Other urls found in this thread:
It's been 20 years since the Columboner high school shooting, how come you never see black school shooters Yea Forums?
they too busy robbing shit
Oh ok mate.
Niggers drop out of school too early to be old enough to shoot it up
They shoot each other on the street instead, but it's too common to be on the news
Shut the fuck up reddit fag. Go crawl back into the gay abyss you spawned from.
I want to shove chilly dogs in there all day
You dont get paid shooting a school
>unless you went to sandy hook
You make a good point.
After seeing the sandy hooks interview with the dad who didn't know the camera was rolling and just got into character on cam, I doubt it even happened, at the very least I doubt it happened like they've stated it happened.
They usually don't give a fuck about literally anything so they don't get bullied. Also a lot less blacks attend school, and those who do live out their agression more often, instead of bottling up their frustration, and snapping.
what a shit thread, I don't think I've ever opened a ylyl this bad
always gets me
They don't have the same opportunities as whites
>this doesn't make any se...
Legitimately lost to this.
Cause they don't go to school. They drop out and shoot up the neighborhood.
Also there's way more white people.
Did i troll you or did u convert me?
Post link to that interview pls.
>how come you never see black school shooters
they've dropped out of school by that time...
Because niggers dont kill for free, dumbass. Its all about money.
I like this one : )
Actual fake story outbound.
>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.
This is a real news article.
What the fuck is this?? I'm seeing it in many posts on Facebook and I have no fucking clue!
My dad went for milk 13 years ago
a face only a Jew mother could love
Its one of those retarded "the picture names spell somthing" thing. Its a really bad one, at that.
my fucking sides. this channel is amazing
I know what it is I just don't know what it says
>your bowel is out. tuck it in
>snape snape snape menorah
>salt the Bobby lime
>snape snape snape menora
>snape it corner thyme
It is a very BAD and dumb retard thing
>shaker* Bobby lime
Who gives a shit its fucking stupid
Snape Snape Snape menorah
Salt Bobby lime
Snape Snape Snape menorah
Snape Pennywise bar thyme
wynona ryder is ugly prove me wrong faggos
aren't they like too late
16 years too late
u are sexually attracted to men
she looks like a man wtf
her face has always just looked plain and gross to me. Jennifer connely ftw
>Fapping to celebrities
So this is allowed in the shithole called Estonia.
jennifer connely nudes are as fine as the greatest freecam thot
>buzzfeed news
>ok hand sign
I don't get it. Literal translations? Is it funny in Japanese? I can't imagine it being funny.
People who do this deserve whatever they get
The one on the right was clearly attempting a salt bae meme
The greasy Strangler!
Ah fuck, I don't have the general culture to understand those 2
dumb nigger
Look up the USS Liberty, then wonder why they did it and why we're still "friends".
thank you user
if you were going to open up death camps to immediately eradicate specific groups wouldn't you open bakeries and brothels for them to enjoy fresh bread and pussy?
ugly whore that needs to show off tits to seem slightly hot
Don't forget the drowning-pools, like fuckin' Sims.
>Wynona Ryder
You just proved yourself wrong with such an untrue statement.
This became a redpill thread quite fast
prove how she's in any way attractive lmao
not her fault you're attracted to men
Never been so hard in my life!
fuckin A+
go back to plebit
Snape it ALDI thyme
Its a grocery store called aldis not a corner
Because black kids lack the intelligence to go through with a plan like that. Instead they just ape out with their fists or knives, neither of which make the news because they don't fit the narrative of gun control or oppressing white people.
>if you dont like this one particular ugly cunt you're GAY
connely ftw get fucked
Keep going. WHat about the lack of documentation
i know ive seen that face before
shit hair and her eyes are a mile apart. the walleye doesn't help this one bit. Also again needs to resort to showing tits to persuade people into thinking she isnt ugly. 4/10
Your proof.
I would eat her fecal matter.
What time period are you living in? What time period are you looking at her at? What other movies has she shown her tits besides that one movie?
she always looks like she's just seen a murder and her eyes started looking different directions so she wouldn't have to see it
what world are you living in where you haven't just posted a pic of her wearing nothing but a bra and before that a pic of her with a wet shirt?
No bro, the only reason she looks like that is because she spotted a nice gucci purse across the street. She still has it going on.
