Omar was not as complimentary of the United States

>Omar was not as complimentary of the United States.

>“This is not going to be the country of the xenophobics,” Omar said. “This is not going to be the country of white people.”
Spread this
redpill the normies


make it trend on twitter

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I bet good money her, AOC and the retard from Detroit aren’t re-elected to their house seats in 2020

good, fuck wh*toids














Make it trend

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Just trying to keep up with it: She is the next person poltards are laning to make constant threads about on Yea Forums after AOC?


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leftists are such fucking retards. their entire lives revolve around being degenerate and subversive, just like their jewish masters.

it will turn into a 3rd world shithole

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how is diversity white genocide? are you really such a fragile snowflake that you can't handle a diverse population?

some of the richest places on earth are in america and they're already very diverse

you're just trying to misconstrue what she said and make it all about your silly culture war


i don't think you know who that word refers to

Good fuck white people now add jews, niggers, br monkeys and chinks to the list.

snowflakes are fragile, white and small

makes perfect sense to me

thank you for proving my point

white genocide is a myth, prove me wrong

I love your sources. Turd.

no need to continue. you already proved yourself wrong. so i pretty much discount the rest of your bait

fuck off to /pol/ yah racist asshole

so says you, i'm still right and you're a triggered snowflake

look. now your wrong twice

My elementary school, today. Illegals displace the native population and there will eventually be no place left to go.

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3 times if you wanna separate snowflake and triggered

oh /pol/ keep it in your echo chamber

But she's not wrong. Whites are being outbred by shitskins. Still largest group at about 46%, but this is getting chipped away at all the time.

you can always just not enter these threads

you can always go back to europe :^)

I believe it

>poor girl
>couldnt hande such rich rich diversity

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this isn't evidence of white genocide

white people have been killing other white people going back as far as human history

america was never a white country to begin with,or are you trumptards going to try to convince people that native americans were white?

the right can't argue, that's why they use rhetoric and memes

the left is just mad because they cant meme

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who cares

memes are for children

go back and read history, see what Romans thought about northern europeans

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propaganda does not countermand history

facts dont care about your feelings

Eat a dick loser. She won you lost get over it.

ikr? why the moron didn't include CNN's coverage of the quote as well I don't understand, since it would at least show that it isn't a blatant lie being parroted by alt-right sources (or course it is a massive misrepresentation, even if not fully made up).

You object to sharing the country with any non-white individuals? Fuck off, Nazi.

>kill all nonwhites!

actually we shouldn't kill all nonwhites



>facts dont care about your feelings
nope they dont

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your finished, honkies.

We demand Racial Independence for our race.
nothing more.
nothing less.

Anyone who denies us this is inherently a tyrant wishing to rule over us by their system of oppression

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i agree, and the facts as presented by this image paint a picture that white people aren't in danger at all

we can close this thread now

go back to a white country like the jutland where anglos came from


white people have become the weakest link. They are being out bred, and they will soon be history.

>whites killed by blacks
please do tell me when you learn how to fucking read.

ITT: whiney faggots that can't handle being awful so they try to be so awful that it comes off as desperate.

But that country would not grant me racial independence either now would it?
not to mention most whites are mixes of other races
Whites need an ethno state
As do blacks
and as do all races have an inherent right to monoracial homeland

try me.

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if all the anglos went back to anglia they could achieve this white ethnostate because they'd be the majority by a large margin

why do white people feel entitled to take other's land? this is what got you in the mess in the first place

just return the land to the natives, go back to jutland and start your independent state there

if you go back to the jutland you'll be safe


don't have to. Just sit back and watch as your race is bred out of existence. lol


>>Asks to be bred.

>why do white people feel entitled to take other's land?
All territorial borders that exist today or ever existed were fundimentally seized from other people at other times
im fine with giving the american indian an ethno state but the idea that land conqured from other people for centuries isnt rightfully ours is bullshit
it would mean the entire population of the bantu tribe in south africa (Which covers nerely hafl the continent) for instance would have to retreat to the eastern coast of the continet
an area without the resources to sustain said population
there old land being given back to tiny tribes that would not even be able to populated the whole of their previously held land now after many gencodial wars by the bantu
or is it only wrong to gain war from conquest when white people do it user?

if white people were willing to breed with other races they'd be fine. white genes don't disappear through mixbreeding

if white genes are superior, they'll win out in the end. that's how genetics works

it just so happens that nazis are brainpoisoned and refuse to face facts

With all the muslims?

you have to go back

jutland is majority white, when all the anglos go to jutland it will be overwhelmingly majority white, then you can close the borders and jerk each other off on that dumb peninsula

But thats obviously not happening user
Nationalists are comming into power across the west
there are marches
Massive acts of unrest, revolution and neo fascist ideologies

If this werent the case you cucks wouldnt have to cry when you read the news every other day

As it is
and as i said

Ill take my fucking chances.

