I have severe back pain. The doctor told me that I have neuralgia and prescribe me pain killers...

I have severe back pain. The doctor told me that I have neuralgia and prescribe me pain killers. Does somebody has ever been trough this ? How did you manage to recover completely ?

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>How did you manage to recover completely ?
you can't
it's chronic condition where you'll be in constant pain through out your whole life, unless they will locate and fix the reason behind it (which rarely happens in modern medicine)

Try a chiropractor???
Then report back

Too little information to say something useful, just be careful with those painkillers. I don't know what the doctor prescribed but I would recommend staying away form opiates for most backpain, better to look at something inflamatory reducing such as naproxen, ibuprofen or diclofenac.

>witch doctor that pops your joints

I have to do an IRM, maybe they'll find out the exact problem and suggest a real treatment. If they don't i'll probably condider suicide then.

Don't worry user, i don't take them, it gaves me nausea and i hate that stone feeling anyway.

i have a slipped disc in my back, i had awful sciatica and constant lower back pain and weakness in one leg

i hit yoga hard, and it's completely changed my back. no sciatica, no day to day pain. it's not perfect, but it's no longer a constant issue

Yoga really ? Wow i didn't think of that. Thanks for the advice user, i'll begin with some youtube yoga videos and i'll see. Thank u very much, and hope you'll be fine

If you want a painkiller that won't ruin your life and make you too tired to function, Kratom got me off tramadol after years of chronic pain. It's pretty easy to get online

Second yoga, DDP yoga is less faggy and is all about spinal recovery.

go slow. be aware that it might change how your back pain feels as you get better at yoga, so just be patient and never push yourself. you'll find some positions that really feel like they are opening your back up, so try and work out your own short routine including those poses that you can do every day

Gabapentin. It does fucking miraculous things for sciatica and other forms of nerve pain.

thank you user, i tried it a while ago but mhhh i don't wan't to take something that hide the pain, i really want to completely erase it. In my case i think this is possible cause it's just a mechanical dysfunction of my spine. I hope to completely recover with some patience and rigor

Thank you really much for those advices, it will help for sure.

>prescribe me pain killers.
Where the fuck do you live that they still give pain killers?

My wife can't get out of bed five days out the week during the bad times and needs home care... and they still wont prescribe narcotics.

And that's with a twelve pound medical file showing xrays and mris with 50 to 60% disk loss though the bottom third of her spine.

The war on drugs is fucking stupid and needs to end already as does all this anti-opiate shit. If people want to OD and abuse pills, let darwin sort them out.

>war on drugs
The real bitch of it is she can just about manage on pot. The bad times she still can't do anything but the inflammation goes down, and she can sit up, eat, or at least take herself to the bathroom. Not to mention she can still type. (Yes, off drugs she's in too much pain to type. For people who don't experience back pain try doing something without using a single back muscle. You can maybe blink)
But we had to move to a prohibition state from a legal state. Fucking red neck white trash ruining everything for everyone.


start off with something like that. realllly slow and easy, and don't underestimate how important it is to breathe deep into the bottom of your belly

in each position, move gently around if you feel like you're stretching parts that need to be stretched

Sell pain killers to addicts for 10$ a pill make profit from your own misfortune

Don't bother with Youtube if you can go to a couple of classes. It's like learning surgery on tv.
Go see a pro for a few sessions. Learn proper posture. If you stretch wrong you can really hurt yourself.
See a pro that will teach you proper technique with good breathing.
Good luck OP....I hope by this time next year your almost 100%.

Dude that shit can be magical

Speaking as someone with spinal and nerve injuries, get used to it. They cant fix you and they wouldn't if they could. It sucks, but it's not life threatening. If you're a NEET you should see what your doc can prescribe you. If you live somewhere with communist healthcare, see if you can get some cheap opiates.

Only thing I could recomend Is sleeping on your back and maybe a little excerise

Have a doctor remove your back. Duh

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Look into "pelvic tilt". The way your pelvis sits can affect your whole spine in ways you wouldn't even realize, and if you sit a lot it can cause your leg and back muscles to stiffen and lock your pelvis in a certain direction. But aside from that see a physical therapist.