Why are you bothering to argue with that homo?
She's cutest in Aliens 3 btw.
You asked me to prove how and I gave you an example.
I have to admit she actually looks better now than ever. But she has never been attractive to me at all
>She's cutest in Aliens 3 btw
that's M00t you idiot
And he's adorable.
Alien Resurrection
Oh right, that's the one. I get the later films mixed up because I don't like them as much as the first two.
i watch alien 3 and couldn't believe they allowed it to have the Alien name on it. God it was bad
Post link to sandy hook video you described
why do feminists always wear those glasses?
Who dat cutie?
Those are some 4yo with scissors and a stick glue level of photoshop skills
some ugly bitch. don't worry about it.
Which JC is the hottest JC?
thanks brah
Winona Rider, actress/shoplifter.
It's a particular style, often called "BCG's" Birth Control Glasses.
honestly can't tell if this is real or a joke
for real. every girl i've ever seen with obnoxious glasses has been equally if not more obnoxious than said glasses
are you 12 years old?
And once again another ylyl thread is killed by stormfag propaganda and /pol/fags.
I'd rather see bananas, andy suxx and raypist than this tired old overdone no longer edgy opinions.
I like this guy he litterly btfo jewry on full blast
>lefunnyoriginal severely degraded jpg from /pol/fags.
I'd legit fuck at least one of them.
She's hot as fuck you gay twat, I would literally suck a log of shit right out of her.
What does that mean?
No, homo.
It's a lot cheaper and less decisive than investing in adequate social services and universal access to mental health professionals.
Y tho.
ay tone, how come we get inta world wars when schmuks sink our ships, but we letting this one slide
thats nasty
>i smash pussy all the time and my dick is 15" floppy.
Tfw no gf
alan rickman as professor snape, alan rickman as professor snape, alan rickman as professor snape, candelabra typically used to celebrate a seasonal jewish holiday
salt shaker, bobby hill, lime
alan rickman as professor snape, alan rickman as professor snape, alan rickman as professor snape, candelabra typically used to celebrate a seasonal jewish holiday
alan rickman as professor snape, , pennywise the clown, aldi, bundle of herbs
fucking retarded
4 eyes.
thats pretty good
How is a country building a wall on its own border illegal you fucking asshats?
When it's someone else's country.
Two-state solution is the only way forward, then bomb both states to rubble and be done with the whole shitshow. Fuck Israelis and fuck Palestinians too.
>start a ylyl thread
>don't post any ylyl
Maybe if it was their own country, Shlomo.
that only means you haven't lost yet
Soap operas for men.
how many dogs?
Don’t be a moron. Candelabra is plural. You mean candelabrum.
dead niggers aee cute
Israel is deliberately blocking a two state solution by building a wall dividing the country into two states.
Goddamnit. Those scratches are in the softer plaster covering the concrete.
Those wooden doors have two explanations. 1. Near the end of the war most of the chambers became bomb shelters. Thus they would no longer need air tight doors. 2. The insides of the gassing buildings had wooden doors to help the ruse of a shower facility. The exterior door was absolutely air tight.
WHose country is it then? What soverign country existed there before Israel? Fucking retarded lefties. Here's an expose on these retards, they're leftist BDS activists. You know why? Because rightists and neo nazis don't deny the holocaust they're fucking proud of it. Hitler did nothing wrong faggots, you can't take his high score away.
oy oy oy oy
it's almost like I don't care if my dog gets autism
so my guess as to why he has a human-like body is because the motion capture was easier to do.
Neo Nazis absolutely deny the Holocaust.
Yes, we all know that the Soviets used the holocaust for propaganda purposes and faked some things. Good thing real historians know that and use primary source documents, physical evidence, and witness testimony from both sides, instead of depending solely on bullshit and propaganda.
Found the BDS faggot. Go fuck yourself you muslim sympathizer. No neo nazi denies the holocaust.
The Jews cannot exist without stealing or subverting. They stole the land from the native Arab population, every Jew that settled into Israel came from Europe and doesn't belong to their made-up country.
