Why DO Jews want to wipe white people out?

Why DO Jews want to wipe white people out?

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We are their biggest threat. It's not like it's a solid plan either, they'll be the next white people that their coalittion of nonwhites go after if they're successful. But hey, maybe I'm just attributing my European sense of foresight to these Levantine behemoths and that's racist of me.

all the other races are easy to control. the jews know they can control the niggers, asians, spics, and every race except for the whites.

Absolutely. Look at racial disparities in the markets. It isn't white people buying tickets to the newest Avengers and Star Wars movies. Brown hordes are the easiest to sell shitty television shows and Nike's to.

They wiped themself man
Believe me...its really happened literally

Really literally or sorta figuratively?

Chill muttbois, this isn't a white problem it's a rich problem. Do any of you basement dwellers know what's happening to durka oil land? By 2040 we're gonna name it vishnuland with all the indians pouring in. Mass immigration is caused by capitalism not a fucking magic conspiracy.

And who controls the riches?

it's not all jews, just the super rich ones.
most jews are poor and dirty with a million kids.

Daily reminder that more Indians own a smartphone than a working toilet.

It's not necessarily who has the most wealth, but who has the most power. Look at the upper echelons of society, the politicians and CEO's, and you'll find that Jews are overrepresented amongst this group.

Out of the top 20 richest people on earth 1 is a jew, maybe 2 if fuckerberg made it to the 20.
Sell your gaming pc, take a fight to dubai, you'll see what i mean.

Jews wanting to take out whites is like a competitive runner poisoning his opponent. They dont want the competition even though they are literally killing themselves.

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>being this retardet

Capitalism isn’t the problem fagot, it’s globalism. Everything whit capitalism was fine before the 60s

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It's not about who overtly has the most wealth, it's about who pulls the strings while remaining unseen. Zuckerberg pales in comparison to these people.

The low caste migrant slave workers are hardly something to take pride in, Pajeet.

Jews only care about money and business is rooted genetically in their behavior bc inbreeding this kind of race happens when you have low resources and difficulty through generations and survived, Turks and Arabs are not so distant but they are less efficient.

They will sell a thousand child goys for money they don't even need they are just hardwired to do it regardless of whatever.

They are mixed with whites and they are well aware of their parasitics behavior they just don't care like an homosexual transvestite knows deeps inside he's an I'll degenerated but still he will keep pretending he's a females due to things he can't control like chemicals unbalance in their brain.

Also they know conservativism is a thread to their economic machine and a melting pot for dangerous idealism that's why they push liberalism and indulged the general population with shit like porn profiting meanwhile.

Jews are cancer to humanity.

I'm brown.

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Fuck you NIGGERS period... dont bring some bs from over 150yrs ago and whine cry like a bitch!!!! My familily has been her for 118 yrs and no bododoy had no fucking slaves! my gg grandparents were slaves in germany! fuck off!!! we all killed the real native ppl that were on the land way before you cry baby bitches!!!!

Capitalism means making money no matter what. Back in the 50s the population was increasing so it all went smooth. Today it's decreasing, and that's fine, but walmart needs a few million alejandros to come over and buy their cheap pants. Go be an armchair economist on pol.
In that case let's point out that George Washington was the grandmaster of the colonial free masons.
I'm not a pajeet. The low caste workers go to qatar where the monarchy controls every aspect of the country. The emirates have embraced capitalism so the pajeets will own their country soon.

fucin stoooopid mf ers

Pajeets don't even own all of their own country (Pakistan). If you think any of the Emriates are soon to fall, then you're baiting or delusional. These are the same people who thought Jupiter and Venus were Chinese spy satelites for years. The same people who ruined their first nuclear submarine by leaving the hatch open. No matter how many call centers they open, they'll never amount to anything.

btw fuck ur black ass islam bs!

Even Hitler appreciated Islam for what it was. Christianity, in his own words, has become flabby and weak. If the Arabs need to keep women in garbage bags to prevent rape, let them. At least they're ascribing to a system that prologues their existence rather than accelerating theit own demise. Spread your other cheek, Christcuck.

>Spread your other cheek, Christcuck

so hot right now

because white people are objectively the best race and the jews are envious fucks, plus every other race is more easily controllable than white people

FUCK your African Islam!!! period.. it has no place here!!!

Immigration has a way of getting the smartest out of a country. Why do you think all chinese in america are rich as fuck? You think everyone in china is a doctor?

Are you new here, boomer?

Do you think every Chinese is an America is a doctor? People immigrate to America because even the lowest jobs pay exponentially better than skilled labor in their home countries. Why slave your life away in poverty when you can work in another country for 10~20 years and live the rest of your life like a king back home?

ur hot for sucking black islamic cock.. just one ignorent person, and FUCK your supreme leader d trump!!! pig bitch

Yeah they been gone since 400ad my indo European central Asian friend

Protip, they don't, you idiots.

Neither, this thread is more bullshit

Projection. You want to wipe Jews out so you accuse a tiny minority of something they're in no way capable of.

Statistically asians make $1.10 for every dollar whites make on average. And that's including bill gates, jeff bezos, elon musk, the waltons, the kochs, etc.

kek since when aren't most jews white?

