>The black race are a mongrel race
>The chinks are overtaking our country
>The arab sand niggers don't deserve a place in our country
>Fuck the Japanese
>Muslims is a religion based on pedophilia
>We need to make this country proud and white again
The black race are a mongrel race
Down with the niggers
Down with the sand nigger Muslims
Fuck china
inb4 mosque shooting
I'm not that retarded enough that i want to go to jail over my racism lol.
based and retarded
that won't happen fag, look out your window and witness the actions of gays overtaking this country
Fuck the fags but they're only a 13% problem within my country the rest is just a cancerous mole overtaking our states. What's your argument then autist?
All you immigrants get the fuck out of our country: Native Americans are called native for a reason. We belong here. Caucasians should go back to the Caucasus area north west of China. Blacks to Africa. Mexicans are okay, as long as they aren't Spanish. Spanish people should go back to Spain. Asians to Asia. Make America great again! Like before Columbus invaded.
Fuck you nigger
Aww look at this white ass get sad and cranky. Don't worry white boy, we'll only take your jobs and women.
I'm not racist per-se but I am definitely "racist" in the sense of your values. I don't like China or India in particular. I think their cultures are bad on an international scale and don't make for a conducive environment to fostering a better planet. I don't give a fuck if you're of Chinese or Indian descent and raised with western values. I don't like most of the native Chinese or Indian people I encounter in the US. A lot of Arabs suck, too, but I've met at least a few good ones out of that bunch.
A lot of Latinos are great people and I like them a lot. Most Europeans are cool. The native Africans I have met I've generally liked. Korean, Japanese, Thai. A lot of people from South American countries. You're all dope as hell.
Fuck you China, India, and a lot of the Middle East. You have bad cultures where you don't care about your fellow man and you don't care about working together on recognizing/solving global problems. Also fuck Russia and America to a lesser extent.
>blames other races
>doesn't realize heroin is wiping you off the map
Must suck to suck.
calm down with your caps
Stfu racist. Go live in eastern europe in that worthless shithole. Whites masterrace lmao have you ever met east european subhumans? They live in slums lol while chinks live in futuretech cities but oh yea whites are so ubermensch you dumb fgt
It's called natural selection you'll see
never done heroin in my life, kike
also, you talk like a fag