Game of Thrones has been sliding into the shitzone since season 5, no question

Game of Thrones has been sliding into the shitzone since season 5, no question.

But the actual moment the fucking wheels fell off this fucking feminist turd buffet was when Jorah Morning just smiled and agreed to let a plucky 9 year old girl face off in a battle against the most dangerous army in history.
Nothing fucking meant anything anymore.
Remember back in season 1 when Tywin Lannister sent the fucking king to bed when he was getting in the way if business? That's how adults treat children. Let alone the fact that lady Morning represented the future if his house.

Who fucking cares? Oh look, last minute life-saving slow mo heroism saves all the main characters! Who cares? Battle tactics a fucking 5 year old could see are dumb. Who cares? Looks great, and girl power because strong female characters and derp derp derp.

Fuck this franchise. I no longer give a shit.

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Fuck Christ, ZTE, your autocorrect is BULLSHIT

I agree 100%, btw whats "Game of Thrones"?


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Good. Stop watching, faggot.

There was nothing wrong with this character.

She svthe leader of house mormont though so she has the final say. Now the name dies cause this bitch wouldnt hang out in the crypts.

Tell me how this cunt wasn't murdered by the nameless girl waif.

She was literally outclassed and humiliated every single encounter and deserved to die.

Do the two faggot writers have that much of a hard on for this goblina?

>Oh, nevermind I got my ass handed to me over and over again I'm just gonna go kill this night king guy.

Yeah yeah yeah. The important thing is what she does to my pants. Don't tell me I'm alone here.

lol you're a fucking idiot

you forget shes been under everyones wing that was awesome; the greatest gay swordsman ever that ned got her, then she learned from tywin lannister himself for a bit, then the hound, then jaqen.

... says the edgelord who'll be watching the final episodes just like the rest of us.

>Game of Thrones has been sliding into the shitzone since season 5, no question.
100% correct

I didnt care about the Mormont discussion, i am concerned about Arya teleportation behind the Night King and eventually killing him.
What a waste of time it has become GoT.

Y'all really get triggered by this? Damn, I guess my generation is really full of pussies.

I'm annoyed because it was so well done at the beginning, and now it's hackneyed, predictable and infested with SJW bullshit.

"We thought it should be Arya because no one would expect it"


If you want it to be Arya, expected or not, it should be because it makes sense in-universe for it to be Arya, and materializing out of nowhere at the last second, surrounded by 100 enemies that should have spotted her makes No. Fucking. Sense.

I mean she trained with the faceless men so y'al know. I would agree with you if it was Sansa buy it wasn't

Of course people are going to watch it even though it's turned to shit. That isn't even a point.

After investing years into the series obviously people will see it through to the fucking end you retard.

Yeah God forbid anyone has a negative opinion of something popular. They're obviously just triggered pussies.

You sound like a beta loser who has literally no opinions of his own because he's afraid of being wrong.

Fine, but show her using her assassin skills. If she has the ability to appear out if nowhere, then it should have been established, and the limits of that ability should make sense.

Just saying 'hurr durr because faceless men training' is apologetics for lazy-ass writing


This right here. I'll watch, but I expect this to be another Lost/Episode 9/Ghostbusters let-down, so no more emotional investment. This thread represents the end of my giving a shit what happens.

It was. Did you watch the first episode of the season? I just think you guys are seeing 'SJWs' were there is none.

Same shit with Rian and last jedi.
>if I do something totally unexpected that means itll totally be good!

Materializing out of nowhere in a room full of enemies? No it wasn't.

Why not use that superpower at other times when it would have been useful?

You just don't like strong female characters you misogynist!

Wait, they actually denied Brienne any meaningful contribution to the battle and Dany was saved by a man. I guess all that feminist tripe is actually bullshit and the writers are just pandering fags.

>Fuck this franchise. I no longer give a shit.

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Admiral Gender Studies, Jesus.

I think we need women writers, not soyboy male writers and female executives with political agendas.

[watches 70 of 73 episodes]
"Fuck this I'm out"

You're not fooling anyone. You'll be drooling the most over the final 3 episodes.

