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I hunger for butts.
Gib me your butt.
Imma gonna eat your butt.
Spread dem cheeks.
Feed the Snarf.
Ya'll niggers are gay as fuck, you should be hanged.
Carry on posting though, because I am guilty of the same illness.
I have an obsession. I fucking love it when SFW Furry youtubers.streamers secretly like gay shit. it's so hot and degenerate
howdy uwu
>want to wear a bra with cups
>not sure when roommate is (or if) he will move in
I rather be hung
hello everyone.
how's it going?
masculine canines with thick knots and femmy fucksluts are my fetishes
Imma gonna stick things in you.
how ya doing snarf?
Hi there swimmerboi how are you?
Hey Charles doing okay today?
I'm trying to distract myself from the rest of the world. So I'm here
I just want him to bend me over, pull my panties down and knot me
sports bra that's purple and green with B cups or purple sports bra that has no cups?
Good enough to be here
Today was better, but I still neglected working out. Trying to figure out what I want to wear tonight
not bad, finally (actually) legal so i don't have to agefag anymore
ah same. had a busy last few days so i just need to sit back and relax
no better place to do it than here
It was your birthday recently?
Purple panties with a blue top?
nice! In that sense happy birthday!
Feed me butts.
No cups.
Death would be too good for you, degenerate
couple days ago
thanks y'all
been sending some stuff to close friends, working my way up to posting on /r/femboys or something
I do have a blue bra I like
no cups it is
oh, well happy late birthday. I post on /r/femboys all the time, I like it there but I wish it wasn't so image oriented and there was more discussion
But my penis would be big.
time to play some games?
or play with butts?
no problem! Also loving the Tokifuji stuff!
yeah, not really sure what to post yet but i'll figure it out
thanks haha, just kinda pulling from my folders
Gib benis.
I need to go take my niece to gymnastics in a few minutes.
well if and when you do, I'm sure I'll see you there
I dont want to
i see your a collector of cute things as well.
got a cannon?
No better way to decompress after work than with boi butts.
i have a little cold, not trying to spread that
agreed Choke, How was work for ya today?
Ahh howdy foxy.
It was quite boring today, wanted to get drunk but had to do laundry, then ended up not doing laundry.
I'm such a clusterfuck right now, and I can't think straight.
haha i'll definitely send you a link
good bitch
forgot to send an img oops
take some cuddles, do some laundry, you'll be fine
sounds good man
I plan on doing it tomorrow. Don't know what it is about today that's made me like this....
How are you though?
I dont WANNA
I am extremely stressed, and anxious.
Aww, care to explain?
*wiggles my eyebrows in your direction*
You drank a load of coffee and shoved a bad dragon dildo up your butt?
pet my wiener
finals week, guaranteed failed one class. Body has been weird the past week. Just feeling like i'm not here.
Pet mine first.
That sounds terrible :c
That must be a huge weight on your shoulders. I know how rough it can be.
>guaranteed failed one class
I failed the majority of my sophomore year
Don't sweat it
Then spread your cheeks.
you need new material
I know what i failed the class, it's cause i'm working a full time job and tried to take a full thing of courses.
if it was highschool i wouldn't sweat it. I failed my senior year (missed six finals due to circumstances) Dropped out and got my GED 3 weeks later.
this is my college shit.
I know, I failed most of my sophomore year
I still graduated with a GPA over 3.0. Unless you're about to fail out of your major, failing a class won't kill you
I'll try to not sweat it but if this makes my GPA drop below a 2.0 i'm losing my FAFSA for a year. I'm not the best student there either so this could very well drop me below that.
Well don't worry about any of that until it happens, if it happens. I didn't do good my first two years of college and had a lot of problems, you can do it.
we'll see, and thank you charles.
Yeah man, college isn't an easy place, but you better fucking enjoy it while you're there
I don't have the time right now. Majority of my time is studying between classes and going to work or sitting in my room doing homework.
Gib me your butt.
Well I know it sounds weird but trust me, you'll miss what you're doing. After you graduate and work full time, you will miss it.
It's just busy because it's finals and you're stressing. Once the next semester starts it'll be good again. Try studying in the library, it'll be easier on your mind.
jockstrap or panties, big guy?
send panties pls
I always post the same few
not a butt
that's actually the bra I have on now :3
I really like that pattern, brand?
