How many more movies, video games, and TV shows do feminists have to ruin before you faggots wake up?

How many more movies, video games, and TV shows do feminists have to ruin before you faggots wake up?

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incels Yea Forums users that sees feminism everywhere

That’s what’s funny...everybody else just goes on with their day, and if the tv show/movie/game sucks, they just move on

These “reeee feminism” faggots can’t just move on to something they like better, they have to whine about how something they ad no ownership over was “ruined” for them

I swear these dudes probably find a restaurant they dislike so they can go there everyday and bitch about how the food is bad

She deserved it tho she trained the hardest out of all. She was literally blind and getting her ass beat for like a whole season. And I'm definitely not feminist but I still think she deserved it after all the shit she's been through.

This. They set it up for years with Arya. From her training with Faceless Men to Bran giving her the dagger in the exact same spot to Melisandre's blue eyes closed forever prophecy...

She even used the same move to kill him that she used with that giants lady in training

Reeeeee we need more blacks. Blacks replace white roles
Reeeee we need more women. Women replace male roles
Reeee all our favorite established characters are getting replaced by blacks and women. Go watch something else.

There is nothing else because every time there is something else there is reeee no blacks & women so it is replaced. You are basically saying stop watching tv and movies, stop playing games. If that's what you mean just say that rather than saying be a good goyum and either eat your propaganda or leave

Say anything against feminism and you are called an incel. Are you saying women are only good as fuckholes?

Arya could have killed the night king and I wouldn't have any problems with that. But they didn't a villain that has been deemed the greatest enemy of the entire continent just dies after one episode with no backstory or denouement? Fucking bad writing

/pol/fags are all such losers. whine whine whine. get off your ass and make something if you're so passionate about it

Look at these FUCKING cucks, pathetic

considering this whole show is john merry sueing it up

eh aria can have one

Exactly, this argument of "oh if you don't like it watch/play something else" makes no fucking sense because feminists ALWAYS seek out white or male dominated entities and ruin them with their SJW bullshit

Not only feminists, liberals in general

Because they try to flood it everywhere they can. If you can't notice it you're either blind or retarded.

I agree, but it just seems like her training was to get revenge for her house like killing the Freys and anyone else who crossed the Starks. Seemed like it was more Jon's fight and purpose throughout the show

Just watch old James bond movies and stfu. Or write your own masterpiece that is so awesome that no one ever changes it, and white men rule forevermore.
Or shitpost on an image board and amount to nothing

*fails penis in front of dying beetus child*

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Then explain to me how she can kill the night king so easily, but can't or won't kill celsei or dany? How the fuck does that make sense to you?

>merry sue

Jon? You mean daenerys, jon snow actually met with adversity. Daenerys just acts like she's in trouble until the last episode of every season where she says 'dracarys' and everything is magically solved

Fucking liberals. They can shut anyone up and force them to change it to their tastes but if someone wants something traditional they are silenced.

I’ve never watched a single episode of that show (mainly because everyone is full autist fanboys of it)

Oh the irony

if you got triggered by arya killing the night king you are more fragile and pathetic than the biggest cuck liberal faggot Bernie/AOC shill there ever was.

They literally spent a whole season training Arya to be one of the best assassins in Westeros, and after the fire witch cunt said "What do we say to death?" and Arya said "not today" and left. It's more than fair to assume she went after the Night King at that point in time.

/end thread

If there were really that many people upset about this stuff then yea, you should stop watching and eventually it would stop because putting women and black people on tv hurts the bottom line

The problem is, way more people are fine with it than Yea Forums faggots who are scared their daughters will date a black kid

How's that sand taste?

Why would Arya kill Dany? And she hasn't been in proximity to Cersei since her training

traditional = white men only?

>eventually it would stop because putting women and black people on tv hurts the bottom line
Jesus christ you CANNOT be this deluded. You really think these people give a shit about ratings? The agenda always comes first

Is it really true that these guys believe that the liberal media has a global conspiracy to turn the planet into a communist fag colony?

Last time I checked the show wasn't that great towards it's female characters at all. Like at all.

Look guys. Don't be bent out of shape that our glistening sexy hero Jon snow didn't get his big hero moment. Not after he's been the most integral part of that victory from the beginning. He prevented a wildling catastrophe, and then he raised an army to fight he dead, then he United the north, then he convinced a dragon conquerer queen to join his cause using his grumpy disposition and his dick. He already saved the north.

I literally don't know TF you're talking about...

But she somehow gets close enough to the night king to kill him, even though no one else has been able to get that close. Are you really this stupid?

Stfu bitch episode 3 was amazing besides them killing off theon

Yea people are straight retarded with this shit. They literally brought Jon back from being stabbed in the fucking heart and everyone’s cool

Arya spends her entire puberty training to ice motherfuckers and people are triggered

I’m mad the night king died at all, thought it was lame they did him like that. But not because it was Arya who did it

>Last time I checked the show wasn't that great towards it's female characters at all. Like at all.
Did you not watch the last 3 fucking seasons? It has been nothing but le strong wooMAN and grillz powerz since season fucking five.

