Tribute thread, saves & faves edition

tribute thread, saves & faves edition

Attached: 1556042184430.jpg (1536x2048, 687K)

Other urls found in this thread:\invite\fGFh734

Attached: 1512630859654.jpg (605x883, 108K)

Attached: 1551151229139.jpg (1535x2168, 1.03M)

Can someone tribute my boy?

Attached: 1532901843493.jpg (183x183, 21K)

Attached: 20190317_214929.jpg (1722x2448, 1.74M)


Attached: 1553537557992.jpg (1440x2560, 1.74M)

Attached: 8CED4063-749F-4B5A-8C5B-5A895FFE005F.jpg (487x1024, 51K)

Attached: maturegrowupbitch.png (315x300, 121K)

Attached: IMG_7127.jpg (444x960, 32K)

Attached: 1551870496516m.jpg (739x1024, 98K)

Ayy first time seeing a nigger dick here

Attached: 1551172137674.png (489x504, 412K)

Attached: 1544295208467 (1).jpg (1200x1600, 233K)

Attached: 45678_98766.jpg (562x960, 65K)

no one saves tribs unless they are trying to kickstart a thread to get someone else to trib the photo they want tribbed

Attached: 1546991279356.jpg (1200x1600, 261K)

people save their own request

What a loyal guy. Who's she?

Attached: _20190429_212024.jpg (1603x2682, 600K)

Attached: IMG_20190216_235413.jpg (688x918, 99K)

Attached: 1524839332655.jpg (1080x1920, 271K)


Attached: 483646435892.jpg (768x960, 107K)

Are you tributing yourself while tributing a bitch?

Attached: 1504447582459.jpg (769x1000, 94K)

Attached: 1546243854446.jpg (1700x2048, 674K)

Damn the day I come back to Yea Forums after a long hiatus I find one of my old tribs here. Nice.

lol, good work, get back on it!

Attached: 1490167517061.jpg (261x604, 50K)

Attached: 1549496117311.jpg (1695x2048, 496K)

Attached: 502f3262-797a-4d1d-85c6-aebcac6a0fbe.png (800x600, 377K)

Attached: 1530503621892.jpg (1512x2016, 679K)


All hail Cum Altar user.

Attached: B9EDEB14-BB3C-458C-8A7B-B81DA2921D47.jpg (1536x2048, 424K)

Anyone remember him?

Attached: D213913A-48EC-4299-A6F8-FE3AD4D0D8EA.jpg (250x333, 42K)


Attached: 9FA51C21-CFFA-47D8-92B0-0C6D152E1BF8.jpg (576x1024, 81K)

Dude had good aim

Attached: 19B89CC8-F40B-4E2D-84DE-6750D420ABEB.jpg (250x187, 14K)

Attached: 1512913013772.jpg (720x960, 143K)

Attached: o (1).webm (720x1280, 1.66M)


Dear god

Attached: 1511150944009.jpg (720x960, 135K)

now thats a dong. not you by any chance, user, is it?

Attached: 1555880727040.jpg (1512x2688, 579K)

Sorry, no. Just saves.

You need a printer and a full sheet of paper to do that monster justice.

Pretty lady. Cum tributes are much better on a physical photo like paper

Attached: 1555563972400.jpg (2448x3264, 1017K)

Attached: 1530292431908.png (1200x1600, 1.13M)

Attached: 1549425495938.gif (368x496, 1.56M)

Alas, times are changing. We may have seen the last of paper tributes.

Attached: 4334B4B0-0335-491D-86E1-8E69AD5C17A4.jpg (258x195, 12K)

Attached: 1556073887002.png (904x1203, 1.31M)

Ohhhh yes

Attached: x9EdN9G.jpg (1536x2048, 782K)

Attached: 1556329573747.jpg (540x720, 57K)

B tiernen is my fetish

Attached: 506b229f3251a43d9cc370403b9b7126.jpg (455x810, 55K)

love when she gets tributed by a BBC. if any black guys wanna trib her kik me @jwr9

Attached: IMG_5432.jpg (1080x1204, 81K)

She needs a tribute.

Attached: fjlinkjki6411.jpg (913x1242, 81K)

Attached: DZAo1K0VQAAlW-b.jpg (598x960, 57K)

Mine too, now. 1,000,000 internet’s to you, user.

Attached: BF4EF895-FFD4-4C04-A33F-327945499EAF.jpg (720x1280, 176K)

I think they look horrible when people just cum on their screens. Printed cum tributes look a little realistic. Take my cum tribute for this lovely girl for example.

Attached: 1541540395886.jpg (1000x750, 76K)

Find her it and snap too. There's fappable stuff every now and then

Attached: ceb6d847-31c2-42da-a559-48615a1b041a.png (900x1600, 578K)

Attached: 1550965386200.jpg (2160x2880, 1.08M)

Paper is superior in every way.

