Other urls found in this thread:
oh. ya that's an issue.
Man I really want some guy to dick me down and knot me like that
saaaame. I need to be dicked eventually.
I could hotdog your butt
Some day user
I'd settle for a buddy to frot with and make out
close enough
Thanks charles and this is still sumfox keep forgetting to put
at the end of my posts.
like this??
I'm sure I could change the sleep schedule a bit.
as if I couldn't grind against something harder than I already am
I'd recommend not doing that and just sorting out NS and 4chanx. Signatures are a bannable offense
still don't over exert yourself. Find a pace that you and him can see each other.
He's tried to for a while
god dammit. Time to go spend the next week figuring this shit out again.
Fresh installs and everything?
4chanx and ublock origin self resolved a while ago
uninstall and reinstall ublock, 4chanx and NS.
I had to reset ublock a few weeks ago because it self resolved and the filter fix had rebroken it.
I'm in the mood but I don't want the mood to end is the problem.
I guess he never tried reinstalling the adblocker
Yeah, I'd recommend resetting then reinstalling ublock if necessary.
Chrome also had an issue with network flags a while ago, I may have to dig the fix up for that if it's an issue still
Got any more mice?
I have a mouse or two, pretty much all are girly if that's acceptable.
hue bannable offense, they'd ban every fur poster years ago
I can't imagine how your guys' bedrooms smell. I imagine not good.
signatures and avatars are something they don't fuck around with
Watching guys get hard is so hot
>caring on Yea Forums
still doesn't work so screw it gonna fix it next week.
look at that slut!
Bed time
night charles see ya later.
where them leashes at
i wouldn't mind being leashed.
I haves a leash
would you look at me like this?
if you arnt leashing the bf then why even try
Well I do love blowjobs
never gave a blowjob wouldn't mind trying.
whenever i'm horny i look at a cock like that and just wish i could let it knot me after sucking it nice nice and hard.
but the feeling goes away before i can ever try and initiate it on something like grindr for example. sucks to not suck :(
it doesn't really matter and nobody could tell if they didn't recognize it, but the character is female
Why do I like random dicks in muh bum?
it's still cute and fuckable.
quite. just decided I'd mention it anyways, for some it would matter
Chill Kik group for anyone who still uses Kik
Imma gonna fuck dat jackal.
That does sound fun.
You should do that
Spread dem jackal cheeks.
Hey guys!
Imma gonna eat day butt.
How was your day snarf?
Its been dull.
Me too.Hey dash how was your day?
It's fucking sucked and I can't get any sleep for the life of me. You?
Boring day at work, kinda wish I couldve stayed home
What sucked about it?
Well other than only sleeping 3.5 hours last night then not going back to sleep, and waking up after only 2 hours about an hour ago, it's been uneventful as always, and I'm losing my fucking mind. I have nothing to do, I don't enjoy anything, and just getting pissed off at everything in general because I'm really sick of living.
Oh, and for the past three weeks I'll get random connection errors for no fucking reason that last for like 5 minutes, and I'm really getting tired of it.
Show of hands: How many of you have actually had sex with an animal?
Do you really think people are going to answer that?
Damn. I used to have such a shitty sleep schedule id go to sleep at like 11 am then wake up at 5 pm eat with my mom then sleep take a nap just to get back to and stay up until really late the next morning.
The search for someone who lives in Canada and lives relatively close to me that is willing to sell me a gun continues on my end.
Also getting tired of living, no reason for me to stay here and waste my time
Yes. You did.
*raises both hands*
I want heroin. At least I'll be able to die feeling good for once in my life.
I didn't though. I asked a question in reply to your own.
>I didn't though. I asked a question in reply to your own.
OK, so you answered my question with a question. That's still an answer.
Why wouldn't they? It's Yea Forums I don't care if they have or not, just curious.
I heard crystal meth is an extremely good feeling drug -which is why its pretty much the most addictive one out there... Ive been considering trying it before killing myself byt I feel like it xoukd hurt my family more knowing I died doing some fucked up drug they never would've thought I would ever out my hands on
Why are you still here lol.
