ITT: Discuss how you got over a broken heart.
Feelin like shit
ITT: Discuss how you got over a broken heart.
Feelin like shit
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OP: I would have done anything for this girl, feeling she was the one. Dropping my day for her. I am forgiving and understanding for most things and always gave a shit about things that didn't even necessarily pertain to me yet she couldn't resist the urge to push me out of the equation after she met a slutty hoe at work who has since warped her mind. Contact is now out of the question even after I tried to change her mind. It's hard going from being able to tell a person literally anything to now absolutely nothing. I feel empty and shitty. You Anons got any real advice?
Bump for baww
Get a dog and exercise and take up hobbies. Occupy your mind and hands. Eventually you won’t think about her. The dog will really help too cause companionship and he’ll be your bro. That’s how I always got over stuff. Exercise helps a shit ton. Not necessarily like lifting weights and shit but go for a hike in the forest or something just don’t get yourself lost or eaten by a murder kitty.
You can't turn a hoe into a housewife
That's the problem, she never seemed like a hoe until it was too late. Fuckin snakes in the grass man.
I've been trying to get out and do more. Some days I'll feel alright, but other days I can barely motivate myself to get out of bed.
time is the only thing that works
you can try to distract yourself as much as possible, might help some, but time is the only real answer
It gets easier day by day op, hobbies and stuff to occupy your mind other than them help immensely.
The days you’re least motivated are the days you need to get out most Yea Forumsro
get new gf
Workout, get a hobby, meet new people, and Fuck another Hoe
terrible advice
dont be a retard who is in a relationship just to be in a relationship
fuck some bitches, dont jump into a new relationship yet
You got to break away from things that remind you of her. I had to completely change my schedule. I felt the worst when I was expecting her to come home from work.
So I just went to bed early to avoid that for a while. You gotta go to the gym. That's a must. After awhile.... You'll be glad she's gone.
I broke her jaw
Don't fall in love with a hooker
love doesnt exist you sentimental stupid animal
All of this.
>Stay active
Staying active is a way to stimulate your brain and create new experiences, which over time slowly replaces the weight of older experiences.
I hear that. Feeling the way I do now is shit but I suppose I'll use this time the best I can and try to change myself for the better. I don't think I'm gonna put in the same effort in a relationship as I did before until I know they actually give a shit about me. It's not worth exhausting myself again.
Get back into what you were into before the relationship started. remember who you were. Talk to more girls, don't make moves just become cool with and meet as many cute girls as you can. Casually bring up that you're not ready to date anyone since your break up. They will be frothing at the mouth women like a challenge.
I became a 40 year old virgin, shit's cash.
Nah, I'm joking, shit's awful.
True, but you can domesticate them. I did! I married a cum slut who turned out to be a great mom. I just had to train her to cook and clean enough that the house didn't fall when I'm gone.
I appreciate all the advice guys. Sometimes you guys are actually understanding lmao.
I just worked on myself and do a lot of things I was neglecting as all my free time went on them. Now I'm fitter have more money and time and do casual dating as and when I feel like it. You will get there in time.
I went back to fucking my wife.
Is it kind of bad I lost 15lbs after the breakup? I haven't had much of an appetite for anything. And I'm the type to always eat 2-3 healthy meals a day.
>be 14
>totally heart broken, life_is_so_hard.jpg, planning_suicide.gif
>grow older
>slowly stop being a wimpy little bitch
>reach mid 20's
>realize romance and love is a meme and that even the consept of being sad just because of some hoe is seriously fucking pathetic and beyond retarded
tl;dr grow up
Actually eat my spit you incel
Nah not that weird. The sadness and anxiety are major appetite suppressants.
Get out and move man you’ll feel better.
I just drank and continued living until numbness set in. I still occassionally feel the hole in my chest but i plug it back up with more booze. Feeling nothing is better than that hole.
The only thing that worked for me was time and lots of it.
Nothing you do matters until you are like 25 to 30. Everything you find just so important doesn't matter Cuz everything you know is wrong just forget the words and sing along. For reals though nothing matters until then.
probably fucked more hoes then you ever shook hands with you pathetic beta cuck retard, shut your fucking mouth lmao
Pretty much this.
Sounds like that's the most common thing. Thanks Yea Forumsros, I'm gonna go fishing and get my mind off of her.
when thinking about her, go to a porn site and fap
you're just horny
>wasting your t while you think of her
Just go out and talk to women and fuck them.
I'm still in love with an ex gf from 15yrs ago. I've never married or had children. I Only use women as fuck dolls ever since then.
I'm not the type to go out a fuck mass amounts of women. I'd rather have a couple of relationships that feel real. I get no sense of satisfaction from fucking girls that won't be there the next day.
I understand what you mean but you have to forget her as fast as you can.
Having sex with women is one way.
Just stop thinking about her.
Fuck bitches OP! fuck bitches.
not very good
may lead to a horrible addiction
If it happens, then it happens. I mean I wouldn't pass it up. Thanks user.
can lead to falling for another bitch and falling even further
It does, but idc. I havent felt much in 15yrs. Not OP btw
Meant for
its hard dood.
berry hard
hang in there
Op here. Honestly the only thing that would let me sleep at night without freakin in my head was big fat bowl each night. I ain't much of a drinker.
I would, if not in fear of a random piss test from work.