>it's the wealthy
Interesting theory

Also interesting that "the wealthy" are also literally "the jews"

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>Asians make $1.10 on every dollar whites make
No. The median household income of Asians is >10% higher, and they're also nearly twice as likely to have two working spouses.

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All of that skull but no brains to fill it.

the lolz

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Probably smells the same as her breathe. Are these the best blacks you discord trannies could find? They aren't sending their best, folks.

Pick one.

Jew is literally a race of people

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Loaded question. I'm a Jew, want no such thing. Only faggot leftist liberals have so much white guilt that they want to wipe out western civilization. The race mixing shit is a liberal mental illness.

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That baby is grow up to slay black and white PUSS!!!

Jews are more like the parasites if wealth, not the owners. Even with banks the swiss dominate the jews.
The stats I saw showed that the average asian man made $1.10 compared to white and the average asian woman made $1.23 compared to white. This was a california study.

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>Jews are cancer to humanity.
>I'm brown.
Absolutely based.

Don't let any Jews convince you that rational white people hate you. And don't you ever forget that Jews want to wipe your entire race out too.

We have a common goal, and a common enemy.

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Why are Jews so god damn intensely racist?

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Whites are better at doing things than Jews so Jews aren't needed in a white society.

If jews have black/mexican/asians as slaves jews will always be needed because they're smarter than the lesser races.

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So, you looked at skewed stats of the most homeless country in America and lied about including the highest white earners and pretended it was emblematic of America as a whole, while I've given you trends that are observable across the nation.


The non-elite, regular Jews are fine
But for some reason, the Jews that get power start doing really evil shit
It has to be something in the Jewish culture that produces more evil people than average

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Wow, you guys are such stupid morons. Get a grip, like, find reality asshats. Think for a second what you are producing in the world. Spouting other's propoganda doesn't make you smart, damn. Love your fellow man.

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Read the Talmud
Jews literally talk shit about Jesus in their holy books

They say he's burning in a boiling lake of shit in Hell and that Mary was a whore liar

This is more like proof that the Romans gave 0 fucks about Jesus and he wasn't the centre of attention. They had real shit to worry about lime the Persians, but then the whiny jews were crying about their retarded virgin rabbi.

So you've avoided the propaganda they shove down everyone's throats, that's good. By the way you're definitely the minority out of your ethnicity. Just keep that in mind.

This is what I'm curious about. Why are literally all of the Jews with any power so intensely hateful toward other races?

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found the jew

I don't think being a rich Jew makes you 'more evil' than non rich. Remember, those "rich jews" you're bitching about aren't evil in their own mind. I don't know if evil is the right word at all but I do think that leftists are hurting this country rather than helping.

Obsession over Jews does you no favors with right leaning Jews, makes your argument illegitimate, and it doesn't attack the real problem. Leftists have this pernicious hold of the media and the narrative in western countries so bad ideas constantly bubble up to the surface. I like some of the ideas of the left like the environment/sustainability but vast majority if their ideas are pure shit.

Practicing Judaism literally means you think Jews are the "Chosen People of God".

Their entire religion is based on racial superiority

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Who gives a shit?

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Do you think Alabama or Missouri have higher earning whites than California or NY? The fact that the study showed white privilege os fake tells a lot.

The worst of white women are still leagues more attractive than the best of the negroid "women".

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I'm not a minority in my 'ethnicity', just in America. 70% of Jews in the US believe what you accuse them of. However, in Israel, 85% support Trump. The only Jews that I know that are hard left are those who are "university educated". The university system is an indoctrination camp.

Jews are morally bankrupt and broken people.

Who gives a shit.

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It's very telling that you've pushed the goalposts from Indians overtaking the Middle East, to Chinese wages in California, to the plight of Appalachians.

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I disagree. There are some very ugly, unfeminine white women and some very attractive, feminine black women. It's rare from my experience but they do exist. I still prefer white women and nobody should be ashamed of trying to retain onto their cultural identity.

Because they have to mix because Jews are from all walks. Because strong based whites gas them and bake them.

I'm not saying all rich Jews are evil

I'm saying there is a clear pattern that Jews do evil shit to get power, then do evil shit when they have power, generally.

Even the Right Wing Jews are evil
Ben Shapiro constantly wants the US to fight for Israel in nonsense wars like Syria or when Netanyahu said Iraq had WMDs...

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>Humans are morally bankrupt and broken people.

Fixed that for you.

Are white men empirically better people, or are niggers too ugly to rape? Both, I'd say.

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maybe, but she looks pretty dumb.

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>However, in Israel, 85% support Trump
That's because Trump understands if you go against Israel your political career gets prematurely ended, possibly along with your life. They only like him because they know he'll do whatever they want him to do.

>The university system is an indoctrination camp.
You're definitely right about this though.

You better be careful though, user. Jews (the ones we're talking about) really do hate every other race, but that hatred is playground banter compared to how they feel about "traitors".

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Nothing you've specifically said is specific to Jews.

PM Internet and Yahoo wasn't the only one who thought Iraq had an active weapons program..

oh and to be clear, Iraq definitely had WMDs. That's a fact. Liberals and shitposters seem to not have gotten the memo.