Something tells me some part of you like this kind of porn
I never said yes or no, therefore I didn't.
Because that's not something many people would want to say, for one because of legal reasons, and two because we have names that you anons can't see.
Stimulants are horrible ways to die. It's hard to overdose and die from meth, and it's extremely painful. Your blood pressure goes through the roof, you twitch like crazy and convulse, and your organs shut down. And that's if you die at all because you're sure as shit going to want more and more and it'll ruin your life. Heroin is much better, especially with alcohol and/or benzos because you're pretty much guaranteed to die like that because you pass out and stop breathing while feeling amazing.
Im not saying dying of overdosing on meth (is thst even possible?) More like just experience it before shooting myself
Humans count as animals
>I never said yes or no
Yeah, but you posted in a g/fur thread, so...you kinda answered the question automatically.
It is possible, but it's very, very hard. That's the only drug I *wouldn't* do. It's arguably worse than heroin because it literally destroys your brain, makes you psychotic, and it ruins your skin and teeth, and your life. Heroin, however, for the most part you can live doing it for decades as many musicians and actors have. If you don't overdose and die, or relapse like 95% of junkies who try to quit, that is. Personally, I just don't like stimulants anyway because they give me anxiety and make me panic, I don't like the feeling of my body being overworked like that. I like being calm and relaxed. And lucky for me, I got my klonopin refilled today. It's not euphoric like opiates, but at least it makes me stop giving a fuck and I lose my sense of time.
Only like 10% of furries are zoo, and 10% of them have actually done anything with animals. Since you seem to be mentally impaired, that's 1%, or 1/100.
>Only like 10% of furries are zoo, and 10% of them have actually done anything with animals. Since you seem to be mentally impaired, that's 1%, or 1/100.
Do you have a citation for this statistic?
You could buy heroin of the dark web
And he don't. Last I checked, rough estimates for the general populous had more than 1% having tried stuff with animals. There's no way it's lower within the furfag population.
>18.4% of respondents self-identified as zoophiles, an amount which may or may not be different in a statistical sense from the general population (Alvarez and Freinhar's control groups reported a 10% and 15% prevalence respectively). No questions were asked as to the degree of activity, if any.
>Respondents were agnostic leaning negative towards zoophiles. Of users reporting an opinion, a plurality (36.8%) described themselves as ambivalent, with 18% reporting positive feelings and around 45% reporting negative ones. If the answer is limited to non-zoophiles, the number reporting "negative" or "extremely negative" feelings increases to 54.3%, with only 7% of non-zoophiles having a positive or extremely positive opinion.
I've tried. I set up a Coinbase account which was a pain in the ass, actually to get kratom because I had an opiate binge and was withdrawing, and at that time they didn't accept credit, and my fucking kike banks wouldn't even let me buy crypto.
Oh, really?
Dropped. No more scientific than
>backpedalling this hard
That's literally as accurate as you can get you stupid fuck. That's self reported.
You could potentially critique how the survey was taken all you want, but you choose to dismiss it because it's a survey in the first place?
Literally how the fuck else would you get a statistic for that? I'm genuinely curious how else you think it would be possible.
Listen to this song. Found it today and its really good. What do you think? Im not surenif its your style but it has a very nice vibe. Sort of similar to hiw I feel. Lost, hopeless, confused. Idk maybe its how I interpret it.
He's fucking retarded and isn't even a furry. He just came here to ask that stupid question, and I showed him the actual statistics. Whether or not it's accurate is up for debate, but it's probably safe to say that about 15% of furries are even zoo, not even counting the few that have acted upon it.
Yes, that's likely fairly accurate because, as the other person suggested, how else would you get that statistic?
It's alright, but I'm a hardcore metalfag. This is more like what I define as hopelessness and despair. Funeral doom metal and depressive suicidal black metal have an atmosphere that I don't think anything else can compare to, but that's my personal opinion.
>how else would you get that statistic?
You wouldn't.
You also just wouldn't say things that can't be backed up with a citation under the impression that you do in fact have a source to cite.