Hootie Tootie Disco Cutie
>Hootie Tootie Disco Cutie
im interested in the backstory
im imagining some fat autist got mad at this guy cause this guy was more alpha than him and he spouted shit like "I'll turn you into a Yea Forums meme I swear!!!" and then just continued doing so but i need to be sure
What native arab population? Whose country was it? The ottomans were there when the Jews came, the land definitely didn't belong to them, then it was occupied by the british. What arab country existed there before Israel?
it's a joke because they are too far in their pregnancies to get an abortion
that's a cute one.
got any lewder drawings of her?
What's that supposed to show? Just a guy talking about the loss of his six year old daughter.
They keep expanding though, if there was a time when they could be called Israel they've passed that long ago. The Jews just want more, they will bleed the middle east dry like the parasites they are.
i would still fuck the shit outta that.
Lucky for you it looks likely there's shit in it
Expanding where? Israel gave up both the Gaza Strip and the Eastern Territories to the made up "Palestinians" who are actually Egyptians and Jordanians, as is throughly documented in their own authorities. Those are two huge chunks of land. So please explain where are they expanding to?
>real historians
how many real historians do you know? to have any real credibility in WWII research you should have a grasp over German, to be able to understand primary source material, otherwise it's just a bunch of frauds parroting mainstream sources.
>The scratches are real
It was vandalism from people on the tours you moron. Look it up yourself.
gotta go fag
>bomb shelters
>wooden doors
another steaming hollywood piece of shit
Go away, Mossad.
You can deny your crimes but know you are not welcome here.
Based Westin?
it's cringy "15 year old white kid on r/blackpeopletwitter trying to make a joke" level material
>it's Duane
What is Palestinian land? None of Israel was Palestinian land, it was Ottoman Land and then British land, the indigenous population still lives in Israel alongside the jews you retard. Palestinians are literal Egyptian and Jordanian invaders. Dregs of Egyptian and Jordanian societies who were promised lands by their respective countries if they move into Israel during the 1948 war. That image is ridiculously retarded.
You're so brainwashed by muslims you bury your head in the sand for a supposed war crime from 70 years ago by a people who number less than 10 million world wide, while there's 3 billion muslims stealing land all over the globe culturally invading your countries and committing threats and terrorism strikes against your people. Jews should be dealt with, but Muslims are a much bigger threat. By obsessing over Israel, you're serving the muslim agenda. The fact is, Israel fought for survival, just like the US did to the indians, just like Europe did to EVERYONE. No country didn't do this kind of shit, but muslim propaganda has you slobbering over this particular instance instead of protecting your women. Fucking hell.
Palestine wasn’t a country till 1988 fuck off Muslim, you can’t steal from something that doesn’t even exist yet
I've seen the primary documents. I have worked with a fluent level German speaker. Real historians aren't on your side here. The holocaust happened. Holocaust denier is a synonym for retard.
That logic is retarded. Like saying the mid east was Sumeria, therefore, displace everyone there now.
Yes wooden doors. Wood is sensable at a time where resources are scarce and you're trying to survive an attack from the sky.
Incredible. Everything what you said was wrong.
Besides the racial origins of the Palestinian people. It was a Palestinian state as ordained by the Brits and their population remained largely muslim and was also a Palestinian province under the ottoman empire.
Aka: not today rabbi.
More Sopranos memes. I fucking love that show
of course herschel
For a bomb shelter.
I don't think so Schlomo.
Nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee
motherfucker do you ever in your entire little life ever heard about Jericho punk ass bitch nigger faggot wossie
Fuck niggers and fuck x
Show me one document that shows a palestinian state, BDS washed race traitor.
Basically take over whats left of the eastern strip of Palestine, Golan heights and maybe take over the Sinai peninsula if they had the chance.
They are basically trying to claim most of the biblical territory of Israel without noticing nearly 2000 years of non-jewish history in the territory.
What happened between 47 and 49 and in 1967?
Also pre 67 those green areas were controlled by Jordan and Egypt, not “Palestine.”
Race traitor? Also, the Palestinian-israel treaty is a confirmation of the vassal state of palestine itself...
Also, want me to ally with Jews? Nice bait, but always shoot a kike before a mudslime. You can't defend your own race without eliminating the Jews first. Only then can you work on Muslims. Unless you want to give the heebs a base of operations.
The jew knowledge is strong in this one...
Are you highly anti-semitic?
Do you believe that,
A) We even COULD do anything against the kike konundrum at this point?
