Its sphincter lickin good

Its sphincter lickin good

Attached: 1555780135340.png (459x627, 412K)

>when the logposter is so mad that he keeps getting BTFO in every thread he makes
>"I'm going to create 30 threads!!!!"
>"that'll make them regret they made fun of my awesome joke about eating another man's feces!!!!"
>"snif, why doesn't anyone appreciate my talent? snif"

For you, user.

Attached: 1550541663200.jpg (640x640, 151K)

>TFW the logposter's original purpose was to annoy newfags and get them to verbally abuse him with rage
>TFW the only attention he gets is mockery for his faggotry

Attached: angryfeels.jpg (633x758, 68K)

You sound hangry!

Attached: corn.jpg (1200x1196, 271K)

The Steam
The Cream
The Forced Meme

>trying this desperately to LIE and project his own frustrated efforts on others who are falling off their chairs in laughter

Attached: autism level.gif (500x292, 58K)

Keeping the dream alive!

>the dream of actually being significant on a pathetic board

So hot

The Steam
The Cream
The Forced Meme

Thank you for bumping!

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.s

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

The Steam
The Cream
The Forced Meme

Log of shit

The Steam
The Cream
The Forced Meme

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log.of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit

corprophilia is a dangerous mental illness. get some help.

Log of shit