ITT we talk like we are on Reddit

ITT we talk like we are on Reddit.

Attached: reddit-alien-red-st.jpg (1600x1200, 83K)

>down votes by saging.

I think you're a faggot so I'll down vote.

Edit: thanks for the gold stranger



I have a different opinion than you, I HATE YOU :D



From your post history I can tell you are a troller. Please leave this sub.


Umm actually, the sport is called ultimate or ultimate disc. Frisbee is a term trademarked by Wham-o!

Bloody muggles.

I went on Yea Forums once literally scarred me for life.

They have threads full of dead bodies its crazy

Edit: Grammar

Edit: Thanks for the gold!

Totally dude umm hello? Mods? This guAuy is self-aAadvertising XD

you all can shit on reddit but i almost choked to death on steamed buns watching some shitty reddit q&a compilation
i didn't laugh so hard for months

I used to think reddit wasn't that bad but he people on it are fucking insufferable. You get a few people on it that are decent but it's only in small communites or else they'll get downvoted to shit. Having dissenting on reddit is impossable as it's such a controlled platform. Reddits only redeeming factor is that it has good porn.

This. I only use reddit for things i can't find here like r/osugame

thanks for the gold, kind stranger

Not seeing any difference from any other thread here

Attached: 1D1379E1-130C-41D5-B2AB-5599E6DBEECC.gif (229x332, 1.73M)

That GOT episode was amazing

The site itself is alright but the people who browse it or the moderators are fucking cancer

Edit:Sorry for the typos :3

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How do you faggots even know how reddit talks?


The art of War
>"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

Has anyone else seen the recent Richard Dawkins debate?

>People of reddit, what is the weirdest thing that happened to you?

Once I walked in on my sister and my mom having BDSM sex. I have no proof but please trust me, I am not a liar like some other people here.

Edit:Thanks for the silver!
Edit: Woah a platinum! Thanks, stranger!
Edit: OMG 5K Upvotes, that's the highest i've ever got!
Edit: 10K Upvotes! Thanks people!

This is problematic.

I wish all of the women in my country could get raped and killed by arabs and niggers and also you're racist for not agreeing with me and you are a threat to our democracy and diversity is our strength ((remove the extra dot.))

Server with no rules. Post whatever you want without risk of ban! Diverse ages, all welcome.



CP. VC. Memes. Porn

Controversial topics etc.

Uugh I fucking hate 4channers, they're so dumb!

What's a reddit

The narwhal bacons at midnight.
Good-day to you my fellow cuckolds.

I was about to say how little you tried and then I realised that's just what redniggers do

Yea Forums is full of racist nazis that shoot up schools.

The host from family feud? Why’s he so special?

Hey everyone, my cousins nephews ex best friend has cancer in the tip of his cock and he's also autistic. Does anyone want to watch my wife try and suck the cancer out of his dick

why havent the admins banned that sub? they are sickos. They are going to get raped in prison.