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Trump grew up in Jew York, nothing suggests that he was ever against Jews.

I think your hatred of Jews is misplaced. Out of everybody in the middle east, they're the only people whose values most closely match that of the USA. Everybody else is a terrorist goat fucker save for some minority groups interspersed.

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>38 Billion for Israel's wall is fine

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this thread is a fuckin battlefield. between poltards and nigger dick posters


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Trust me, there is a reason why Trump likes Israel. They built their wall and it works. We can't build our wall not because of Jews but because of liberals.

I did not vote for Trump but I will in 2020 if allowed to. (assuming he's still on the ballot)

Only using blacks to make money but nice try.


Here's a version with an archive.is link, in case the original page is taken down or modified. Also I think it's more effective and has a stronger impact without the "wake up before it's too late" line.

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Imagine how much of a cuck you'd need to be to have this much interracial porn downloaded.

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google is shit

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The goalpost is simple. When you base your system on infinite economic growth, and your population isn't endlessly growing, you'll have to pump immigrants from poorer countries in. You're the fucking idiot so obsessed with indians having to be the poorest in the world that the point went over your head.

>I think your hatred of Jews is misplaced.
I think you haven't read into it enough, user. A significant portion of Jewish political, business, and religious leaders have said, have been quoted as saying, things to the tune of "we're going to wipe out white people/all other races and put Jews on top".

I got a few more, sit tight.

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Discord trannies, everywhere.

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Here's another

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>We can't build our wall not because of Jews but because of liberals.

I 100% agree with you and would even add that some Republicans have blocked our path to a border wall.

I think the US will have a civil war soon.

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It's headquartered in commiefornia, what did you expect?


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An article (written by a Jewish woman)

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Thanks dude

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>makes the claim that Indians will rule the middle east
>n-no my point is economic growth
Surplus markets are no excuse for importing disease ridden niggertier civilizations

A Rabbi

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>We are their biggest threat.
Nah, Jews aren’t stupid. What do you think will happen if there aren’t any whites? Who protects Israel? South Africa? Maori?!
If there aren’t any whites, the leading role will be occupied by the Asians. And they won’t care about Jewish. They don’t have any historical duty to protect or respect them. The Jews know that without our help, they will lose everything.

A Jewish professor at Harvard

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The thing is, even if most people realize jews are fucking everyone over, they'll just start another world war and kill everyone.

Then when its time for the next generation to go to school they'll just start a new lie.

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I doubt only 3 of them are Jewish.


The Talmud is a treasure trove of this stuff

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These kikes are so desperate to stop you from having this conversation that they'll spam the most vile things they can find across the internet in your threads. Remember this.

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A survey on affirmative action, where the Jewish respondents actually increased their likelihood of support, if it meant whites would be harmed.

Forgot the pic, whoops

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That is disgusting. Such an attractive person fucked by an inked one?!

Jews may not be as stupid as the jungle dwellers, but they're inarguably plagued with mental illness.

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Plenty of white, university educated persons say the exact same thing.

Everytime you attack the Jews, you keep ignoring the common factor which is marxist ideology.

You obsess over Jews when not all Jews subscribe to that idiotic belief system while all marxists do. I know enough Jews to know that not all feel this way about the elimination of white people being a 'good thing'. I've encountered far more 'Christians'/non whites who are giddy at the idea of the elimination of whites than Jews.

Atheism is a far higher risk factor for hatred against western civilization than being Jewish. Most of the 'jews' you've listed are cultural Jews, not religious.

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Hordes of fucking indians are pouring into the middle east and they're not even converting to islam. The only reason I mention that is because it isn't an exclusively white problem. Calling it vishnuland is like calling america burritoland. ffs it's like explaining shit to a toddler.

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It's a good thing you aren't a teacher then, you have as much of a point as a bowling ball.

Running out of material, huh?

There were no slaves in germany 150 years ago.

>Registered Democrat

And I care about his views because...?

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>Registered Democrat

Why do you keep posting articles from democrats? We know they're braindead....

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OPs point is that there's an attack on the white race by mass immigration. I gave an example of a nonwhite country facing the same problem and you sperged out over the indians. Wtf is your problem with them?

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Have to agree with this user.
Indians breed like rats.
Can't stop the horde

Marxism is an ideology created and spread primarily by Jewish people. Yeah some people are ethnically Jewish but not religious, etc but "Jewish" is an ethnicity, culture, and religion all in one. That's why they have such an intensely strong motivation to do what (they believe is) best for their people.

That ideology is certainly parroted by non-Jews, but it's just that; parroting. The instigators, the people spreading the message, pushing it into classrooms and colleges, into politics, into the media? All of them, Jewish.

Don't get me wrong, if you're actually against what these wealthy and connected Jews are doing, I'm not at all trying to berate you.

I'm just trying to show you, just because they share your DNA or your religion, does not at all mean you are like them. And they sure as fuck hate me, and every other non-Jew out there. But you are in a bit of a hard spot, because like I said, Jews hate non-Jews but they fucking *despise* Jewish traitors.