Attached: F339FB3B-E9DF-4097-95C2-ABED99145016.jpg (488x366, 19K)


Attached: 642362.jpg (1024x1348, 263K)

Attached: 1471563573232.jpg (1024x768, 66K)

Attached: [002377].jpg (1777x3287, 885K)

Attached: 1510776876399.jpg (2160x3840, 794K)


Attached: 1488461086151.jpg (2365x2488, 872K)

Attached: 1556567227525.jpg (3024x4032, 1.02M)

Attached: [003311].jpg (1536x2048, 677K)

Attached: 1541608984729.jpg (1024x1022, 62K)

Request please.

Attached: 20190429_153638.jpg (537x954, 274K)

so fucking juicy, love it.

Anyone currently cocking?

Attached: 1548946401437.jpg (3120x4208, 854K)

Attached: 1533064226219.jpg (2160x2160, 1.08M)

Attached: G&L.jpg (2592x3309, 1.71M)

some1 cocked my gf and I liked it

Attached: 1532556318269.jpg (2880x2160, 1.04M)

Attached: 9898979879.jpg (5837x1946, 1.52M)

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\fGFh734




Attached: E2B2AF06-1AEF-4B45-99D4-B976B4EE5BB6.jpg (530x912, 206K)

Attached: 3B050C09-7713-47FF-9581-C4D411CA450C.jpg (1536x2326, 543K)


Attached: 5CA60B8A-05BC-4E81-BA4F-0A0DA55D33AF.jpg (1535x2180, 412K)

Attached: CF71FFFE-0E1F-4278-8D0A-AC5D34896139.jpg (2048x1536, 603K)

I hope she sees all of these lol

Attached: 1005986_10152053658111038_419657046_n.jpg (612x570, 75K)

Attached: [003277].jpg (2592x1944, 1.49M)

Attached: IMG_20190429_173002.png (1080x1342, 1.3M)

anyone want to trib?

Attached: 1555974403443.png (720x960, 680K)

Attached: IMG_20190429_173052.png (1080x1346, 1.32M)

Tribute please

Attached: IMG_20190429_232234_302.jpg (720x1280, 95K)

this guy ever come back the other night?

Attached: w.jpg (1080x1350, 314K)

btw going to dP my girl with that dildo I showed you tonight


Attached: EC3706C2-1CAC-43A7-B05A-D8F45C677301.jpg (2048x1536, 682K)

nice big cock

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-04-29-17h04m54s495.png (640x1137, 726K)

plz user

Attached: liCMlKt_d.jpg (540x720, 28K)

Attached: [000015].jpg (750x1334, 117K)

Fucking nice cock

Attached: IMG_20190408_095401.jpg (2048x1536, 293K)

Attached: F299800A-6A95-46A4-8351-7E03A2795DA6.jpg (750x1334, 193K)

Attached: 1536573422091.png (720x575, 500K)


Attached: a.jpg (960x540, 49K)

Attached: A3181599-FE1B-4B7D-8971-CA0A4D80EA58.jpg (2048x1536, 524K)

Attached: 20181223_163951.jpg (720x575, 241K)

Attached: 25727F6C-2226-4C69-B369-48B7033064A0.jpg (2048x1536, 542K)

Attached: 2.jpg (1539x2048, 316K)

>New XXX imgeboards. Don't thank ))
Your opinion please

thanks user

my favorites

Attached: video.webm (1188x670, 1.97M)

Somebody slap dick on her

Attached: 1of2.jpg (640x384, 40K)

Attached: 20160616_143524.jpg (902x1500, 96K)

Attached: 8FF77A0D-EBC9-4E56-9CCD-D1A7141E60C7.jpg (2048x1536, 556K)


Attached: 20181223_164057.jpg (720x533, 244K)

Attached: D175D2E3-ED46-4E99-8F75-45F35667433F.jpg (2048x1536, 642K)

Attached: d4d96bf0-f9d1-4488-b69b-2c9666a88d29.png (974x1600, 1.78M)

If you got a foot fetish, come trib my gf's feet/soles on Kik.

Add dreamcloud69

good lord what a huge dick

Attached: 0.jpg (1080x1080, 1.65M)

Attached: c9e88ff9-133a-44d5-b774-af37c9e3fa14.png (953x1600, 1.11M)

mother/daughter trib?

Attached: 20181212_091002.jpg (720x889, 487K)

thats a really nice cock, can you post more pics ??

Attached: 9DC30526-E7D3-4FB9-AEE2-A83A3BA7C0AB.jpg (2048x1536, 628K)

check kik

please post the pic ur tributing too !!

Attached: d.png (715x480, 705K)

Attached: 1530837937795.jpg (540x720, 57K)

Attached: DFA32FFD-8D07-4A19-A571-48B8A29A5968.jpg (2048x1536, 616K)

didnt get any message tho?

Please :)


Attached: AYIeyEJCMAATLge.jpg (600x400, 22K)

so hot

Attached: j.jpg (837x1137, 231K)

whats your kik?

Please someone cock her?

