Anyone wanna vent

anyone wanna vent

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flat chicken wings are 1000x better than drums and no one will fucking say it

I'm almost 20, just finished my first year of college (failed 2 courses) and I want to drop out. I feel like a failure destined to be just another guy who commits cliff jump or something

want to get my past sorted out so i feel better about myself and then finally get laid.
> 5 years till wizardhood lads

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i cant agree more

a man of culture

i failed two courses my first year as well. time management is key in college

If college isn't for you, it's fine to drop out. Happens to a lot of people. Look into an internship? Look into trade school? Get a job doing whatever in the short term and worry about your long term future when less stressed out?

Its okay to fail. What matters is what you do after you fail. Failing does not mean your life is over; you're allowed to try something different.

My dog got into the pizza and I'm so upset with her. She probably wont get sick but will be shitting more than normal. That pizza was supposed to last a day or two and I just bought her a new bag of food. She doesn't normally do this but I'm annoyed none the less. She's asleep already but went to sleep while I was mad at her. I regret it now because life is short and imagine if the last thing she remembered was me chastising her for eating the pizza, feels bad man.

I'm doing well in life, going to college (in undergrad) to become a doctor like my dad, but for some reason I et worried like everything is going to crumble around me. I struggle to stay motivated and it frustrates me I wish i could stop worrying so much and learn to enjoy life a bit more

Well, this is just a fact.

>You re young, if only i had college to fail, in my country after highschool you go next to the university, no preparation, no time to even think about what you want to study.

23, 5 semester and i should be finished with my studies, hell some friends of mine are working winning the godamm money i need and i still have work to do and no motivation

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I want to die but don't have the balls to kill myself. Life has become a tedious chore I don't want to be a part of anymore. I quit my job and am waiting to run out of money to pay for food and rent. I don't have any sort of plan at that point. Fuck everything.

recently turned 18, been feeling just extremely lonely. I got over my depression days and can deal with all that. I just want someone to hold, I want someone to care about. I am almost done with highschool and i have been single for over a year. I know ill meet someone some day but i don't want to wait for some day. Being lonely is not something you tell someone to postpone till it is resolved. And i can't find a girlfriend in the country i am in right now because i'm moving to a different country in 3 months. There isn't anything i can do except friends with benefits, but im demisexual (i know stupid sexuality name is dumb, but it explains what i think about relationships) so that is not an option for me.

I wish my wife would get over her dead mom and brother and get her fucking good for nothing ass back to work. she also should lose some weight.

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I’m absolutely terrified of tornadoes, ever since I lost my home and almost all of my family one year when a large F4 demolished my neighborhood.
I don’t make enough money to leave this goddamnable state, and don’t have enough money to buy a storm shelter either.
I wish all my family and friends weren’t here, I can’t abandon them to go hide somewhere either.
So yay me, for 2-3 months every spring I am relieving that day in my head anytime the news mentions there might be tornadoes.
Thanks PTSD, you make everything so fucking awesome.

That sucks. Tornadoes turn me on for some fucking reason, insta boner during sirens.

I have a lot of potential and am currently using very little of it. 50 lbs overweight and won't try dating until it's off, but I struggle to diet for 4 hours without breaking.

Im still madly in love with my ex. We ended it for a stupid reason. I think about her alot and try to keep in contact. I want to try and get back together with her but i dont know if she'd want to.

still a virgin

Everything is going wrong
Trying to be a man about it

I just feel so sad all the time now.
It's been so damn long. I'm so lonely

Been there. Been homeless. Be smart bro.

Honestly, you're better off lifting to just fill out your skin differently




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i feel so empty man i just go by every day doing the same shit i feel like everything is a worthless repeating cycle