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>You obsess over Jews when not all Jews subscribe to that idiotic belief system while all marxists do

I agree with you. I don't just hate Jews for no reason.
It's just that, for some weird reason, it's disproportionally Jews saying these things when you look at their per capita population.

Only 2% of the US population but they are 40% of the Billionaires for example.

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The light skinned northerners aren't that bad

>Out of the top 20 richest people on earth 1 is a jew
Interesting disinformation my guy

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If showing you how dumb your fantasy of "vishnuland" is spergery, then you've gone fullblown spedorast. But hey, let's pretend the billions of Indians have /never ever/ immigrated en masse in the same manner as the artificial importation of Somalians and Venezuelans are in America.

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The minorities generally go to the cheapest option form of entertainment. U think it's because of the color of their skin? Ur blowing ur bullshit rhetoric way out of proportions

Appreciate the bumps my guy

post more attractive black women though

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I could find articles written by white women saying how disgusting white men are and that the future is black. Does that make them an authority of what is right?

If every jew on earth disappeared overnight, nothing would change. The left would keep marching left and the whites will still get annihilated by the brown people because other whites enable them. There are far more white people enabling the browning of our country than the 'jews' could ever have an effect.

Understanding that the Jews don't control the world and human behavior should be enough for you to understand that the problem with the destruction of western civilization does not lie at the feet of the Jews but at your fellow neighbors who've had their children indoctrinated by NON-WHITE & WHITE MARXISTS alike. The infection of leftist thought begins early and Jews alone can't be enough to be the difference between maintaining western civilization and the destruction of it.

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>Leftist professor

There I fixed it for you.

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I think there will be a civil war in the US in about 5 years on this issue
It's going to be
1) Humanist, post-modern, cultural marxism and socialism/communism
2) moral, Christian Religious, traditional values and capitalism

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>skin color doesn't affect behavior or intelligence

Carlos slim, catholic lebanese. Warren buffet, christian. Bill gates, maybe atheist but not a jew. Jeff bezos, german adopted by catholic cubans, the waltons aren't jews, neirther are those french designer billionaires, the owner of ikea, zara that italian ferrero. I looked at the to 20 list in the world. The only jew there is the guy who owns all the vegas casinos.


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that may be true in the USA but not in Israel. that's because 70% of Jews in the USA are leftist and Jews tend to be smart. Smart Jews go to university where they get indoctrinated.

The school system is the problem. Jews could disappear overnight and the indoctrination would continue.

If Jews were really the problem you claim them to be, their disappearance would have a profound effect on society, but it wouldn't because marxist ideas are heavily infiltrated at all levels of govt. and the education system.

More Kosher sandwich bullshit. Either branch and their (((taste makers))) support the sovereignty of Israel above our own.

Reading is hard, kolya.


lol straight up

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Oof. I thought we were homies

>I could find articles written by white women saying how disgusting white men are and that the future is black
Now do the same with white business, political, and religious leaders, like I just did.

You can't.

>If every jew on earth disappeared overnight, nothing would change.
Losing 85-90% of mass media executives overnight wouldn't change anything? 1/5 of America's Congress gone. Somewhere between 3 and 5 Supreme Court Justices. All the Israeli and Jewish organizations that spend literally hundreds of millions of dollars every year to send astroturfers to Reddit, Yea Forums, Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube... Nothing at all?

Are you sure?

What this looks like to me is you're trying to drive a wedge between two major groups so they fight with each other instead of the real enemy. Just like how Jews are at the center of forcing the racial divide between black and white, between men and women, between republicans and democrats, between every group they can influence because they're desperately trying to keep the target off the real enemy: themselves.

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I just hope right wing jews and normal people can be allies when the war happens

>The school system is the problem. Jews could disappear overnight and the indoctrination would continue.
We'd be missing a loooot of college professors.

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Vishnuland was just a little racist joke. I have no fucking clue what you're saying now. Are you talking about the indo aryan migrations? HALF OF DUBAI IS INDIAN YOU FUCKING CHIMP. Look it up if you're so fucking obsessed over it.

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They don't hate you because you're Jewish, they hate you because you're white. They've been educated from the beginning that western civ is evil and therefore everything and anything white people do is evil as well.

Jews have a high average IQ which means they're more educated on average and tend to lean towards atheism. I call these marxist Jews educated idiots. Being in the university system does not encourage original thought and critical thinking, they instead encourage hive mind.

Any self serving Jew who has had to deal with sand niggers/real niggers on a regular basis and understood the negative effects would be just as 'woke' as any white southerner is about blacks.

Rich, elitist Jews like any other rich, privileged group that is isolated from the garbage of humanity think that importing rapefugees makes them morally superior.

Jews have a higher than average IQ. Being rich isn't necessarily because you're evil, could be because you're smart as fuck. Remember, smart, educated people get indoctrinated at the university level so being a leftist sort of comes with the territory.

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>Rich, elitist Jews like any other rich, privileged group that is isolated from the garbage of humanity think that importing rapefugees makes them morally superior.
That's true. Ultimately the wealthy are the core of the problem, it just happens to be that a significant portion of the wealthy are also Jewish.

It's kinda like saying "black people aren't the problem, just people of African descent". Technically distinct groups, but so much overlap that they mean nearly the same thing. You are right though, it's the wealthy.