Im with you dude im definitely not a feminist but hell arya became a complete badass no one held her hand she made it herself

seems like they were building up her training to get revenge for her house like killing the Freys and anyone else who crossed the Starks. Seemed like it was more Jon's fight and purpose throughout the show

actual pic of OP LMAO

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Did you faggots have off from school today or did summer start early?

We already woke up.
Aren't you woke?

Whatever the fuck that author envisioned. Fuck off with that victim mentality how about we make a martin luther king movie with a white lead? You would lose your shit

Corporations care about money first and foremost. Political concerns are PR which are in service of the primary goal: profits

Yes you fucking child, if people stopped going to see Star Wars because there were women in it, they wouldn’t throw hundreds of millions of dollars into a paper shredder by continuing to cast people who drove people out of theaters

Unfortunately for the inbred retards on Yea Forums, the tiny fraction who won’t go see Star Wars because of black people (or won’t watch game of thrones because Arya did something) is minuscule compared to the millions and millions who don’t give a shit what the characters look like

They would cast game of thrones exclusively with geriatric transsexual cancer patients of it was proven to make the show more profitable, that’s why the entertainment industry exists

The main problem is that all of you weak timid wimps are so attached to your fantasy worlds, you are too afraid to go outside and affact change in your own community. You're to afraid to go out and debate people, try to change their minds, comprmoise, or agree to disagree. The modern world and internet have bred a bunch of introverted, out of shape weaklings who won't even look people in the eye. All you do is stare at your phone, crying over fictional story choices. (also who ever pays or supports these show makers? I pirate everything. Fuck them my money is mine)

Go out and be men for once in your lives.

I wouldn't say feminism ruined the show, I would say poor planning did. It isn't impossible to make up a good ending for a show that someone else wrote the first half of, but it becomes nearly so when you have dozens and dozens of characters with completely separate plot threads and no possible way to pay them all off in a meaningful way. Removing the feminist elements of this show wouldn't fix it.

You watch your damn mouth bitch im a fucking WHITE MALE

>Main characters trains as an assassin for 3 seasons.
>Kills the big boss.
>Incel rages about it.

How does that follow from my response. You asked why doesn't she kill Dany or Cersei. I told you why. That is separate issue from her years-in-the-setup slaying of Night King

Wow what the fuck? This board has literally been taken over by cucks. This is fucking pathetic

Your the only cuck here perma virgin

Yea the writing on the show has been shit for years. Plus the show runners seem like total cucks. I bet their feminist wives tell them what to put in the show.

Not him, but seeing feminism in the last ep of GoT is downright retarded, therefore probably an incel.

Go back to your DBZ and WWE and leave our media forever.

She had her fair share of adversity. Granted she's mostly lucky to have dragons though.

>Implying cucks don't watch that shit

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Also when the fire witch told her she was meant to shut a lot of brown, grey, and blue eyes. That's when I knew she would be the one to do it.

The only reason that arya got the death blow instead of jon snow is because she is the current fan favorite. It has nothing to do with feminism you fucking insecure weirdos.

>Has quick release auxiliary hat

>54 replies 25 posters
Youre all getting trolled by a couple of libtard shills.

>posted in mom's basement


>damage control
you got BTFO'd. Deal with it

Arya has been set up to play a major role since Season 1; Bitching about this kind of shows your incel paranoia while you still jerk off to nerdy Neville vs. Voldemorte and crap like that.

We are definitely in an age where more female leads are getting the killing blows but its definitely never out of character. We used to just be so insecure every kill moment had to be a dude while we criticized how useless Mary Sues were.

Keep shilling with your own "damage control" tranny.

Antisocial behaviour is a sign of intelligence in a world full of conformists


The main female characters work their way to a place where they aren't abused anymore. Would it really makes sense for these characters to not evolve if they're going to remain relevant?

Tyrion forces himself on sansa because it's his last night on earth. Arya is ripped to shreds in a 5 minutes single shot because she's a little girl in a man's world. Danny tries to fuck the knights king to save her own life because women are all sluts.

I don't see how any of that is a good idea.

this is unironically better than anything game of thrones related and you know i'm right

Nobody cares about that arya got the last blow but is that cheap ending the last we will see of the night king? What a waste

Ugh. What a bitch. Watching movies, TV shows and playing games are NOT exactly manly activities. Let alone whining about it.

I hereby suspend your MAN CARD until further notice.

The midget is what turned me off that show, there is no universe or alternate reality where a fucking midget regardless of name would get an ounce of respect or not be murdered for being defective, maybe with some luck and pity a court jester.