The question is simple: Have you or have you not had sex or attempted to have sex with an animal?
i have not attempted sex with an animal and i have no intentions of doing so. actual animals are nasty, stupid creatures and elicit no desire from me. furry characters are definitively human in their intelligence and their general form - they just include some interesting bells and whistles
Okay retard. And if you want my answer then yes, I have many times. I would know about furries and zoophilia considering I've been zoo since I was like 12 before I even knew it was a thing, and a furry since I was 15. I've been in these threads for 7 years, and have known probably 100-150 namefags alone. Very, very few are zoo, and very few of them have even acted upon it. Most people are pretty closeted about it for obvious reasons.
the only zoos i know of from threads are kyle and ed
See? Was that so hard?
I don't respect either of you any more or less for having answered the question, by the way. I was only curious.
Well considering retards like you ask this question on the daily, it gets pretty annoying.
i just got here, and intend to leave even more abruptly
Do you like ghostemane?
He's pretty decent. I'm not into rap at all, and I didn't like him at first, Andromeda kinda annoyed me with his high pitch style, but his style kinda grew on me. I think his recent stuff is good, but I don't actively listen to him and search for his music. Cool though, it's different and he's good at it which I can appreciate.
I like the reference to Death at the end with that font. I'm actually wearing one of their shirts right now and was listening to them earlier, greatest death metal band ever.
Yeah I remember listening to ghistemane for the first timr and thinking: ew people actuslly listen to that? Only to find myself out like two years later actually liking some of the songs. Ive had this playlist for the past 7 years and you can see how my taste keeps changing in like waves of different emotions. If you go down like 100 songs youll start to see how different my taste was comoared to now. i mostly listen to delressing / sad rap songs idk why they just put me in a mood. Never really been a fan if rap until recently
My dumbass forgot to post the link
I grew up listening to shit like Metallica and Megadeth, from both my mom and dad, so I found my niche pretty quickly. Thrash metal was what I started with then it evolved into more extreme stuff like death metal. I look, act, and dress like it's 1986, lel. My parents have said I should have been born in their time. So yeah, I rarely listen to stuff outside of metal, but I keep an open mind nonetheless.
Escape the fate is probably one of the only groups that are similar to metal that Ive really like
Absolutely love this song
Ironically, metalcore and emo stuff like that is one of the only metal subgenres I don't care for. That one is okay I guess.
Why don't you like about this genre? Is it more because of the lyrics? The voice? Guitar style? I don't have that much knowledge in metal-relsted music genres so I'm unsure what coukd be the dealbreaker between this and another one of your subgenres
All of that. The riffs just aren't creative and playing the same "djent" shit gets annoying to me because there's no real cadence and rhythm to it. I don't like the dumb screaming then the cheesy singing stuff. It's not like powerful screaming in the way death metal or black metal does it with it having a distinct sound that isn't just normal "screaming", like deep growls or shrieking like a banshee, it's just like random. And the clean stuff doesn't really fit, and is out of place, it sounds like pop shit to me. The way I see it, it's like metal for the mainstream listeners who aren't into metal. I don't hate it, I just don't listen to it. I'm old school. I like shit like this, but outsiders can't really differentiate stuff like that which is understandable.
To me, metalcore is just this generation's glam/hair metal like Poison and the like were in the 80s. I don't care for that stuff either.
For me, that's too guitar-ey, not enough variations in the rythm, too simple / repetitive. I can barely understand the lyrics. I want something I can relate to / put my emotions into, but that's really not it. Only having around 2 or 3 instruments can get boring for et me and the style can get boring, which is why I dont listen to metal that much
That's fair. Death metal definitely isn't for everyone. It's one of those things you have to listen to more and more to really get. I don't see it as repetitive so much as it's rhythmic. Of course, there are bands that fall short by being too repetitive even for me regardless of subgenre. The sound itself, the energy and aggression is what I like. A good band to listen to if you aren't into metal is Soundgarden. I worship Chris Cornell, the greatest vocalist of all time imo.