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>this one city has Indians, checkmate atheists
Aaannnd we're back to cherry picking. Either you're joking or you're trying to make a faulty point. Next you'll say you were only pretending to be retarded

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>Ultimately the wealthy are the core of the problem, it just happens to be that a significant portion of the wealthy are also Jewish.

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>Being rich isn't necessarily because you're evil, could be because you're smart as fuck

That's the thing though. That study that Jordan Peterson cites about Jews having higher IQ is outdated and has been shown to be exaggerated

Just being smart doesn't make you uber-rich either
IQ definitely makes you more well off, but when it gets into these Billionaire categories, you have to start doing somewhat immoral things

For some reason, Jews are more willing to do immoral things, they lust after power, they pursue money so hard they are way more likely to be Billionaires.

2% of the population and 40% of the billionaires isn't a coincidence.

I'm not trying to be your enemy here either.
I don't hate all Jews. I don't think the majority of Jews are evil. And cultural marxism is our biggest enemy.
I'm a capitalist, hate communism, will eventually fight in the US civil war of 2025 over stopping immigration

But I used to be like you. I thought people who posted these Jew pics were just retarded neo-nazis, but the issue of Jewish over extreme representation in Government, Media, TV, News, Movies, Culture, Billionaires, can't be ignored anymore.

There is something in the Jewish culture that is propagating the love of power and money.

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>3rd richest city in the world is 75% immigrant
>still obsessing over the indians
>can't see how this affects him
>will most likely reply about the fucking indians again
I hope your sister gives birth to a mulatto

Btw I really like Peterson too

Yeah, you know what would happen? The only thing major that would happen would be complete loss of support for Israel in the media with the tiny conservative media still supporting Israel (which would be irrelevant because Israel wouldn't exist). Otherwise, the browning of this country would accelerate severely.

Why? Because the only white people that would get hired in the place of the 'disappeared jews' are hard left liberals who actually hate white people far more than you accuse the jews of and brown people.

what, you think jews were hired because of affirmative action and that if they all disappeared that the media would become more balanced or, heaven for bid become right leaning? give me a fucking break! Look at how far left europe is! Hardly any Jews in europe compared with the USA and they're so far left leaning that it makes the left in the US look conservative.

marxist thought is pervasive and it doesn't need 'jews' to help push it. Most of the world is left leaning. That's why it's so important to help keep america conservative.

You might not be aware but a lot of left leaning Jews think Israel should be dissolved because of 'white oppression' and it's an 'apartheid state'.

Don't worry, Affirmative action will quickly fill those vacancies and you'll have to hear about how evil white people are from non-whites while not being able to call them out on the irony of the situation.

>it just happens to be that a significant portion of the wealthy are also Jewish.

Why is that?
Why do Jews pursue money and power like that more often than the general population?

Generally good people are content with life once they have "enough" and don't pursue such things.
For some reason, Jews feel the need to subvert the rules of the game to acquire as much money and power as possible.

Jews are 2% of the population
They are 40% of the Billionaires

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Well I'm sure most of these wealthy people who are educated and once again, susceptible to hive mind and peer pressure think the morally superior solution is to allow the import of rapefugees.

Once we learn to attack bad ideas and not bad people, the more we can push for good ideas. Pigeonholing people accomplishes nothing. It's just a way from distracting from the real problem. Why should anybody take your ideas seriously when blaming the Jews for literally every bad thing that has ever befelled you is a running gag on the left about the white supremacists? Why give the left fodder for discrediting the right? Why give them any ammunition for delegitimizing the seriousness of the destruction of western civilization?

>For some reason, Jews are more willing to do immoral things, they lust after power, they pursue money so hard they are way more likely to be Billionaires.
"For some reason, Jews are more willing to do immoral things, they lust after power, they pursue money so hard they are way more likely to be Billionaires. "

Most people aren't all that moral, you're giving them too much credit. Jews are smarter on average, I've seen it first hand. Being smarter than average does provide benefits. Being conservative with money also provides benefits.

jews being good with money makes sense as an oppressed minority, selective breeding would help those who were on the outskirts of society as Jews have been a heavily persecuted people.

Jews had to adapt to their environment. Blacks are dumb because they grew up on continent that had everything they needed to live. There was no genetic selection to weed out those who couldn't plan, save, hunt, etc.

The races that struggled the most to survive tended to be the smartest. It only makes sense.

>Hardly any Jews in europe
I'm not too sure about that

>You might not be aware but a lot of left leaning Jews think Israel should be dissolved because of 'white oppression' and it's an 'apartheid state'.
While there definitely are a handful of Jews (mostly orthodox as far as I'm aware) who are against Israel, or at least the horrific things Israel has been doing for the last 60 years, the vast majority of Jews don't fall into that category.

The overwhelming majority of these articles, anti-white/anti-anyone-who's-not-Jewish movies, TV shows, news segments, etc are coming from Jewish writers or producers. Sure there are non-Jewish Marxists who've fallen hard for the propaganda, but again those are just useful idiots. Useful idiots don't and can't maintain an ideology over generations. For that to happen, one group needs to be making a concerted, focused effort, for decades.

