Wh*te "men" literally can't even begin to comprehend the strungth of the Black Man...

Wh*te "men" literally can't even begin to comprehend the strungth of the Black Man. The Mighty and Powerful Black Master Race posesses a strungth unlike any other man the planet has ever seen.

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i have beaten up 6 niggers

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the strength to smoke a shitload of crack

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Everytime i find unsourced diamond i tip the bitch at 100%

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Can u pls stop flooding with nonsense and acknowledge the strungth of the black race?

I just left the avengers movie where a tall black kid in his 20's cried during the tony scene. so yeah

shut up inferior nigger slave

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That's borderline autism. I wasn't moved but appreciate the significance.

white power

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yeah he also said out loud 'oh shit, oh shit, oh shit' when captain america used thors hammer. He was really into the movie, like too into it

Indeed you must be strong to work in a plantation

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Seriously do you think the wh*te "man" could have even half the strungth to plow the fields with his bare cock? Fuck no. Wh*tes just stood around and got btfo while the Black men dick plowed fields and made the wh*te women get so wet they slid off their chairs

Wh*te "men" would never have the strungth to plow an entire field using only their rock hard bbc...

That is sweat on that mans brow from using his legendary black strungth to lift enormous wheights

>Black men dick plowed fields
so yous was fuckin dirt is what youre saying?

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>fuckin dirt
Na na na you got it all twisted soul brotha... We Negros was usin' our superior African strungth to make love to mother earth herself, plowing the fields with our bbc in the process. A Negro with an average dick (6'11" lungth/1'6" girth) had the stungth to plow in one hour what an ox could accomplish in a full days work.

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Pls go these photoshops aren't even halfway passable

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All thats missing is a "made using GiMP" watermark

you are so angry that your people are faggots, nigger

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