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I can't wait till we get another hitler 2bh

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Yes, poltards did you even look at the OP?

honestly as a mexican american, its fucking blatant how much racism there is towards white people. Literally most black people are just niggers who care about a new pair of shoes than their future. Then they blame their shitty lives on white people and expect reperations. Honestly its fucking joke and racial diversity is also fucking retarded.

Dear America ... i love your country

Everyone in the world pretty much copys everything you fags do .. can you guys just solve this global niggy problem already please

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And the US isn't the country for you then. Go fuck off and live somewhere else. You live here by choice.

Thanks Obama for dropping 80,000 Islamists in Minnesota

Even if we assume that these statistics are entirely unbiased in any way, it still wouldn't fucking matter.

You prosecute and bring criminals to justice because they've broken the law, not because they're a certain skin color.

Even if black people were more inclined to commit crime, you bring the criminals to justice and allow all the law abiding people to remain free and continue contributing to our economy and society.

It's like saying all white people should be imprisoned just because some of them commit crimes. It's just fucking dumb and you should feel dumb for even bringing it up.

Guilty as charged
but I have to say
I was pretty unpleasantly suprised comming on this board
and not even by the disagreement, cause i know that was coming from some regardless.

But just by the fucking brain dead, trully reddit teir colber watcher responses I got

Its like coming across an evolution denier or antivaxer in this day and age and having them attempt to prove their point with the level of conviction and fantacism as a post reformation jesuit

this is just fucking trolling at this point
though by the threads i posted on other boards on the same meme, this # will probably be trending come tomorrow
and the left will once again loose more of the youth in the face of their ignorance, intolerance, and stupidity

Example of said youth

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>It's like saying all white people should be imprisoned just because some of them commit crimes.
No its like saying all whites should live in a different country because they shoot unarmed blacks and cant stop creating systemtic oppression
And to think
They say bi-partisan solutions are dead.

Just remember user, who exactly did this to you
who was behind it
who pushed for it

And one day
when you se your daughter, or your wife
or if your lucky
just some girl you know in your life get raped by one of those niggers
remember who did it

but even more importantly
Rember this is a solution to the problem.
>pic related

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It certainly won’t be a Democrat one apparently.

if you are white there is litterally no reason to vote democrat at this point.

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If the Muslims and the Jews are enemies, than why are Muslims eagerly fulfilling the Jewish agenda of White Genocide? Is this all a jewish trick? Are the jews using and manipulating the muzzies?

Google the "Golden age of jewery in spain" user
you'll find out why they perfer sand niggers to whites.

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>.000000002 shekels have been deposited to your account

back to r/thedonald with you

'Omar', is the most shitskin name. Change my mind.

Just look at the fear in that Breitbart headline.

Completely hysterical ..
Must be their time of the month

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I agree :
We should spread this everywhere!!


the jewish media is on the attack after she said that stuff about israel

Of you are retarded, there is every reason to vote republitard at this point

>muh golden age
The “golden age” never existed you Fucking retard.

if your white, theres no reason to vote with either major party.

dems hate whites, and republicans are too busy being afraid of their own shadow to care.

Sure it did, before leftists flooded our country with foreigners and let our businesses outsource all of our jobs.

This is why most whites and virtually every other type of person thinks white nationalists are the most loathsome and dangerous retards on earth. You regularly do things like interpret "not the country of white people" as "a country with no white people".

> leftists flooded our country with foreigners
You mean the Chinese ?
The Irish?
The Italians?

The ones that build the infrastructure?

Myopic and retarded.
How surprising that a right wing fucktard holds a retarded opinion

Deliberately so.

They have no interest in participating in society, preferring instead to burn the current one to the ground.

This is why they need to be stamped out

/yawn... That's never going to gain traction. It's robotic to keep spewing that talking point. The 1965 Illegal Immigration Act was a disaster and is nothing but a political football now. And I'm classic liberal, btw.