I resent Marxists of any kind, but most of them are just gullible passengers on a genocide train. The engineers and stokers, all of them, are Jewish.

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The stereotypes about Jews being good with money probably are true, but it's also true of Chinese. I think selective genetic pressure have made those two groups smarter than average. Africans are dumb as fuck because no selective pressure.

The engineers and stokers, all of them, are Jewish.

Wrong. Plenty of non-white liberals are infiltrating all forms of media, academia, govt. etc. pushing for these 'reforms'. Look at how many spics have been elected. Look at how many of them are pushing for open borders, amnesty, etc. They have no shame and do not care. Like I said, Jews could disappear overnight and western civ will still be destroyed because other whites have been and continue to enable the browning of this country with people who do not share our values.

You're going to get more Ilhan Omars and AOC rather than Chuck Schumer and Michael Bloomberg...

The first two are far more dangerous than the latter two, no matter how liberal you think they are.

Trust me, the liberals are turning on the Jews because they're white and what will be interesting to see is how many Jews realize that they're now the enemy in the eyes of the marxist left and if they will abandon the left and move to the right.

>Once we learn to attack bad ideas and not bad people, the more we can push for good ideas.
I want to agree with you. Logically, I do.

But looking at the reality, we simply can't do it that way. Attack the ideas and you get deplatformed, denounced, silenced, labeled a racist, Nazi, white supremacist, bigot, schizo, the list goes on. They won't let us attack the ideas anymore. They are forcing this into an "us vs them" situation.

I'll have to think about this more, user. I'm pretty tired. If you're an astroturfer... fuck you, and bravo. If you aren't an astroturfer, I appreciate your arguments. You raise good points. It's just hard to attack bad ideas when they constantly come from the same group of bad people.

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Well to give some fodder for your argument. While there are probably some good muzzies, unfortunately, there is overwhelming evidence that the muslim world hold ideas that are quite antithetical to western values. Bill Maher did a segment on this. It just seems like the more third world shithole muzzies we import, the worst things get. I wish our immigration system was far more selective like it was in the past. Today, it almost seems they selectively choose people who want to undermine this country, like Ilhan Omar for example.

Back to the Jews, Jews have been part of the USA for well over 100 years, their population hasn't grown much, if at all yet the USA has done pretty well. However, the last 30 years, with all the browning, illegal immigration, leftist indoctrination, etc. that seems to be the turning point.

No they didn't. They had poppy seeds and oil.

You're an idiot. Go read the article. You think the leftist NYtimes is making up this shit? The reason this information was suppressed by the BUSH ADMINISTRATION, that's right, BUSH told them to suppress info about WMDs because it wouldn't fit the narrative that they had an active weapons program.

Oh and BTW, WMDs includes chemical weapons.

Every war since and including ww2 was Jewish inspired. Shame on the masses for being so easily manipulated and influenced.

They see us as a threat.

Friendly reminder that Jews are responsible for the Iraq Wars.

Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand was Jew Inspired?

Anyway, Hitler was the worst thing that ever happened to white people. What he did was create immense white guilt in western europe over ethnic pride by creating such a brutal regime predicated on white nationalism. Had he not tried to exterminate the 'undesirables' but instead ship them off, he would not have been vilified to the degree he was. He didn't kill nearly as many people as Stalin or Mao did, yet I don't hear libbies harping on them like they do with Hitler.

Germany wouldn't have nearly the mandate to let in all those niggers had they not done what they did during WWII.

yeah, not because we're blood thirsty for oil and we want to protect our economic interests in that area... yeah, no way at all...

>The white race isn't being erased, just consolidated.

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>immunized against all dangers
except zyklon b...

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Idk why do they? Dumbasses trailer living incest Hitler can never answer that question

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You're a cuck who admits to being inferior to Jews.

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Well if there was no oil and no WMDs, no reason to go to Iraq... except there was and so we went. One thing we don't understand about nation building in those countries is that we didn't control them like we did Japan and S. Korea. Also we're still in those countries to this day, not sure if we could/would accomplish such a thing.

White supremacy is a mental disorder. How do you "control" anyone, regardless of race? Also every white person I know has seen Avengers, what point were you even trying to make?

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I absolutely agree with you. Anyone calling someone a white supremacist has a mental disorder.

Asians. Dumbasses.

>being white is a mental disorder
>you literally mutilate and then suck the cocks of babies

>mental disorder

try again, jewfag.

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That's the only argument you morons have and it's pathetic.

Not an argument

I'm not Jewish and the fact you can't cope with your pathetic existence and call everyone who disagrees with you jews proves you and all white people who think like you are dumb.

he also wrote this article as well

If Israel didn't exist, would any of the Iraq wars had happened? Hard to say. We invade countries that aren't an existential threat to the USA or Israel or our allies. I think the Military Industrial complex was pushing for this war or another war anyway. If it wasn't Iraq, it may have been Iran, who knows? We love invading and bombing shit. 'Merica.

>Being this retarded

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>Deluding yourself into believing everyone is a Jew out to get you
White supremacy is a mental disorder

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You're advocating for white supremacy so fuck off. Did your feelings get hurt? Faggot


shut up, jew.


shut up, jew.

