Let's play a lil, What would you choose ?

Let's play a lil, What would you choose ?

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hey fuck you, choose or gtfo nigga
idc about ur damn discord

tarp, tent, inflatable raft and water purifier.

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Depends, if I knew where I roughly was, and I knew I was close to other lands, I would get an Inflatable Raft, a water purifier, a fishing rod and a tarp.
If I had no idea where I was or knew I was very far away from other lands, I'd chose a knife, rope, first aid kit and probably a flare gun.
Things like the pot can be made out of clay, hiking boots will spent fast, better get used to the harsh ground early, vitamins are limited as well as the hunting rifle's bullets and the rest are quality of life things rather than survivalist things

The pot is a water purifier if you're not a fucking retard and it's useful for cooking. the flare gun shells can start fires in addition to signaling.
The fishing rod, cause it's a deserted island of God knows how patheticly small a size and food lives in the water. And the knife cause I mean.. What're you going to do, gut the fish with your hands? It can also shape what little wood may be on the island for trapping gulls or crustaceans or building shelter.

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Tarp for condensation collection and sun protection, pot for easy water purification, knife because knife, rope for shelter construction and possibly to unwind for ghetto fishing line.

There's a lot of variables here that aren't answered. I'm answering this under the assumption that I'll never get rescued.

Inflatable raft = Body
Volleyball = Head
Insect repellet = Lube
Mirror = I can see myself fucking my improvised inflatable doll.

>not picking sunscreen as lube

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Tarp, Pot, Rope, Knife
will probably die anyway

first aid kit

the rest is just luxury

and rope for when I run out of weed

Or if the island looks survivable I'd take:
Tent (Mosquito net and storage is priceless)
first aid kit

Repellent has the perk of keeping insects far from my junk, so...

Your dick is enough of a repellant, don't worry.

pot is only a purifier if the island isnt on the ocean, i'd probably bring the tarp along just in case so i can make fresh water if needed.

>fishing rod
>first aid kit

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Your mum would disagree

I started with thinking about water purifier and other useful thing like that then it came to me "why am I trying to live?" And so let me get weed, hunting rifle, water purifier and vitamins

Why are you calling my mom an insect?
Not cool :(

I'd replace the fishing rod with a knife.

That depends on the type of the island:
Trying to GTFO plan:
Flare gun
Fishing rod

I'd search for bottles and other water containers on beaches, prep for the ride asap and leave.

If the island has decent mainland, clay soils uphill, drinkable water and maybe coconut trees and beach suitable for fishing / tidepool foraging I'd pick
And either pot or first aid kit - depending on the conditions.

I wouldn't even try to escape for the first few seasons.

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Can the vitamins be those gummy bear ones? For the munchies.

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20 ouncess of weed im going out epic style

Is that an option? I'll trade my sun screen for an extra weed option

Yes but you don't need the tarp when you have the inevitable coconut palm frond. Efficiency is not going to be the same, I admit, but when you can get a-whole -nother tool, I don't see that as a fair trade.

However, the tarp can double as shelter assuming the same palm frond scenario. You'll have the trees to hang it from, but with enough trees, the shelter point is still moot cause building a shelter is still an option.

I guess I'm just left with a question now.. How many trees are we talking here?

Assuming no rescue options and actually far away from other islands/continent, aka long term shit I would probably go with

cooking pot for water, cooking, digging, and storage of whatever the fuck i find (crawfish, etc).

Fishing rod but only if its deep sea and has extra line/hooks, else id just trident up a stick and shank fish in shallow water. Substitute for rope depending on island.

Tent sounds good but id take the tarp and build a long term shelter because a tent won't last a year in the environment.

Knife for building, prepping food, and like every other life task, and to off myself if it gets too bad out there.

On a 5th option i did consider weed on the basis that i could plant new plants and if I lived long enough could use that for hemp and nutrients, and to get high, life would be aiight in that case.

As others pointed out though its too vague of a location, am I in a chain of islands I could raft to? Tropical? Siberia? Rescue hope? Long term?

Also checkem

Stupid. Am I allowed to pick only 2?

I'd fire the flare gun straight up into the air and when it back down I'd use it to light my 5 ounce blunt. Only challenge would be smoking the entire blunt before the rescue boat arrived.

Trip Dubs Checked

Well I'm allergic to shellfish so I'm gonna die no matter what but flare gun, raft, compass, and hunting rifle.

Knife, rope, first aid kit, water purifier.
I think that covers the basic just right.

blows brains out

You're going to dehydrate and die.

>hunting rifle
should be obvious why
>first aid kit
should also be obvious
rope is a lot more useful than you'd think
>hiking boots
assuming i'm going to be doing a LOT of foraging, these would be useful. if food is readily available where i'm stranded, i'd go with a knife instead.

the other options just aren't useful enough, though 5 ounces of weed would be nice assuming it comes with paraphernalia.

>>hunting rifle
>should be obvious why

have fun being dead

same, but gun instead of weed

you could only take 15+matches

dubs checked

*gun instead of rope

Where are the fucking porn magazines?

Pot, First Aid, Hand Saw, Boots
I'm planning to stay for a while.

Inflatable raft. It would eliminate the need for a tarp, tent, and hammock all at once.
First aid kit.
Hand saw

raft, gun, fishing rod,water purifier


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Hunting rifle, rope, knife, raft.

If I somehow fuck up killing myself with these I’ll just take the raft out to open water and jump in. Too easy.

same but gun instead of rope

First aid kit, water purifier, fishing rod, tent

toilet paper for pooping
weed cause ill be bored as fuck lmao
ipod to jam out to
compass cause im a dipshot who cant look at the fucking sun

Dis nigga thinks he can make a pot

This is the only right answer

If there is clay soil (and wood) on the island the pot is absolutely unnecessary.


Pretty much things I can't readily make a proper substitute for.

Tarp can be used for collecting rainwater, or for collecting water vapor when I use the pot to boil water, so I have something to drink. Knife and handsaw for making shelter and tools.

Tarp, hiking boots, knife, and let's go with the mirror.

>Tarp allows me to collect fresh water because I know how to collect humidity with it
>Boots so I can traverse the island appropriately
>Knife because knife
>Mirror so I can break the glass allowing me to focus light to start fires since I won't have flint and the matches / flares won't last forever

I can make do with these. I can use stones to sharpen my knife, I can make spears out of branches for shallow water fishing, I can make nets from vines / tall grass, I can make my own hut from branches and leaves / grass, I can make a spicket to cook... I'm good.

Knife,inflatable raft,first aid kit and a water purifier

>Knife can be used as a weapon, for preparing food etc
>Inflatable raft can be used to escape the island
>The first aid kit keeps me alive for as long as possible in dangerous situations
>And finally, the water purifier to make sure i have a lot of drinkable water, as salt water kills you from the inside and food can be found easier, especially with that knife

Weed iPod Matches and rope

Your all dead, I’m just gonna make mine better.

Boots, flare gun, water purifier, weed (can grow more as well), first aid kit. The rest is either barely useful or alternatives could be made.

raft (to GTFO), water purifier (obvious), tarp (sun shade), flare gun (alert passing ship).


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Fishing rod, knife, water purifier and rope