Is he the worlds biggest cuck?

is he the worlds biggest cuck?

Attached: cuckdiepie.jpg (960x720, 45K)

being this obsessed with some rich jew


He gets to fuck Marzia and was able to literally beat a fucking company that uses bots ,so no.

He's world's biggest Chad

isn't this the Norwegian guy

who is Marzia?

>apologizes because some crazy white guy said subscribe to pewdiepie in a shooting

>not a cuck


>worlds biggest chad

>swedish cuck with an ugly girlfriend


besides,would marzia even bother with him if it wasnt for the fact he's some internet celebrity? i doubt it

why are you triggered by him?

subscribe to pewdiepie
*bang* *bang*

worlds worst envy case?

pewdiepie gf.
norwegian kek

i just hate sweden,its a country of cuck's and feminists

(if you didnt know,pewdiepie is swedish)


I think it's because this guy makes good cash without much work for just being extra nice with a cherry on top. I heard some other humans work harder for less.

who is this?

>implying he doesn't use bots too
Less than a tenth of his subscribers actually watch his videos yet he still keeps a constant never ending stream of new subscribers. How is that possible otherwise without bots?

i do find it weird when he makes jokes about his fans being 12

as if he didn't bring it on himself, plus those 12 year olds are now 18+ so be greatful for your fanbase.

he doesn't use bots his fans make multiple accounts to inflate his numbers but its practically the same thing as bots though

Blocks your path

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