Ah oh my god dude. Watch it again, maybe not the exact sense but close (when she meets with Jon ) also in last episode it was even foreshowed and I'm pretty sure she's used her 'superpowers' before. Anyways it's just a show. I don't even I a bother writing this

Stopped watching this trash when Arya made it out of that stream after gut stabs.

She talked to these people for a minute. She can't fight for shit. Author says his wife won't let him kill her off. Cucked.

you already know its shit
but you stuck around to see more shit
you might wanna look at yourself and why you are also shit at this point

I called those fags letting her kill the Night King back when he first appeared. They will stop at nothing to kiss roastie ass.

She should've died in that river.
And fuck the script, "a girl is finally no one."
She failed at Faceless test.

And you'll be gobbling GOT cock next Sunday like all the rest of us...

When are her nudes coming out?

Brienne was the captain of a division and Dany participated in her own defense because 'girl power'.
Meanwhile Samwell Tarly was helpless and cowardly and needed saving the whole time. Cowardly men are funny, cowardly women are blasphemy.

I was hoping dead giant would fuck her with his rotting cock

lol that shit. NK grabbed Bran out of a vision. There's no way Jaquen himself could sneak attack the fucker. This girlpower shit needs to be put out of its misery.

This little girl just needed a "before the battle" fucking.

Because the writers are terrible. Since GRRM's material dried up their incompetence has shown through.

If the writers had season 1 or 2 balls. They're cucked.

What's disappointing imo is that they've been building up the whole white walkers this as this gigantic threat of ultimate doom, that was supposed to make all this political and who sits on the throne irellevant to the real danger.
They've been building up the winter and the nite king as something that will be a real struggle.
But literally the first real battle against them the good guys win, fucking thousands of man dies, but no real main character, the Jon vs the Nite king show of never happens.

I mean what about the visions by both Bran and Danny if the iron throne covered in snow, what about every single thing behind the wall implying, THIS IS THE REAL THREAT, not some battle of the throne bullshit.

After all this buildup, we get one confrontation with the army of the dead, and bam, heros live, army dead, even though half of the armies promised didn't show up.

It fits nothing to what the show used to be, it fits nothing to what the show had built up and even tho it was visually pleasing, it felt really God damn lackluster.

It they where forced to retreat from winterfell, and eventually got to kings landing, and this whole thing took place there, after some twists and turns and struggles with Cersei. This would have been the perfect last episode of the show, however cheesy and stupid the nite king died, it would have worked later on.

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Yep, she needed to throat a cock and have her little underaged snatch licked.

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Moral is don't let them make your book into a tv series. Or do because shitload of money.

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Damn right she just need a good fucking. You know that sassy thing would be interesting in bed.

Well, the 'Night King' was precisely what GRRM wanted to avoid, a motivation-less, two-dimensional bad-guy. No real back story, no flaws, just ultimate evil and supernaturally impervious to anything except the might of an empowered female warrior.

Jesus H Christ.

Fucking ragging on THE MORMONT plot of all things? After they trash 8 seasons of buildup for the Night King dying at the hands of a character who had literally nothing to do with the Whitewalker plot until this season? They had Arya do her assassin shit for a 'GOTCHA' moment when she should've been used to murder Cersei, which would have been perfect since stabbing her with the knife would perfectly mirror the events which started the Game of Thrones plot of the show. And NOW if they fucking do that for Cersei it's going to be legitimately retarded since we already saw it with the fucking NIGHT KING.

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i think the prequel is gonna be on him. but yeah we all pissed about that bro.

I like'em thi agebut she does nothing for me

Oh my god just shut the fuck up and stop watching the show then
Don’t come on here and be a newfag about it

I completely agree, but I'm not saying it's the worst part, I'm saying it was the tipping point. Once that happened, it was impossible to have any kind of investment in the outcome of this battle because it was a farce before it started.

You're right that GoT is turning to shit but you're focusing on the wrong reasons. GoT is so popular because of it's complexity: no character is entirely good or bad and no character is safe. The new, post-GRRM GoT is falling into the old and stale objective good vs objective bad, the opposite of what brought so many of us into the series in the first place.