Attached: 1A9CFFBC-8AA5-4B6A-AAE2-422740689CA0.jpg (1080x1080, 84K)


great dick m8

Attached: 1548354035546.jpg (720x540, 54K)


Attached: 27BF8035-778F-42AC-9E79-BBAC2519E0FA.png (750x1334, 1.89M)


her plz user

Attached: l4.jpg (1080x1349, 152K)

big dick man

Any cocks for this little slut

Attached: 2CCA2353-5885-472E-94F3-1E9797ADE12F.jpg (1080x1080, 229K)

Can anyone do her?

Attached: IMG_9475.jpg (677x903, 112K)


Attached: i.jpg (1080x607, 58K)

Do you do regular guys too or just traps

big dick man, taking requests?

Attached: dss.jpg (839x649, 146K)

Attached: PICT0009-1.jpg (837x950, 189K)

If I like them

Attached: 91FEEB88-6A46-4925-A878-532E4CDD84E3.jpg (1242x1581, 1.79M)

Attached: 1473089542701.jpg (612x612, 117K)

Attached: 3409E6E2-DA7E-4BD3-848A-2472B1E8EE9C.jpg (1080x1350, 152K)

Attached: 0jBw7zY.jpg (4032x3024, 934K)

Attached: _1224729_102056625930673_65613.jpg (960x960, 89K)

Going to send her cocked pic to her

Attached: D955B8E1-E1CF-45DB-92D3-531E89E09487.png (720x720, 578K)

Attached: 5B32DB85-9194-4296-9C91-379E272C2ABE.jpg (1536x2048, 665K)

Thanks love it!

Attached: 0E0FEAAB-7FB2-499A-9EE1-D9C589B894C7.jpg (1080x1350, 350K)

Attached: 75A8FC80-ABEB-434A-B9E1-F589C65A7134.jpg (959x960, 156K)

Attached: aaaaaa.png (810x1080, 1.26M)

Attached: Screenshot_20190416-232635_Instagram.jpg (1077x1050, 792K)

looking for cum tributes on my gf

no face pics, and send a live picture of the device you're going to use as your first message

kik: nsfw833

Attached: 51017178_408780283253427_8034191453072894515_n.jpg (1080x1350, 108K)

Kik her reaction to ewhite933

Attached: 2F515C9C-8AE8-480E-8799-06ECBD820164.jpg (2048x1536, 592K)

Mexican bitch

Attached: D95531F8-EFC6-4142-8AF5-437677D444C1.jpg (750x1334, 76K)

Attached: IMG_0129.jpg (2630x3508, 1.96M)

Attached: 72A50C85-FDB6-4977-BB96-E1046DF2E6AC.jpg (640x1136, 71K)

Attached: 1490590704434~01.jpg (299x757, 63K)

Ahh thought I’d seen that cock before, already got you on Kik lol. Will send you any reply as might need a follow up if she responds ;)

Attached: 3EFFDDC7-72AD-4622-B423-68B154BABE15.jpg (1080x718, 177K)

Attached: la14449135_1085304221538470_5855160027932786688_n.jpg (480x600, 35K)

Attached: 1510776146515.jpg (442x956, 167K)

Thanks man love it

And thanks awesome tribute

Attached: 11881709_1641635509446690_845915170_n.jpg (480x480, 58K)

Attached: 1003044_10200612072688161_1715179241_n.jpg (704x918, 102K)

juicy girl + big cock = what's not to like?

Attached: 1552435263632.jpg (2592x1944, 1.74M)

Dick and lots of cum, please, sir!!

Attached: (1080x1283, 349K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190321-190341_Instagram.jpg (1439x1377, 1.03M)

anytime :)

Attached: IMG_3408.jpg (577x903, 55K)

Attached: 52A83595-722D-40CF-8DA4-CDF32F75A335.jpg (1080x718, 132K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-30-00-10-51-889_org.telegram.messenger.jpg (1080x1865, 329K)

Attached: E5ED68E9-4BCB-453D-88CD-F6D04607FFEC.jpg (810x1259, 1.13M)

Attached: 1542746489938.jpg (1171x1195, 276K)

Attached: IMG_3472.jpg (730x903, 126K)

Tributes are dead, a guy asked me to venmo him after i sent him 10 nudies, enjoy

Attached: 6FAB5B70-0290-4E8D-B370-C5C0CBC8EB6E.jpg (768x1024, 151K) ((remove the extra dot.)

Server with no rules. Post whatever you want without risk of ban! Diverse ages, all welcome.



CP. VC. Memes.

Controversial topics etc.

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Attached: DFngGEdUAAESAP1.jpg (1200x1093, 363K)

Attached: IMG_3583.jpg (750x818, 114K)

Thanks man

Attached: D8775F80-E410-45DE-80E1-81F11C24A763.jpg (960x960, 168K)

Attached: IMG_6665.jpg (960x1280, 150K)

New thread?

Attached: C64CAC3F-C1AB-4E6B-9A44-B9A09F77B8E5.jpg (1080x1080, 251K)

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