The pattern is called "new geo snowflake". I think those are the only thing they make in that pattern
I'm not crazy about the frills but I can manage. Lol and thanks
The lace is hardly noticeable at all, promise. no problem, I love talking panties
I'll be down to kiss some dick
how goes it charles?
Well in that case got any boyshort style recommendations?
Distracted enough to be horny I guess
How are you doing?
Do I!
Those maidenform ones are boyshorts and I love them, I actually have two pairs in different colors. They're comfortable, the material is very breathable and lightweight but their a little bit higher cut at the waist.
My other go to are the VS Pink low rise boyshorts. they're cotton and a little heavier but they're Pink so they'll always be cool. I have like four or five pairs of them I think.
I had some jockey modern briefs that were like boyshorts but I don't think they make those anymore. I don't care for how they look but calvin klein is always popular
tired, same as i've been all week
Puma also has workout shorts that are more like panties and have a gusset so they can be worn in place of regular panties
Yeah, long week
Coolbeans hopefully ill be able to find some in my size (30-33) and wear them, im really worried about them showing though. And as cool as Cks are theyre also super expensive
hi cuddles. how are you?
hi hi foxy!
very dead, in short very dead
same! but i'm doing better since i just made some random combination of food.
Stressed i take it?
was not prepared going from nothing to work overload
I know the feel all to much. I just ranted to charles who calmed me down a bit.
Just try to take it easy.
Cuddles, I'm so bored.
Hi Zhiro.
i'm trying my best
same, please take me away to the land of bois and snugs
30-33 waist in inches? You'll never have any problem finding anything you're a solid medium or large. Try ebay, you can usually find a two or three pack of them for less than you could on amazon.
Ebay is my vice for lingerie and panties. ebay.com
Most of those bras would be like $40 new, seriously look on ebay
how goes it?
Is this where i airdrop cuddles?
doing okay today?
love this little faggot
Lol dope that makes it easier and I will check out eBay, just not for bras
trying to, I felt like crying earlier for no real reason
plushie cuddle drops
I'm fine, I'm distracted and feeling alright. How've you been?
Mercy is the cutest
Seriously, once you start to go further than just panties in your drawer it'll be an addiction. If it helps, VS pink boyshorts tend to run a little larger. I might go for medium
I'm sorry, Emotions out of wack i take it? I'd give ya a hug if i was there.
i'm still plushless for another month :c
saaaame but i ordered this big plushie and i can't wait for it to come in so i can cuddle something.
keeping it together, even if barely.
whatcha get!?
Sorry man, but it's something. Kinda in the same boat
whosa good boy?
I imagine that was meant for me. Yeah I suppose so. I've been sleeping in way too much and missing any time with my bf, which makes me feel worse
I need to go somewhere without so many little kids.
Gib me hugs.
Yea that's what i need a new addiction on top of my degeneracy XD
oof, i can't stand kids
I wake up a lot and wonder if getting up is worth it. Then I get up and it's just not worth it.
They feed each other perfectly. I'm at the point where I could maybe open my own lingerie store
that's actually a pretty cute gif, I like the little wag at the end
I know how it feels, I'm living it right now.
Most days I hope I just don't wake up at all
i ordered a 4 ft tall plushie. cost me 60$ dunno what im getting though.
and yes it was ment for you. I'm sorry. Just go grab your boyfriend tell him that he doesn't need to do anything and just sleep on him.
okay! hugs for snarf!
True but you dont need competition and id rather not be out on the street
I can't sleep on him though he snores really loud.
Just stick to the basics then. Panties and bras
damn a big boi
I dunno, I have a lot of bad dreams, and waking can provide some silence. I just feel so alone even though I live with my bf. I felt alone before I did. I still do. Shouldn't I feel something more now?
they're fun but expensive
hmmmm.... the only a few other options then.... Go to sleep early, wake up early, stick your dick in his mouth so he won't snore, wait till semester is over (dunno if y'alll in school) visit him at work, Bust through the wall like khool aid man.
yee when i get it i'll post a pic of it. Just waiting for it to come in and dunno what it'll be but it'll be big!
hehe can't wait to see it
well i'm gonna head to bed, have a good night!
anybody want to go again?
night cuddle take it easy.
I could try, but it's more like go to bed in the middle of the day. cause he gets up at 1am
haven't even gone once
well then here we go