Yo b wtf is this on my dick?

Yo b wtf is this on my dick?

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It’s sore as fuck, and itchy. The fuck do I do?

how old are you?
I had this stuff when I was a 15 YO virgin, doctor told me it was acne.
If you're not a virgin anymore, probably herpes

I only get them after fucking my gf, the fuck is going on?

Do you shave, it might be an ingrown hair

Could be Syphilis, go see a doctor

anyways, just pop it, bro.

>pop it

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I’m 29.
And I’ve been dating my girl for like 2 years.

She cheated on you and got an STD
shit sucks

Ya I shave ever like 3days

Probably herpes, try not to touch it too much or you can spread it to other areas of your body if you touch elsewhere

you've had ingrown hairs before right?

Around my neck, not my dick...

Nah herpes doesn't look that way. But it looks like a Std

It's probably just a pimple possibly a boil. It doesn't look like herpes. Make sure to wash yourself and that your girl cleans down there too.

Ingrown hair or Fordyce bumps. Either way, not much to worry about. From now on, wash ur dick after sex.

Acne, or folliculitis.

Itchy/blister means STDs though...

i get this shit all the time. probably just an ingrown hair man, nothing to worry about. go see a doctor if you're worried.

Looks like 2 fingers and a thumb.

it's a faggot mark, very common on Yea Forums


It started off small, I thought like a pimple or some shit. But like after work it got itchy (I work a hard labor job) was sweating and shit.

Hoping that’s all it is.. but it’s fucking sore to the touch

My girls pubs are sharp and pointy as fuck, lately she’s had like an armpit smell down there. Donno what the fuck is going on.

But after we fuck I get one and then it takes like 2-3 weeks to go away. The fuck is going on?

Soreness is a concern, I had foliculitis (staph sorta) but it was just open ulcers with no itching/discharge/pain.

I'd say take a hot rag and soak it and then pop it. Could be an ingrown hair. Do you have really coarse hair?

I get them by my root usually after sex or working out its just a clogged pour man. I get screened every 6 months so i know im good. If your worried go to planed parenthood get your dick looked at theybare just going to look at you like your a pussy

And when I say sharp I mean like they feel like needles when I try and fuck her

Is she extra dry too? That could be yeasty... lol

My hair tends to be think/sharp. But I’ve been shaving my dick since I was like 16. This is only new

Nah she’s like stupid wet. Like she starts off really tight but after working her in it’s like fucking a jellos cup

You get that same feeling and soar in your dickhole just go right to church skip the doctor

Thats like fucking peanut butter he would know it that was it. I mean i used to get pissburns from a girls snatch fluids and sharp bristles befor

The only time she’s dry is if I wake her up to fuck. Other than that she SHOULD be using pantie liners because the pussy is always soaked

Nothing like that, my dick don’t burn or anything and I can piss fine. It’s just that and it’s sore to the touch

Theres different forms, typically yes, but just making sure.

Could be a small staph infection then, happens a lot. Could be an ingrown hair.

I think you will be fine. Especially if you dont have any other strange shit, weird smelling piss, strange cum, or pain urinating.


At that age, Yea Forums shouldn't be your doctor

Blisters arent clustered... doubtful

How ling do that roughly take to leave?

Should I pop it then?

Fam doc just retiered, I am currently looking for a new one.

This. Get some fucking health insurance, see a doctor/ go to a FREE clinic if youre so worried ffs. Its probably just dick acne. Yes, you can get it into your late 20's. No, you dont have herpaidsrhea.

There are millions of doctors out there. There is no excuse. Stop bothering us with these stupid "wuz wrong wit da pp" threads because we arent doctors, let alone intelligent enough to diagnose you. We dont know. We dont care.

Ingrown hair 100% had one before

Same with me. It's apparently just clogged pores, though.
I never got them with any other girl, however.

Could be an ingrown hair.

If it's not infected and you keep it clean. Should clear up in a few days to a week.

If its infected that's a different story.

I don’t have free clinics here where I live. Cost 85$ to see a doc and then anything else on top of that (medical)

It’s all done by gov and with out a fam doc that will get your reports it has to be stored (25$) at the location and then the visit fees. They charge you 12$ then to have it sent to the fam doc you finally get

def just a zit. you're fine.
If it gets really unsightly chop it off with those super sharp curved little scissors you get in a grooming kit.
done it once before

not an STD don't worry, its not herpes and not genital warts atleast, probably a ingrown hair or pimple, but im not sure

So in the ballpark of at least $100, maybe more if medication included? Youre 29 and youre telling me you dont have a few hundred bucks you can drop on your own health? Sounds like a LARP but ill give you the benefit of the doubt. Whats your deal with health insurance? Got any? Got a job or at the bare minimum some sort of income? By the way, im still adamant that its just acne and youre overreacting about nothing. My personal advice would be to try and pop it, see what happens.

My last job was shit, paid 16$ an hour. I just fucked off to get a trade (millerite), gf car had a shit 2 weeks ago and that cost me my savings. Jan 2 we just got a house.

The first is when all my bills (car, her car, life incuance, house etc) come out. It’s that 100$ for my dick or buy the girl I’m with and I food for the next two weeks.

Bit of a rough patch in my life man, that’s all (I hope lol)

As a temp laborist, $16/hr is the most ive ever been paid. You must live in a big city state like new york or cali. Dont have to clarify but im going to assume you at least live in a bigger city than me. Ever thought about moving to a cheaper area? Youd be surprised how much money you save by living small and saving little here and there money, just gotta be careful with where you choose. Rent is usually cheap for a reason. Could also find you a place that pays for water/trash so you have one less bill. I dont know your funding so i cant give you many options, youd have to do your own thinking on that one.

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First of all, your writing is horrible. Secondly, why do Americucks always have life insurance, when they can't pay for healthcare?

It's like they bet they make it to a ripe old age and don't need any meds along the way.

>why do americucks
Found the americuck larper

Grats. Now you've had one on your dick. Pop it and yank the hair out, or slap some Bacitracin on it and a band-aid, or just do nothing.

Dont pop it, it's probably an ingrown hair just let it be. I get those occasionally and I currently have a bad one that's been on my dick for a few days now and it hurts, I tried to pop it and this is what happened. I knew better too but tried to pop and and now this

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An ordinary zit. Just pop it.

Caucasian hormonal poopoopolitis.
No known cure.

u have MRSA

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I want to pop it

It's a pimple dummy

you suck at popping dick pimples then. A sanitized sewing needle, tissues, tweezers to pluck the hair, and a band-aid are all you need.

a zit, wash your hands before jerking off you nasty fuck

So I’m pretty sure isn’t just an ingrown hair, just popped it and it fucking hurt. But I can see hair under it


just a regular zit

It's a herpble man...eat it and your body will build and immunity to it and you won't get another one.

I got a bandage on it now lmao