Hi Yea Forums...

Hi Yea Forums, I know this is a regular topic here but I have been binging music from the early 60s to the late 70s of multiple genres for more than a day. I have been awake 29 hours now (strange but I am a shift worker).

I believe that boomers set a poor childish precedent by neglecting duty and prolonging irresponsible adolescence. Sure, not the entire generation plenty embraced duty but I mostly name rich predominantly white leftists. Look at Woodstock the only black kids there were musicians. I believe this has carried into the current generation (look at all the mainstream music festivals). They fostered entitlement and have placed more duty upon the less entitled. We are taking over a society broken by our parents.

Thoughts Yea Forums?

Attached: gambino-2018-this-is-america-671x377.jpg (800x450, 41K)

Op here typoed. I was youtubing, not binging...

What is song in pic

"This is America" -Childish Gambino

You're a homosexual

expected and thanks

It's not a compliment. It means your opinions are like your wrists, weak.

Correct, but weak.

your theories are shit M8

If you don't mind sharing I would like to know the weakness in my observation.

Boomers aren't some kind of unified force, they're victims too in a wider scheme of social reorganisation.

We are not taking over anything, what you are experiencing is the delusion of control over your own destiny that comes with age. You are totally powerless over your own destiny beyond taking your own life and it has been that way for several generations.

My claim is not a coherent takeover. It is sheer incompetence. Your generation was so weak and spoiled it fundamentally changed the country. This is not in regards to my current situation. I build my destiny I bought my first house at 24. I am just observing societal trends.

Rich, predominantly white leftist here, genx. You're a jealous faggot and I'll do and buy whatever I want with my money. Stay salty.

I'm 27 you imbecile. You're observing what's convenient for you. Examine yourself as well.

I don’t believe you

My bad bro, misread. Well I can say for one I haven't had the time or luxury of just not working and going to a fucking field with a bunch of "enlightened" spoiled college kids.

This trend did not occur prior to that generation which makes their failings in relation to civic duty and assuming the roles of adulthood at the appropriate age their generation's societal failing.

Believe what you want.

Op, here I'm not jealous. I actually pity you because without hardship you cannot appreciate good things in life.

Is that what you've been told so that you can go through life thinking you're somehow better than those who have more than you? Did they tell you this in order to make you feel superior to me or comfortable with your situation? What do you think their interest was in telling you this, in you believing it?

I am not claiming superiority. This is something that I have experienced personally and created this opinion on my own. Which do you value more on an emotional level, things given to you or things you have worked to earn. If you have been in a situation where potable water is scarce the understood value of drinking water is forever changed as an example.

On an emotional level I value the community around me, and the contributions I make to it sustain it. If you'd ever been in a position where you can make true, lasting, meaningful change in your community, you'd expand your closed-minded view. I've never been insecure about my water supply, for example, but the public health outreach group I'm a part of has a potable water program. I could contend that you will be born, live your entire life, and die, having only focused on yourself and digging yourself out of your own situation and not really participated in a community.

Community outreach and charity are commendable things. You sound like a driven individual so my initial generalization may not apply specifically to you. You are missing the initial topic. My point is how in a single generation there were so many entitled predominantly white, leftist individuals that they set the standard for postponing the duties and responsibilities of adulthood that they socially toxified the United States for all prior generations.

fuck, later generations

And my point is that you're making invalid judgments based on your own prejudices and you should rethink your position. You're worried about my responsibilities in adulthood whereas I do everything you do and more. Whereas I don't worry about your contributions other than how I can increase or maximize them because you'll live your whole life and never contribute what I do. I'm not okay with this imbalance, I want everyone to contribute everything you can, but you've converted your responsibility to your community into weird loyalty to this black - white - left - right table tennis game you've been tricked into playing by people way richer than me, and none of them are leftists.

>invalid judgments based on your own prejudices and you should rethink your position.

Characterize the hippie movement then.

Trust me user I have been to my fair share of 3rd world hellholes. I have put in work and I agree a lot of people don't give back enough and from my experiences it is people who don't fully grasp hardship and have not worked for what they have.

I see the "mommy and daddy will take care of it" mentality out of so many 20 somethings and it fundamentally irritates me. I have traced it back to the boomer generation as the start point being characterized by the hippie and Anti-Vietnam war movements, which the primary demographic was moderately wealthy white leftists.

I am not red-pilled, if anything I'm moderate.

>Characterize the hippie movement then.
What's the point? People do what they do for a variety of reasons. I believe a lot of hippie shit, I believe war is nothing but a brutal capitalist tool for example.
>Trust me user I have been to my fair share of 3rd world hellholes. I have put in work and I agree a lot of people don't give back enough and from my experiences it is people who don't fully grasp hardship and have not worked for what they have.
But you're painting everyone with that same brush and it doesn't make sense. I think you might possibly hate new money. Nobody likes new money. But I'm actually a member of the class you're talking about and I'm in a position to know that you're talking about a handful of ultra-rich people and they are not leftists. They're either socially conservative and believe all that bootstrap shit unironically, or they're the kind of self-interested that only comes from receiving a bunch of wealth and not receiving any education on how to be responsible with it (new money). Most often it's the second kind. You're contextualizing your life experience into a kind of tribalism and partisanship, but there's only one party, it's the money party, and you're not in it. All you know is what you see from outside and you contextualize your life experience from the perspective you were taught in order to make you work harder to make it while hating everyone who actually does.

So where is this failing in education coming from in your experiences? Is it the parents or society in general? I know financial disparities have always existed but it seems within the last 50-60 years there seems to be less civil responsibility among the people who "have".

This is one of my chief complaints. The kind of nationalism I was taught in public school in the 80s was that we're all Americans, black, jews, gays, women, and we've got our differences and we're not all the same, the melting pot was a myth, it was never true, we were a salad bowl and always were. Then the rich corporations and the right wing and the religious right got together in America, caused the orgy of excess that was the 80s and then they S&L bailout that paid for it all, to shore up the economy. After that, we had the tech boom and another housing bubble in the 90s, and like 20 years to the day we had TARP under Bush (meanwhile Clinton balanced the budget). The problem is that in the intervening years, essentially Gen Y, every other oligarch saw how successful America was and started copying it.

The old nationalism was that you worked harder to keep America strong and beat the Russians and when you made it, you bought soup kitchens and libraries and shit because that's how rich people self-aggrandize. People who grew up with money still do this, they commission art and stage plays and this is where our culture comes from. Why wouldn't you want to curate society and be the person everyone likes?

It's not about that anymore, people don't want to be liked, they want to be hated, they want other people to be jealous of them, they self-aggrandize by buying products. This is nationalism from religious ladder-climbers, New money who believes that the struggle was what made them rich and rich people and other poor people. They think they deserve their money, when you only deserve your power if you use it to make everyone's lives better. Once you don't have to struggle anymore, what you do is what defines you as a person. If the struggle defines you, that's PTSD.

*not rich people and other poor people

I have never seen it through that lens but it makes perfect sense. Thank you.

In reference to that I do see how society places value into consumerism and displays of wealth vs helping your neighbor.

You partially blame the religious right but wasn't this the gap religious institutions previously filled historically? It seems a bit ironic.

Except they only fill that gap for people who follow their rules - it excludes a lot of people for arbitrary reasons, people who shouldn't be excluded and who need resources.