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Not gonna watch that shit. It just doesn't matter, and 'Fantastic Night's King and Where to Find Him' is going to fringe for maybe two seasons and disappear in a puff if who-fucking-cares


Mother-ass-fucking-christ FUCK YOU AUTOCORRECT!


No, I completely agree. Again, the point was that this was the last straw. It was the point where the show gave up on it's last tenuous strand connecting it to the original story: treating itself seriously. Nowhere but in hizarro world does a battle-hardened soldier agree to let his 9 year old cousin fight side by side in a battle where literally the whole world is at stake. The degradation started, as I pointed out, years ago.

ya, look, I don't watch this shit cause it's shit.

the books were better and now the books are fucked. they'll never be finished and we have this shit storm instead.

>learned from Tywin Lannister himself
>had some conversations and one fake fight
You don’t become a Ranger by talking about Call of Duty a bunch and playing airsoft

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100 bucks says you watch the rest of the show and bitch non stop about it.

"Let" lol that's the head of the house. No one below her can "Let" her do anything. He objected and she gives no fucks about his objection.

Learn 2 feudalism

See, this is where the SJW cancer eats away at the power of this show.

Yes, you can be highly trained under the greatest masters, but if you are 90lbs soaking wet, and can't bench over 150, you are not going to aerobecise 50 zombies to death in a many-agianst-1 melee attack, or survive running full speed, leaping through the air and being abruptly stopped by the fucking throat.
Looks great, ticks most of the SJW boxes (she wasn't a visible minority or physically impaired), but makes no goddamned sense.

at 2:00 Tywin Lannister, the King's hand, sends the King to bed. As I pointed out in my oriignal post, that's how REAL power works, that's when the show was fucking excellent.
Jorah should have sent her to the crypts with a pat on the head.

You’re forgetting that if your weapon is dragon glass or valerian steel and your fighting literally anything in the army of the dead they might as well be balloons.

Jorah has 0 authority on Mormont house issues since he was disgraced as a slaver.
If he did anything to displease the lady of Bear Island, he'd be cast down by her guardsmen. Simple as that. He knows his place, why don't you, OP?

Yeah, because Tywin and some inbred idiot northerner are similarly powerful

He has the backing of Dany, what do you think would happen to the bear islander if they killed Jorah?

So WHY would the Night King take even the slightest chance of walking into the godswood with armed soldiers still around, and possible booby traps everywhere? If he has an unlimited, untiring and magically controlled horde of soliders at his command, why not clear the fucking area out and have Bran brought to him?

Maybe...mayyyybe, it somehow makes some kind of sense, but all we know about the night's king is that he was created by the children of the forest and is the bad guy and is immune to dragon fire.


Jorah isn't really the type to go against the grain, especially if it comes to matters of his former house. He didn't bitch and moan to Dany about Jon having his family's house valyrian steel, so it makes no sense character-wise to make Jorah into this hardass who forces Lyanna into the crypts.

He was an adult and a warrior, she was a child with a title. This behavior is what I would expect from a children's movie where adults do brainless things so the Dog can play in the big Basketball playoffs or whatever.

It's a farce.

OH, FFS. are you arguing that it takes a hardass to send a little girl to bed?

Same. The show writers are done after this. I'll come back if George Martin catches up, but not with these show writers. Tumblr trash.

I thought Daenerys sending all the Dothraki off to die for no reason was the funniest shit.They keep telling us that these are her people and she cares about them, then she sends them in with no plan at all to get killed.

They could probably mark large groups of wights with oil and fire to direct dragon attacks, but I guess you could also just send them into pitch darkness. I guess the horse budget was too high.

No, I'm arguing that it takes a hardass to disobey orders from a direct superior. Especially if you're a piece of shit that disgraced your house name.

yeah I agree the show fucking sucks now. that last ep was truly abysmal.

It bothered me that Leaf was killed by wights. They should have dragged her out of her cave and held her down, so NK could tear off her top and show us her tiny forest tiddies, before cruelly ramming a ice dagger through her heart...Maybe rez'ing her as a Spriggan-Wight.

