Little boys are being taught to show their feminine side and toxic masculinity will end soon. Stay mad, bigots!

Little boys are being taught to show their feminine side and toxic masculinity will end soon. Stay mad, bigots!

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Hip hip hooray for toxic femininity!


I can't wait to bate to this bait. I rate hate/8.

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>the opinion of the majority of the population is a bait
The future is going to be feminism and LGBTQ+. You can cry in a corner if you want.

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Why would I want to cry?
Is something sad? You?
I am laughing. This stuff is hilarious.
Do share more!

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Like I give a fuck. It's just more holes for me to inseminate

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I would go to jail for this

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I going to teach my son to knock the fuck out of effeminate "boys"...

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This shit is just evil, man

I know...trying to trick those guys like's fucked up...

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That tranny was talking mad shit, begging for it though. A little excessive, but fuck was that thing annoying.

Children are taught with TONS of weird shit, and?...

border line cp

In the full video you can see why he deserves it.
Or deserves to get his ass whooped at least, stomping his head into the concrete may have been a little much.

The great cleansing is coming. All these faggots and freaks will be killed and dumped in mass graves. It's going to be glorious.

Oh my kekkles

ah shit I thought you were going to take your court-mandated weekly shower but you're just talking about more of your fanfic

an active imagination is a good thing for children to explore

You are utterly wrong, in fact, your own government is changing the world around you to be more accepting to the lifestyles you hate. For real, go check, more and more each year.

You'll see.

brainwashing at its shittest

That's going to make it awkward when he comes out as gay.

Faggots like you belong on a cross. Outside of your pretty little United States bubble the rest of the world doesn't want boys who are pussies, because they will fuck you up. Lmfao y'all niggas know the Muslims through them gay bitches off buildings and shit and like to take heads of bodies.have fun

I totally agree, the same as genital mutilation that we named circumcision, or brainwashing thousands to believe in a made up otherwordly entity who said everything they do is a SIN, even existing, nothing you do is by your choice and that if you commit to many sins then you go to a flaming world of pure pain and anguish where another made up red man tortures you for eternity after you die.

Or really any other brainwashing that makes you blindly HATE and/or FEAR anything even before you experience any of it...

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We'll nuke that bridge when we cross it.

I will slap the fuck out of that thing. It will want to man up to kick my ass.

is that a boy dressed up as a girl??

considering i have a heavy personality disorder because of a stupid child life and being alone 24/7 i have forced myself subconsciously to graze apon seeing myself as a wamen. i stopped it like 8 years later (6 years ago) when i hit high school. although i might be still alone, at least im not fucking gay like you scum kek

look op you mentally retarded fucking degenerate, being trans doesnt make you matter anymore, no one fucking cares about your petty existence we are all going to die but people like you need to be fucking bled out slowly to realise this shit. its like religion being a way of control. this is the fucking same. this shit is as bad as an extremist group

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>brainwashing that makes you...
think you are a woman and expects you to cut off your dick

Heavy personality... stupid child life... alone 24/7... not fucking gay like you scum kek... sure... denial, hatred, fear, and delusions.

So pretty

if i was scared i would've fucking offed myself tard, my main goal in life is to make a nice woman not feel like a piece of shit. that would make me happy. not filling myself with false emotions to keep me going.


i wish i was uglier and had no hope lol those lgbt rallies would be fucked

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Be different, Yea Forums.

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That's all you know about fear? That's all how you think fear manifests itself? Again, delusions, who said they are false emotions? So you are now making up other people's ideals, as well as how they think and feel?

fear is control is what im saying

I am guessing you meant "my main goal in life is to make a nice woman not feel like a piece of shit", which is admirable but you are now a knight in shining armor? What weak willed female needs your help when you yourself are so narrow minded, backward thinking, and stale.

oh, and i dont really give a shit about anyone else feelings unless they treat me like im something other than the outcast i make myself

and... you believe it is your path in life to control someone else other than yourself? You believe that?

Anyone got the pic where you can see their little bulge in the swimsuit

when the fuck was i white knight beta. i go to places to meet people from wherever when i feel like it, if they are nice to me ill be nice to them its not a hard concept to understand, im not letting my dick take the frontseat in my logic

I know you think we are arguing about this but seriously from one human to another, without differing lifestyles/blah blah/whatever else, please get someone in your life that loves you that can get you to a point where you can take that love fully and appreciate yourself as yourself in this life.

See, I thought of including a sexual component, but I don't know you that much, didn't want to judge you on anything other than what I've seen here.

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not control, to help. to preserve. i just want to show i actually can care about them if they want me to, big if

Seriously, you belong somewhere, find it, people are out there that can love you.

Ok, fine, as well as you know the HUGE differences there.

thanks user, appreciate the actual ability to listen kek

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thank you user

lol must suck to be ugly as a boy and a girl.

thats a problem feminism is addressing as well. no worries comrade

must suck to be ugly as a boy and a girl.