'My son killed himself after circumcision'

'My son killed himself after circumcision'

People who are cut from birth do nothing but cope, because they don't know how god the other half get it. Uncut lads who get cut hate it so much that they commit suicide.
Cutfags truly have been BTFO, but go on, goyim, tell me about how your (jewish) doctor knows best.

>Alex was an intelligent and popular 23-year-old with no history of mental illness.
>His email explained how the foreskin of his penis had been surgically removed two years before.
>"Imagine what would happen to an eyeball if the eyelid was amputated?"
>"If I were a female [in Western nations] this would have been illegal, the surgeon would be a criminal and this would never have been considered as an option by doctors."
>Alex also claimed he experienced erectile dysfunction and burning, itching sensations from a scar where his frenulum (the piece of tissue attaching the foreskin to the underside of the penis) was removed.


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Well, we already know mutilation is tied to suicide if we look at the trannies' 40%, this isn't surprising. Poor guy.

Did you know that, in America, the majority of women prefer cut? I'm so fucking glad I live in a (civilized) country where the VAST majority of women prefer uncut. America truly is a clown world...

VERY based get, for a very based, and true, post!

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How can cutfags even compete? The only argument they have that hasn't really been addressed in this thread is hygiene, when the only poor-hygiene uncut dicks belong to people that have poor hygiene in general, since it is easy to pull back the foreskin and clean.

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I knew the moment I read that article id see some earthworm parading it on chan.

Deranged dickposter kills himself aside, I got cut way late and only lost about 5-10% feeling at most, only thing I miss is the extra glide. Guy got fucked up.

Imagine caring this much about another man's cock

>tfw no foreskin

Really? I'd say the frenulum is definitely where I have the most feeling.

Imagine thinking that a post under 1000 characters takes enough effort that OP must care a lot.

Previously on: That didn't happen.

I agree