I discovered today that my little brother has been plowing some 45 year old chick in our hometown. She's a family friend.
Found messages on his phone and everything. Was looking through his phone trying to find a picture of some stupid ass meme. It's a long story. But look.
>pic related
What should I do. Should I be concerned? Should I tell someone? These messages have been going back over a year and its clear they've fucked more than once.
Honest concern. None of that "hurr durr he fucked a milf let him be".
What you should do is encourage chicks his own age to hit on him, or point out when chicks his age are into him
I have a strong feeling that shes won't want his baby, so are safe there
Jose Parker
Hurr durr, he fucked a milf let him be faggot
Jackson Edwards
I was fucking a 42 year old smoking hot cougar one summer when I was 17 and working on the construction crew remodeling her house, in no way was I exploited or raped, I went after her. And it was awesome. Good times.
Jonathan Hernandez
You're hilarious.
Colton Richardson
Treat this delicately. Dont rat them out but tell him it isnt normal and he should go for girls his age. This could fuck him up permanently if you dont steer him down the right path
He will have good memories to jerk it to once he becomes a whinging faggot like you.
Juan Ward
Anthony Thompson
>This chick is a legit pedophile. >16yo
You fcking brainwashed retard, in my country you can be fucking any 16 yo with consent, as long as you don't have a relation of authority with them. You don't know shit about pedofilia, leave your brother the fuck alone, he doesnt seem as traumatizes as you.
Dude, tell your parents, or someone you trust in your family. It doesn't matter if she's a family friend, this is fucked up. IT'S FUCKING PEDOPHILIA.
Jaxon Harris
>not a pedo But anyways, shut up and stop being jealous Op. you missed out on this part of growing up I get it, it will run its course and end with your little Yea Forumsro having a secret he can keep. No harm no foul and he is an adult not a child.
Adam Butler
Because having sexual urges for milfs during peak hormonal stage in life is so abnormal
rat on him and make sure he knows you saved him, he will appreciate it for the rest of his life.
Jayden Morgan
This is the only option, a threesome could be some great bonding with your brother and it's totally fine as long as your balls don't touch
Xavier Gonzalez
>my little brother gets more pussy than me and I'm jealous >should I cockblock him He is obviously mature and consenting/actively pursuing. There is literally nothing wrong here so stop being such a little faggot and try to convince your little brother to share that pussy and full both her holes at once. Remember: it's only gay if your balls touch.
Gavin James
Josiah Ramirez
No but unironically this. 15, 16 for a guy is old enough to be making his own sexual choices. If you’re really worried talk to him and feel it out. But it’s not your place to cockblock him like a moralfag
Sebastian Thompson
Tell someone? What the SHIT. Reading your brothers messages? Your must be special kind of autistic. Fake and gay, but if you want to get involved talk to your brother faggot
Don’t do anything faggot he’s 16. I knew I was a male capable of my own actions and aware of my own existence at 11.
Think of it this way, if he committed a serious crime, he’d probably be tried as an adult. Let him be. People like you truly enrage me, faggot. Why would u ruin that for anyone? Why ruin that older woman’s life? You’re such a faggot pos, hope you die.
Jacob Kelly
This you faggot ass op
Cooper Young
This is reminding me if that one news post of a boy defending his teacher in court fir having sex with her by saying "This is every boys dream"
Idk what to tell you, OP. You'd have to get him involved if you decide to get her arrested. But honestly it needs to happen. Too many female predators get away with shit like this.
Cooper Bailey
OP is just jealous that a his qt math teacher wouldn't molest him
Leo Jenkins
But honestly unless they shared nudes, he may be within legal consent by law so I'd just man up and accept your little brother got that milf pussy.
Sebastian Hill
This fucking Estonian
Liam Brooks
God I would feel like such a little bitch if my little brother was getting more pussy than me AND I ruined it by ratting him out like a bitch. 16 is the age of consent in my state so you couldnt fuck him over even if you tried
Mason James
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Elijah Stewart
Mind your fucking business, and let your brother get his dick wet.
Andrew Perez
16 is legal here, even if it's not legal in your country I wouldn't say it's pedo