Man, girls are stoopid anyway
You don't. Move on pussy.
What makes you go sure that she doesn't go back to being the same old cumslut while you're gone?
i committed a sodomy at a grade school
>Fucking hoes is an achievement
Put her into perspective, make yourself believe that she's just a slut, not worth anything and you shouldn't feel down because of her, it's not your fault, it's her fault. There will be others. One thing I have noticed lately, as I started talking to another girl, is that you can't fill the hole that one girl left in you with another girl. Even if I'd get together with someone else now, I would still be sad that I'm not with the first girl. The hole in your chest will always be there, you just gotta find a way to live with it. Some fill it with booze, some with weed. Others don't fill it at all but try to ignore it. I personally hope the hole in my heart will be filled with the positive things in my life, even though they seem hard to find right now, happiness is everywhere, you just gotta learn how to grab onto it.
Bless you OP.
Forgo winches, gather wealth. Then fug all the hoes.
Time. Theres no there way. It will pass but it's gonna suck. A rebound helps a little.
I’m with you op
Fell in love with my best friend in college and after three years of will they won’t they we both met another.
She was so like me to a fault. We both have issues admitting what we want so none of us made the move but oddly I shared more emotional intimacy with her than I have with any long term girlfriend I have had.
I was such a fucking idiot. I remember when she was attacked at a club and I stepped in, as I took her hand and pulled her away after a brawl broke out I looked at her and I could see the love in her eyes. We shared a look I have never shared with any one.
Wen she told me about some past trauma the way I held her and we just sat quietly for the longest time.
The time we shared a drunken kiss sldespite bothbhaveing a partner. And all we could do after was pussy foot around pretending like it didn’t happen, yet we know it did and the way she begged me to go to a show with her the next day told me she wanted more.
It’s been 5 years since I saw her, after she moved away with her boyfriend.
I can still see the way she looked at me across the table, the saddest eyes forcing herself to smile as undid the same. Knowing this may be the last time we see one another.
5 years and still the mention of her name sends shivers down my spine.
Op here. I really appreciate that man. I'm just gonna do me and let life go on. Love will come and go, so might as well enjoy everything outside of it.
Recently happened to me. Just don't bottle up emotions. Get rid of them SOMEHOW, or it'll be the death of you. Allow yourself rest. Music helps. Just allow the fixing to take over, even if it takes a while
And this is based af
True you can never fill that hole again. But you can find girls that show you how to have a totally new heart, so you can leave your old fucked up one behind. That’s when you know you found something special
Man I'm sorry. Life plays a fucked up game. Who knows, you might meet again some day.
Op: I sure hope so.
Maybe but I think we both missed out boat. She’s also married and I’m in a long term relationship so unlikely
But thanks user
Op: the kicker about my relationship was the fact that I would there for her every step away no matter the inconvenience.
I drove her everywhere for a year when she didn't have a car.
I would go and take care of her grandmother on my off days
I'd take her out for nice dates regularly.
I used my brand new truck to help her move to a new house. (Half a dozen trips, an hour each way)
I would tell how special she made me feel on daily basis.
She was just like me with my humor and personality. We both loved classic rock and doing fun shit together. Had some amazing sex up until the end when it felt like she wasn't putting that same fire into it. But all in all she ended up cheating on me right before the break-up. She claimed she needed to "find herself, and figure her life out".
It's some horseshit.
4 years gone just like that.
happiness is overrated
go grumpyness!
Bro it’s a sad fact woman don’t want someone overly nice.
This is something people never talk about anymore but ou need to give a woman what she needs not what she wants. Hell some women don’t know what they want.
Doing all this stuff for her, if anything, gives her a sense of entitlement. The reason she cheated I you is you put yourself in a more submissive role.
>women don’t want someone overly nice
I know this from women too, they are even attracted to abusive bastards even when they know it's bad for them while they keep avoiding guys that treat them like princess.
It's how they think and they can't help it, don't ask, it's genetics.
A woman is happy in a relationship only when she is constantly feeling like you can dump her at any moment and she has to prove her worth to you all the time.
Treat her like a queen and she will dump you asap.
Op: I guess I didn't know any better.
She could never make her mind up on what she truely wanted, so it was up to me to try and fill the blanks.
Ain’t your fault man society is complex. I fell for it before as many others have
As long as you learn from now you will be fine
be too suportive and they will dump you like you're the problem
>I didn't know any better
Now you know though.
Look at the bright side, you fucked her, you gained experience, you are not a virgin and now you know.
Some spend a whole life time virgin and don't learn this simple fact for women before it's too late.
I blame the school and the bullshit society and feminism and media and education tell young boys.
I don't hate women but we have been lied that women think like men and want to be treated a certain way which is completely false.
dont be a weak beta faggot
Listen to the black Philip show on YouTube. Patrice is hilarious and he will remind you how to be a man again. Relax bro, you need to fix yourself first.
Op: You guys are the best.
been there mate, i feel you
after 3 years she cheated and fucking told me she got "kidnapped"
dumped her and never felt worst in my life
no fucking hangover or comedown has ever been this fucking awful
had a bad year and then met an amazing girl and weve been together for 2 years
going to marry her in 1-2 years
hang in there bro, were all young and incredibly stupid at some point
Lmao just drink until you pass out. That maked it better.