Not an argument


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Go back to redddit shill

Taken out of context

America and Canada produces 100x more oil than Iraq does you stupid nigger

Is your mommy a Jew too because she spanks you?

Mr. Circumcised cock wants to call others jews

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Yeah, currently. Iran was the biggest supplier when we started the war. Not everything is Jews you fucking autist

Why does OP want to aids up the board?
Why HASN'T he killed himself?
Why ISN'T he in a trap thread being a faggot?

She's 'pretty' because of photoshop and surgery.

Because white supremacist are not superior to anyone and are usually the dumbest, ugliest people on the planet.


An uncomfortable truth but it is a truth. If you're trying to imply that Israel is behind 9/11, get fucked. That's as ridiculous as saying Trump was behind 9/11 so that he would have the tallest building in NYC.

Not in 2003 dipshit. Probably were a toddler when we invaded Iraq.

Jew isn't a race, it is an ethnicity based on maternal bloodline.

>crime against humanity
>not an argument

yes, yes it is, jew. and we can prove it. price for human foreskin?




and this is just the shit that's public. fuck you, creepo. we will rout you out.

>Doesn't know difference between ethnic and orthodox jews
>Implying all Jews are bad because of 16 successful people out of millions that happen to be Jewish
>Implying they all share the same political values
>Implying they're all secretly working together
White supremacy is a mental disorder.

shut up jew

Thats is literally no an argument. I could pay some ugly friends to larp as antifa for a day and then point at them and call them losers.
Try again retard

Why so jews want to wipe everyone out? You retards can never answer such a basic question.

where does it say that.
you make a claim, bring the data.

You're fucking dumb. Learn history. What religion escaped Britain to practice religion freely? Wasn't the fucking Jews.

You shut up Jew

Ok, so parents who aren't Jewish want their baby circumcised and the excess skin is sold off. How is this the Jews fault and why do you care? Would you rather the foreskins be shipped to your house?

Look at the difference between the US and Iraq. Not to mention that the oil would have to move from Iraq all the way to the US. Obviously there would be a ton of oil worker whistleblowers if the US was doing that.
>Muh oil
Is alex jones tier retardation and shows you know nothing of geopolitics

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show yourself then, faggot. post a pic. get on cam. i'm live right now. show us yourself. if you don't you're full of shit and your argument is invalid. but i'll give you a couple minutes.

please show us yourself. play stupid games, win stupid prizes. you have 5 minutes.

Black people get circumcised. Nothing to do with jews. You're an idiot who calls everything he doesn't like Jewish. Man child.

Why? You a faggot and want to see guys? I am under no obligation to obey the orders of a child. You're a loser.

I wasn't the user who made the claim. I saw you stated an opinion as if it was fact and corrected it.

It is an argument. Can't call yourself superior when you're stupid and ugly

A 1% change in oil output in any country can lead to price drop or price increases. Hey, I'm just using the argument that people think the Iraq war was for oil. Iraq war wasn't necessarily for just their oil, it was to ensure stability in the middle east by appeasing their neighbors such as Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Having a lunatic with WMDs in Iraq was a no-go and same with Iran.

>Calls people faggot
>Wants to look at other men on cam
White supremacy is a mental disorder.

so you say Jews are the ones that use their power for evil.


who was it that killed indians to take their land? right, you seed of brits, frenchmen, and dutch.
who was it that controlled Europe trying to kill almost everyone? Germans.
Who was it that killed natives in almost every country? brits again.
Who was it that killes millions of people in wwii? Russia and Germany
who was it that killed 70 mil? China
Who enslaved natives of africa? Americans.

Jews were always a minority and always persecuted for that.
The majority always forces its beliefs on the minority.

Only today do Jews have some power in one of the smallest countries in the world.

get on cam and show us yourself
get on cam and show us yourself

you wont. because you're pussies. literal coward assed pussies. but surprise! you're talking to Anonymous. and we already know who you are, where you live, etc.

dopey children in your moms house are not a threat to us. either shut the fuck up now or face the consequences. if you think it's a joke, by all means, please try us.

>Le cringe

full of BS... Obama was 8 years straight in office.

Totally leftist, wasn't liked very much

>Show us yourself
Speak for yourself faggot

yeah show me your cock. how big is your penis?

I don't live with my mom like you, which is how I know you're full of shit

thats right big boy, show us your pecs and show us that strong throbbing hard sleek cock.

oh wait... you can't do that. you're a fat boy in your moms house with a 2" embarassing dong.

so sorry.

>You are a pussy
>Can't go outside and be public with his views in fear of getting hit

The Jews cut it off

I don't live with my mommy in a trailer like you.

It's 3 inches btw

ok retard. i know you get no attention from anyone IRL. especially females. this is the most attention you'll get in weeks, you creepy sperglord weirdo motherfucker. but don't test me. or us. not tonight nigger.

>Gets called out about circumcision
>Oh yah get in cam r elze u pussy hurr durr
Nice argument. White supremacist are dumb.

then show us your HUGE dick.

3"? so sorry. just neck yourself already, you will never find a girl.