It has been sliding since season 3.
What about story arc of shae and tyrion. The fucked it up so bad

A girlpower Arya knock-off? There's no way they'll let her be pushed around by anything male. Nevermind why a bunch of soldiers and officers would follow her to begin with instead of appointing a least until she hits puberty.

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Oh Jesus, the military strategy in this battle and the battle of the bastards was infuriatingly stupid.

They knew the night king was a day away, why now send out parties to collect recon and start skirmishes during the day when they had the advantage? Why not take the dragons out on regular sorties throughout the daylight hours and gather arial intel?

Why only 1 trench? Why were the ballistas on the OUTSIDE of the fucking fortifications?

so much WTF

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Jon's weapon is bigger v-steel and he's an actual warrior, but there's no way they'd have him do that.

OK, fine, let's say he had no ability to stop her, wouldn't some other logical adult present, perhaps an advisor or personal guard point out the folly of what she was proposing? Were there no sane people around? Maybe her swordplay teacher asks her for some practice before the big battle, and just knocks her the fuck out so they can get on with the goddamn war prep?

There's just no way this scenario rings true.

Why do people compare this to the last jedi? Ive been seen this a lot in Yea Forums, can someone explain? I havent watched the Last Jedi but it won't get any worse if you spoil it for me.

She's never listens to them. Why would then be different. She's strong willed and none of them have any authority over her. She might have listened to Jon Snow and that's it.

Considering the dragons can use fire as a signal, why didn't they have one dragon out during the battle while the other sits on the castle walls as defense? When you see blue flames, backup dragon hops in.

There's so many ways they could have made things easier. Why didn't Bran give recon with his warging? Why didn't they make artificial inclines with the trenches so the wights would've had to climb through fire, why didn't they booby trap Bran, etc, etc.

I think it's just fucked.

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people were pensive about the whole new trilogy to begin with. force awakens was just okay and underwhelmed a lot of people- but it did set up a lot of possible story lines for the sequel movies, so there was some bitter optimism amongst the fanbase.

Last jedi comes out and it pretty much shits on every cool idea that force awakens put out there and pretty much resolves nothing.
luke dies for no reason, rey is still given no purpose, snoke gets deus ex machina'd and there was a B-plot casino scene with minorities that was a huge fuckin waste of time.
and that's all without mentioning the shitshow of a mainplot regarding the ship in space running out of fuel, but then miraculously having a bunch of le hyperdrive

goddamn i've made myself salty just processing this through again

Oh, don't forget they socialized the force - anyone can have force powers if they believe in diversity and inclusion!

Even mitochlorians was better than that bullshit.

Wow that sucks. Thanks for explaining.

Sorry to burst your bubble folks, but Arya was always meant to kill the night king since Season 3 episode 6.

Here's the YouTube link:

It was never just oh girl power la de dah. Arya was training to be a fighter since the 1st season. The writers had this planned for years.

Now you wanna talk about a feminist turd shoehorned in, that's the useless Captain Marvel. No point, stuck in the last movie for no point other than girl power, and utterly unnecessary.
Even the actress Brie Larson is a virtue signaling bitch that all the avenger hate, including Don Cheadle. Get mad at that.

As was explained earlier, that's not the issue.

If Arya killed the Night King in a way that _MADE_FUCKING_SENSE_ and was consistent with the in-universe rules established at the beginning (no deus-ex-machina, no invulnerable characters, etc) that would have been epic.

Instead we get 'feminist vagina warrior stabs bad orange man because muh feminism' magical bullshit.

she's his cousin
with her dead he becomes head of the house

yeah, the way she killed him was purely for shock value.

that's really all thrones is about nowadays- shock value/subverting expectations in viewing parties. they sacrifice good plot and writing for :OOOOOO moments.

>'feminist vagina warrior stabs bad orange man because muh feminism'

being this triggered

Hes not wrong though

has she just observed a skid-mark on a hand towel?

>mfw I get OPs point but I still secretly think it was brilliant

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Ok so dont watch this sunday or next you whiny fucking nigger.