B) If we did so, WOULD it even help any of the damage they've already caused?
I'm scared that they enacted a plan like this because they anticipated not being around to see the fruits of their debil labours.
Your denial of this extremely well studied, documented, and recorded event is only fueled by your irrational, and fear-laced hatred of Jews. It fits a narrative that you've purchased wholesale, and I think you'd benefit by examining your motives for doing so.
Awww someones store got stolen from
So sad for you
Major miller said that? It must be true!
Ask dr. Smith and mr. Jones, they can vouch for major miller.
Do not sully the name of Major Miller, ranks must be earned in the military unlike doctors.
dr smith? that kike lover? yeah right...
>giving a shit about wedge issues
Found the partisan shill
Keep repeating the talking points like a guud boy
Found the IDF plant
First time I lost in a long time.
some oven dodger
im sure its something like that. i imagine it happened like you said and other people caught on to the shitty meme and ironically started shitposting it. either that or the original fat autist is on Yea Forums lurking ylyl threads 24/7
Gotta go up
Ah yes the Venus of willendorf, one of our oldest confirmed ancient relics of art representing a human beings likeness
This letter is talking about an enumerated lists of camps. Not all concentration camps were death camps, and not all death camps used zyklon b.
not to mention that letter was made in a word processor and not a typewriter.
ITT: Jews, jews and more jews.
Fuck you.
What's this from?
The wooden doors were for defense against dinosaurs.
See? I can just make shit up too.
I lost.
This is an actual thing. This is a 100% real thing.
I can attest to this being a thing because other people have talked about it unironically in PUBLIC.
And hot as fuck
You misunderstood the sentence. A soup spoon isn't a spoon made out of soup. An illegal border wall is a wall to keep out illegals.
This is an easy one to explain, actually.
Chimneys are built in such a way in that in tear down, they're the last thing to be torn down. They tore down the rest of the building, then left it up, probably because it's kind of monolithic or something. You see it all the time in the states.
Omfg, yes!
They should really make another film with this kid in it as one of the hitmen. Still getting boners as he is fighting
Why do far-righters give a fuck about Palestine? I thought Muslims were the enemies.
Funny you people love to kick people out of your 'land' by any force necessary woman children it doesn't matter but when we do it all of a sudden my 6 trillion
for soviet propaganda, this is some shitty copy-and-paste work.
Astolfo from fate.
So many fucking Russians on this page. Stop trying to divide us faggots
because we have a lot more respect for ourselves and our family image than entitled white bitchboys
>that sneaky "after a trump rally" that isn't even in the actual article
imagine my shock
>Israelis/Jews desperately trying to blame someone else
As usual.
Israel literally employs part of its military to post pro-Israeli and pro-Jewish propaganda on social media, which includes Yea Forums
Bantz the fuck out you pleb
It’s more lefties, Muslims, and self hating whites.
far right either are philosemites, want heebs to go back to Israel, or want the whole region nuked.
And it’s a fucking hanukiah a menorah has 7. Fucking goys.
I haven't seen one pro jew post on here ever. WTF are you on about?
every one in this thread fucks yoga mats for a living.
the concept of trolling is very hard to comprehend?
That image should be a banner.
>They stole the land from the native Arab population, every Jew that settled into Israel came from Europe and doesn't belong to their made-up country.
Kek so many historical fuck ups in your post.
Arabs are native to the arab peninsula they conquered more places but they aren't even native to egypt nor were they native in spain.
Secondly jews in israel came from everywhere. Even yemen, ethiopia and arab countries.
Stick to the facts Yea Forumstard
Oh shit. I love you.
Took me a few seconds
Palifag confirmed
How's life in ramallah?
It’s a troll meme. Whoever is posting all the Jew hate stuff in YLYLs always describes it as responding to Jewish spam. Just ignore it.
like the guys that live under a bridge? I am talking about pro jew posts stupid.
it's not a white power sign in europe because we're not retarded. end yourself
Intersectionality, anyone?
Oy. Ramallah is suffering terribly under the occupation bröder. Hardly a building left intact from the constant shelling and bulldozers.
Wahad humus wahad fool ana bahibak mishmar ha gvool
Still better than syria.
Because this is not ‘far righters’ shitposting.
I just shat my pants