My social life is quite well. No attention from females? Guess that explains why your mom was so hairy then.

i'm not a white supremacist. you're just an angry jew.

so, show us yourself. lets see a pic. i already showed you who i am. let's go rabbi. lets see what you look like to be talking all that trash.

he wants to ebolish whiteness, not white people.

I don't need a girl i sleep with girls on a fairly regular basis. Sounds like your projecting because everyone knows white supremacist are rejected by society.

>mom jokes

you're 10 years old. go to bed. and get the fuck off this site before i do shit i don't want to say out loud that i will do.

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>white supremacy exists


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I'm not a rabbi. You have to speak Hebrew and go to school for that. Not even Jewish. How does it feel that you have to lie to yourself to own the "jews." Cucked ideology.

>My social life is quite well.

on Yea Forums at 4am on a weekday

ok, pal. tell us another one. you fatass do-nothing low life sack of shit. i said show us yourself. last chance.

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Things like what? Fuck your mom?

Macho man randy savage over here fucking with kids.

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It's day where I live. Looks like the one who stays up late doing nothing is you.

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You just outed yourself as a fat fuck who stays up all night jerking if to jew hate threads and hitler fanfic

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well i'm not this guys, but at this point you should probably show yourself. what happened to these people is that they get nuked/raided/swatted/murdered... soooo probably shouldnt be talking shit to these psychos on this site. just saying.

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You're the same guy. I can tell from the fact you don't punctuate the first words of your sentence like you're supposed to.

you say that because you don't know the history of Iraq.
Read about the sikes piqeau agreement (prob not spelled like that) that give the territory of Iraq to france.
These were completely different groups of Islam that were against each other.
This was bound to be broken apart.
It is only because Saddam Hussein was a dictator that it stayed for as long as it did.
before that, they quarrelled a lot.

Nice try. You're bluffing

Reminder to all white men. Live by these rules and you will reach enlightenment.

>love black women
>impregnate black women
>worship black women
>protect black women
>support black women

Breed a better future, breed black.

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>piqeau agreement (prob not spelled like that) that give the territory of Iraq to france.
>These were completely different groups of Islam that were against each other.
>This was bound to be broken apart.
>It is only because Saddam Hussein was a dictator that it stayed for as long as it did.
>before that, they quarrelled a
You're absolutely correct on that part. But what does that have to do with Israel? Or USA invading the middle east?

Was this ironically posted? That page you listed just listed a bunch of other feminist groups that weren't Jewish.

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>Ignoring the 12 other ethnic groups mentioned to make it seem like jews are only one doing this
White supremacy is a mental disorder

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gg no re. see you next time drumpftards

Most Jews are white retard

What is your IQ? Think about small of a population Jews are, and then look at how many of them push leftist faggotry.
Triple the amount of feminists activists while only being equal to 10% of the african american population. And the africans had it much worse than Jews.

Keep living in denial and sucking the cock of your kike on a crucifix.

Jesus fuck how do both of you not understand per capita and yet feel confident talking on subjects that you know nothing about?

I know my iq is higher than yours because I don't believe such stupid shit as "all Jews push leftist ideology." Orthodox jews don't support that shit. You're a loser who blames his problems on jews.

Jews have an above average IQ. Jews, due to their superior intellect go to university. University is an indoctrination camp. Therefore, on average, more Jews are going to be brainwashed into being leftist retards...

That's not a problem specific to Judaism, it's a problem specific to our federally funded indoctrination camps.

Just remember that you share the view that "Muh jews are all normal people" with most other people who have dont zero research on any of this stuff.
This argument isnt about Jews being a monolith you retards. It is about how small of a population Jews are and yet how big the problems they cause. Apartheid Israel, embrace predatory lending, started the abrahamic religions, overthrew the Tsars which created Communism which then caused WW2, were given homes in Rome and then shat on it by killing Romans in Judea and still to this day claims to be the victim. I could go on but you get the point. Only a christkike would feel the need to whiteknight such a problematic ethnic group

Your argument falls a part in the beginning because Jews were the ones that created Critical theory in frankfurt schools which were pushed onto American universities. American universities were not compromised before the school of frankfurt.
Jews pushing leftist values on other people who don't share those values is nothing new you absolute mong.
Was it also a coincidence that Jewish """doctors""" such as Hirschfield were promoting transgender identity and blurring the lines on gender itself?
Hitler and Germany didn't just randomly start hating Jews out of nowhere.

Seeing as how the curriculum is dictated by grants from jews like the rockefeller foundation, it would be a nice start at reform if they did disappear.

Hitler didn't hate Jews randomly, nobody hates anybody randomly. But what Hitler did for Germany was far worse than anything the Jews ever did or could have done or have done to Germany.

A lot of educated people hold leftist values. Jews tend to be educated due to their intellect so it's not a surprise many are leftist shitheads.

it's important to remember at this point, whether the 'jews started marxism" or have been pushing the leftist liberal agenda, it's irrelevant at this point because the leftist include many groups besides Jews. Railing against the Jews for their liberal thought is like railing against whites because what the settlers did to the native americans. Or railing against whites for being slave holders.

It's important to stay on message and attack marxism and leftist thought rather than specific races of people as the elimination of any one race won't change a damn thing.