Feminists ruined my tv show. Oh boo fucking hoo. Bitch

That I can get on board with. I am completely ok with everything that happened last night, it just seemed out of order. So now that there is no more world ending threat, everyone just goes back to fighting over a chair for a few more episodes and it's over? That should have been the second to last episode.

This. But its cool that white historical figures are portrayed as black.

I really, really hope the ending is leaked so I can finally stop giving a fuck about this bullshit show

This. Watch old James Bond because until they finally make him black (as they keep pushing every movie) and a huge alpha stud banging all the white women, they will keep portraying him as this misogynist everyone perceives as an outdated dinosaur no longer needed in modern society.

There’s some kid with cancer that one of the cast told the ending to, go shake him down for answers.

>make him black (as they keep pushing every movie) and a huge alpha stud banging all the white women,
This is the part that pisses me off the most. You KNOW that's what is gonna end up happening, and then the same cucks ITT are gonna say "nothing to see here, there is no SJW agenda"

same so I have absolutely no idea what the fuck everyone is on about but I do know that the little girl has the face of a human foot

Sound like guy at work who only watches recaps and pretends he watches show. Same tardo said episodes 1 and 2 were boring.
You 2 should just stop tryharding relevantcy, you don't have to be into EVERYTHING that's hip and happening.

The people who run most corporations do so with a rape and run philosophy towards the corporation. CEO personal profit and corporate success have become very disconnected. See Sears for recent example. They can afford to tow the ((party line)) when it doesn't affect them personally.

please dont take bond i mean hes british so he should be good right? its just American white men everyone hates right?

What are you even talking about?

Comments on /b and thinks he has the right to suspend Man Cards.

You paid to go and see it, and I didn't.

You're the one that needs to wake up. Stop wasting your time on entertainment.

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Have you seen London lately?

You're trolling; She was going to King's Landing, when she heard that Jon Snow was still alive, and at Winterfell, which made her change course.

This fucking thread, lol.
Talk about fragile masculinity...

I have not...

You obviously missed my point so I'll ask it again. How the fuck are you gonna tell me she can kill the night king so easily, when NO ONE has been able to get anywhere close to him up till that point, yet she's had 2-3 seasons to kill celsei but hasn't gotten around to it? This was since a stupid way to kill off the night king it didn't even make sense. But it's hardly surprising because SJWs fucked up the show badly last season and are gonna ruin it with a massively shit ending.

If men have "fragile masculinity" what do you call it when women throw literal shit-fits because of "lack of representation"?

I'll fucking wait for the lightbulb in the cavern of your skull to come on and give you a spark of realization.


No boobs in this episode. 2/10

Ya I always said the role of the dragon queen should have gone to a man

And how was that gonna work out? Like that scene where dany gets raped in the tent, you're gonna replace it with a dude getting fucked in the ass while crying?

>doesnt get irony

thread reported u will not ruined this one for me Yea Forums op suck unsulied dick dziwka

I get that you're a dumb faggot, does that count?

Sansa is a bad actresses who can't even pretend to be charismatic/strong female leader that she should be. I'm 100% sure she's just another twat who got a big oppertunity bcause of her looks but is, in fact, a stupid thot who shouldn't be acting at all.

Dany is a bit better, but let's be honost, she to sweet/cute for her role.

Arya is a ugly cunt. How can someone that is 5 ft tall with no muscld be an assasin?

Only Cersei succeeds in her role as dominant female leader. I think she plays her role perfect and I don't mind her being a strong female who destroys men (and women).

you retarded? she can't be in two places at the same time. she left Braavos and was going to kill Cersei then heard about Jon in Winterfell so went there instead. She didn't sit around in Kings Landing for 2-3 seasons not killing Cersei (not celsei) like you keep insinuating. she hasn't been in Kings Landing since season 1

Dany is even worse than Sansa. I'm suppose to believe she's the "queen of dragons" yet this cunt refuses to work out and get in shape. Her acting is easily the worst out of everybody. So many fucking scenes that had so much potential got ruined by her flat acting. I wanna know who's cock got sucked off to cast her.

>queen of dragons
>flabby body

I get your point, I agree. Tho I think Sansa is the worst Dany is also pretty bad.

It makes no fucking sense. Like I'm suppose to believe the queen of dragons is an out of shape, emotionless cunt of a woman. But now that I think about it Sansa is fucking terrible as well.

Yo im all for calling out PC feminazi bullshit but this was more than fitting to the story, she trained for years as like a shape-shifting assassin, why the fuck couldn't it be her?

Feels like you faggots get triggered any time a woman does anything in a movie/show. If you get triggered literally every single time it happens, how can you ever be taken seriously with calling it out?

ITT: spergs sperging hard over a fantasy TV show.

Do you not see the irony in accusing sansa for only getting her role based on her looks, whilst shitting on arya as a actor/character for her looks? Utter moron