Need advice, especially from Chicagofags. Reposting with tits because I didn’t get a response last time...

Need advice, especially from Chicagofags. Reposting with tits because I didn’t get a response last time. My boyfriend browses so if you see this I’m sorry but we both know the rules.

I’ll try to keep my background story short. I’m from a state in the south originally. Moving to Chicago was my dream as a teenager. I managed to get the highest merit scholarship offered by a university there and was ecstatic. I finally convinced my parents to let me go, then had a mental breakdown after a bad breakup and had to return home at the end of my freshman year. The university allowed me to come back after an emergency withdrawal and even reinstated my scholarship but I didn’t last a semester before blowing it again. Years later I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, which explains all the volatility. Yes, I’m a crazy cunt. I’m in intensive therapy for it.

I am now 23. I am about to graduate from the state school in my hometown. That is a big accomplishment, but I am filled with dread. I want to move back to Chicago. I felt more at home there than I ever have here, but I feel debilitated by my mental illness. I have no concrete plans, no career goals, just a near-useless undergraduate degree in psychology. I have almost no money. I do doordash almost every day trying to save, but it’s chump change. And even if I had the means, or something waiting for me in Chicago, I am terrified of fucking up again.

I don’t know how or where or what to look—for jobs, or apartments, or roommates. For affordable therapy once I’m up there. For anything.

I’m determined, though. Leaving Chicago was the biggest mistake of my life and I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t right that wrong.

Please, if anyone has any resources or suggestions—I’m all ears. Thank you.

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Nice apparently I don’t know what fucking month it is

Timestamp from a month ago.

Dates wrong neckbeard

but isn't it 5/1/19?

First of all, what do you enjoy doing for fun? Do you have any passions

I would give a serious reply if I knew this was a real person. But I doubt it is, considering no sane GiRL would come to here for advice, especially for moving anywhere.


Pick one

Right, but she made it clear she's not sane.

show butthole please

I like to write I guess and I used to be into visual art but I’ve lost inspiration for that. I’m obsessed with food but in more of a neurotic way than a fun quirky one. I spend most of my time fucking around online to be honest

Don’t take this the wrong way, but have you ever considered having sex for money?

To me it sounds like you’re pretty overwhelmed. You should prob chill and do you for a little while and start to set small goals for yourself that become larger as you accomplish them, best of luck

You said you got your degree, right? What in? I can point you to some companies here that I know hire younger people out of college. These firms typically are designed for you to be burnt out by them, but you get the resume padding and they get to basically run you into the ground for a year or so. It’s a cool city, love living here.

You can typically find cheaper housing, id recommend staying north of the city. Not only because it’s safer, but it’s easier access to things geared to younger demographic. But there are exceptions. I think Pilsen is a really cool area, but I think rent in the area has been rising recently. Typically Lakeview is your safest bet. I have no advice for you when it comes to finding roommates, I’ve known people who’ve met roommates through craigslist, and were happy with it. But typically stable people will screen for other stable people, mentally, financially, etc.

Hmm you’re pretty passionless atm. Have you considered trying new things that excite you? If you do that should help keep your mind occupied

About to graduate with a psych degree. This is actually helpful, thank you.

You had a breakdown over a breakup? Seriously? I'm excelling as a kissless virgin. Get it together.

Oh, I’m always trying new things that excite me. The problem is I can’t stick to any one of them, that’s why it’s hard for me to come up with a proper answer. I develop obsessions I form my personality around, then drop them. Classic BPD.

Do like, a single google search for borderline personality disorder

Hmm. I don’t have any advice for this degree in particular, but right now, it’s not too hard to get a job. I’d definitely start looking now though. I believe I had a friend who worked at a retirement community for mentally disabled people called Adapt for Illinois? You’ll have to do some research on that. I also know of a place called Thresholds that services the area that does work in the field. And I know of a clinic called the Howard Brown?

Beyond that I don’t really know. But really, receiving any degree should be enough to get yourself a menial job somewhere until you find firmer ground on what you want to do. Most people I know end up not doing what they studied in school, so don’t let that be a barrier for applying places. Do you have any work experience?


Hey OP, my gf has bpd too and it sucks but she’s been getting better (if that’s any consolation to you). I remember awhile back about this punk music therapy nonprofit— I checked out their resources for Chicago and it looks like something you could check out?

I’ll look into these—thank you. I’ve only done shitty service jobs, gig economy stuff and one stint at a psychologist’s office but the creepy fuck made a pass at me so I quit

Hey thanks!

Cool. If these places that are degree specific do not work out, I’d look into companies like Grubhub, or Groupon, some of the tech unicorns around. A lot of my friends when we moved up got jobs there. Basically customer service jobs, or manual data entry. I believe Groupon allows you to work from home, which is nice. It’s mind numbingly dull work at times, but it will extend your time until you decide really what you want to do.

Best of luck.