If the Germans bombed NYC like they wanted to, do think it would have altered the outcome of WW2...

If the Germans bombed NYC like they wanted to, do think it would have altered the outcome of WW2. Also Nazi wonder weapons thread.

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Dear Amerikabomber

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Would have if they developed the A bomb, but they didn't. Just like the Amerikabomber

Aka Der Amerikabomber
But whatever.

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How? America would still have a lot of their manufacturing capacity and it would be even more of a rally call for Americans than pearl harbour.

Nothing short of giving every Nazi soldier a automatic weapon and nuclear power would cause them to win.
By time America got involved they were already losing the war.

lol our dearest amerikabomber

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Do you think they were close to developing one?

Actual amerikabomber

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They did attempt to destroy our water supply feeding the center of our aerospace industry at the time. It was a halfhearted attempt at taking out the Hoover dam, but they still didn’t consider the US risk as being all that significant, & just fucked around with silly shit like the submarine full of saboteurs and shit. For nazis, they were goofin pretty hard.

America already had enough assets in Europe that it was inevitable that Germany would crack even if no new material were shipped in. It just would have delayed the war by a couple of years and America would have 100% felt justified in using the bomb on the Germans instead of the Japanese.

No, I've read some reports, they were quite far off. There were some good ideas, like using heavy water. But they were unable to make a good reactor, pic related.

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Das ist kind of kewl
I guess

lol yeh, couldn’t make a reactor when the scandies sank your heavy water transport and ransacked your production facility.

Interesting reply user

A bigger problem was lack of funds and skilled workers, all the best scientists had fled the county and were working for the Allies. Of course the funds all went to the V weapons. Despite being quite cool and fueling post war weapons development they had little impact on the war

I've read some things too but not sure if true about Nazis making H-bombs

kek well yeah that’s what you get when you kick out all ur Jews & their perverted jewish science. You get white power. NOW GET ON ZE TREADMILL EMORY AND MAKE SOME POWER

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I like this airplane, they didnt have many in their inventory though.

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Careful with your wording. H-bomb refers to the Hydrogen bomb, or thermonuclear weapons. Which were not tested until 52. The early weapons which were used in the war were A bombs or atomic bombs

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Oh shit, my bad. Thx for correction

I think the allies would have done it anyways without the German and Italian scientists assistance. Money was the big thing.

Oglethorpe is the best German villain ever.
Hitler is the worst. Good job hitler, is there anything you can’t fuck up?

Well, the uniforms were pretty boss.

Oh my.

Yeah that and attacking Russia while the British were still unbeaten. It's like they wanted to lose.

Do you think they did tests in Thuringia?

I admit the Nazis had some dope uniforms. That Hugo Boss was good

Yeah it’s like hey you know how we’re fighting a fucking war all over the place, well I got this great idea, we should spaz on our only conceivable ally worth a shit in this mess, who will most certainly steamroll us into the ground, but first, well fight this fucker on two fronts for a while, and then really just fight the whole world, until we’re eating sheet metal screws and throwing mudballs packed with our own teeth at our enemies. Seems like a winner boss.

That's a big if. The Germans wouldn't have been able to get the fissile material to create a nuclear bomb. Their heavy water production was sabotaged, and their starting materials were sunk. Even if they did develop one there's still the issue of getting the bomb to America without it being shot down. It only happened in Wolfenstein because the Nazis found and reverse engineered advanced technology. Even if the bombing succeeded I think the US would be even more motivated in their war against the Nazis

Hey, my home state!

Also the V rockets didnt help much for the Germans but at least we got NASA out of it.

They had heavy water production? I agree with you and the other user when saying the U.S. would be even more motivated to destroy Nazi Gemany if NYC get bombed

It was a Norwegian hydroelectric plant that made heavy water as a byproduct of fertilizer production. It was sabotaged by a team that went in and destroyed the place without a shot fired.

Churchill was positively giddy about Pearl Harbor, because he was waiting for the event that the president would finally use to leverage the US into the war, instead of continuing to hedge our bets selling both Britain and Germany weapons & getting rich off the old world fortunes. When Germany started shooting at US supply ships, Britain responded by saying they promised to actually repay their arms debts they were racking up, and Germany’s fate was fucking sealed.

I thought the US hated the nazis

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The nuclear program itself was suspended many times. Of course, the main reason being funds and minds. After many unsuccessful attempts they basically got fed up and settled for the rockets. Especially after the deuterium facility attack. But, if they concentrated all the power to nukes, they would have gotten it (and I understand it's quite difficult to sacrifice everything else for something so uncertain). For example, take Ronald Richter, he had many tests with graphite and electricity that were basically wasting of funds (on his position), but if he was in the N-program, he would substitute the deuterium with graphite, that would shorten the way a lot... Instead, he was "working" on pulse reactor propulsion and similat BS...

Europe was sending over several times the GDP of most countries at the time, per day. The US before that injection of cash was the US that didn’t even get invited to come play in WWI, by it was a bunch of grade 3 educated, broke ass farmers starving to death.

They sort of fucked up by alienating Jewish scientists. There were some that went to the US and became key figures in the Manhattan Project

I didnt know that. I'll have to research sometime

The US didn't sell to Germany. The Lend-Lease Act was made to distribute resources/materiel with the express purpose of defeating Germany.and its allies. Pearl Harbor pretty much happened because the US was refusing to sell oil to the Japanese


The Axis really screwed themselves over by going too far too fast. They were really good at first because they were more prepared because their economy was going full tilt to supply the war effort. But they didn't realize that when the Allies went full-tilt they had a much larger manufacturing base than when the blitzkrieg happened




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Ever since WWII there has been heavy evidence that bombing campaigns only bolster resistance against the nation doing the bombing. The Germans experienced this bombing the British, and the Americans experienced this bombing the Vietnamese and various middle eastern nations. Unless the bombing campaign can absolutely destroy a nation's entire warmaking capabilities (which is yet to ever happen), it will do nothing but embolden its target to resist further.
My favorite example of this being proven is when the American Joint Chiefs of Staff conducted a wargaming session during Vietnam in order to test the viability of an unrestrained bombing campaign against the VC. The members who were stuck playing the VC ended up doubling down on their strategy (which mimicked the VC strategy up to that point of guerilla fighting and strategic assaults on key territories) and winning the wargame. The best part is that the Joint Chiefs went ahead with the bombing campaign anyway and the VC did the exact same thing that the wargame predicted them to do: double down and increase their fervor towards resisting US operations. It's very concrete proof that bombing campaigns do not work to kill the will of the targeted nation.

What a great idea.

That's why modern doctrine uses Precision Guided Munitions to improve accuracy and reduce civilian casualties. There are still some casualties of course but unfortunately the cost of modern warfare. The US is developing laser weaponry to make strikes even more precise. Imagine someone with a bunch of human shields that would preclude bomb, precision or otherwise. But with the laser he'll just have a hole burnt through his head from a chopper/UAV equipped with the laser leaving the hostages unscathed