall unfortunately , they are expediting the process for me cause they need this filled so bad. I have maybe 3 weeks max to decide
Christopher Murphy
If you want to live in LA you deserve it or haven't been there recently enough, its a fucking cesspool
>t. lived in LA for a long time until recently
Aaron Sullivan
are you jewish? Do you at least look jewish?
James Rivera
Vanity & status are important to young & stupid. Go home lad.
Liam Ward
OP HERE: More info, I’ve lived in California whole life. Will probably always. I know Yea Forums is the worst place to come for this, but I’m ok with liberal beliefs and prefer it over Donald trump ideals.
I currently work in my field as a editor , but not for a major company, would love to actually work for a reputable name like Netlflix or Disney. If I go home I’m basically taking a government job aka no creativity
I’ve lived 2 hours from LA my whole life, I constantly would visit. I know the city isn’t great but it’s the events/life I feel it has that I enjoy
William Jones
Lived in California whole life. Love it. Problem isn’t California, its the city I stay.
Grayson Walker
Yeah but I have a degree and already work in the field, just not a big name company
Nathaniel Reyes
So you're in your 20's and you have yet to realize that the city's image is a grand illusion? What events do you believe to be unique to LA? And are they worth the $4,000 a month you're going to be paying if you want to live in an area that will even allow you to see that first 100k year?
Carson Miller
The illusion has definitely dimmed with age, but I still get some (stupid I know) sense of superiority leaving my hometown and being able to go to random events that only LA has. For example in last liek 2 months been to like 4 celebrity related art shows/parties hosted for like album releases n such. I know it’s stupid but it seems more filling to me than people on my Snapchat in their cubicles , getting excited cause their boss gave them a balloon...
My rent and living condition are actually great at the moment and in a dream world , If I ever got hired, I live 20 min from the Sony film studio.
Jaxson Morgan
L.A. is a massive shithole. Why the fuck do you want to live in that shithole?
Lincoln Fisher
You're obviously not white. Or if you are, you're a faggot or a clown cuz they're the only type of whites who "love" Commiefornia.
Matthew Thomas
Not white. It’s clear the mentatlity you have is typical “edgelord” mentality I know most of Chan holds... I believe all races are equal, gay rights should exist, and global warming exist. So I’m sure our lives are very different.
Chase Roberts
>i must sink myself with the ship since i have pledged undying allegiance to a thing I very minorly affect
Carter Adams
dont live in corprite LA and not support trump... red neks will hung you with niggers hung dick