No rekt thread?

No rekt thread?
Rekt thread

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\fGFh734

Attached: Physics_is_a_bitch.webm (720x480, 1.74M)

actually yeah. a car regular weighs a tone. So a muscled 140 can scrape by while a muscled 200 or 180 is good detail for survival. at 240-270 you're weighing 1/4th of the total car with teh muscle doing the counter for speed.


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Jesus Christ

Attached: 1553295285454.webm (640x360, 1.89M)

Rather, Christ Church

Burnout 2? Where's the 4x multiplyer?

so, does the camera just break after that?

id look up more videos myself, but, eh.

No it's a full video, a few minutes long, it ends a minute or two after he starts driving away

What's happening here?

ah, thanks. ill look it up later.

Everyone is trying to hail that guy at the end as a hero because he charged at the gunman. Nah mang. He was heading for the door. Not saying he's wrong. But don't manufacture heroes and fake feels to give the story a positive.

it's a 17-minute video retard

Just natural selection at work. I feel bad for the cars though.

Retarded chinese slave getting rekt by a hot sheet of metal

Holliwood spends millions of dollars just to film a scene like that, while the chinese can do it for free and far more realistic wtf.

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That guy looked like he just accepted his fate

It's Nerf or Nothing

The look of "fuck it...this is happening"

yeah yeah nigger dick. fool me once, shame on you, fool me 38 times, shame on fucking society

Attached: firetards.webm (320x576, 846K)

high grade solid state nerve gas

jesus, this is some top tier retardation levels. sad thing is we can be pretty sure this dude had kids with at least 5 single moms


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when you rekt

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To think that these rednecks believe that immigrants are stealing their jobs.
Sadly, they are too stupid to understand the reasons behind such assertion.

>here comes the libtard trying to justify his immigrant cuckold fetish

Le forced maymay.

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your mother is a forced meme



More like pointing out the obvious.

Dem Digits

Attached: Shocked.jpg (600x450, 53K)

Nice buzzwords

>crushed by street light
>ran over by truck for good measure


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How long would it take to die like that? Will you just go into shock or die pretty much on impact, or is that like 5-10 seconds of burning agony first?

Tell me, why would someone want to replace white rednecks with slightly tanned rednecks? Pretty sure it's a very shitty short-term solution that requires so-called "cultural diversion" propaganda nonsense and literally thousands of natives lives.

Attached: femenist rekt.webm (320x568, 1.16M)

what game is that?

You mean illegal immigrants. See, the Left loves to omit that word and claim that the Right is completely against all immigration. Fuck, man, even legal immigrants are largely against illegal immigration. Why? Because they went through financial and legal hell to get into this country, and they get to watch the Left defend people who cross the borders and overstay visits, and are 85% more likely to commit felonies -- and not even see a jail sentence, just get sent back home for free, to return in a few months.

>stealing their jobs
It's really difficult to tell whether this is Russia or Redneckia. But that's definitely not your point. I'll bite:
Many illegal immigrants work under the table doing menial labor tasks. Do you really think people as stupid as the men in that video are capable of doing more than menial labor? No? Then flooding the job market with super cheap, tax-free labor means these men have less ability to find legitimate work, above board, as the Fed will climb up their asses demanding tax money for every penny they make, and up their employers' asses for taxes on every cent of payroll spent. Is the shoveling these idiots do really worth $15/hour minus 40% theft to Uncle Sam? No? I'd be willing to bet that cutting federal benefits to illegals and their children, and ending citizenship as a birthright would immediately reduce part of this problem. Building the wall, just like Mexico has on their southern border (they paid for it with US foreign aid, by the way) would help with a large chunk of the rest.

Well, slightly tanned rednecks who won't set the field on fire, that's for sure.
Also, culturally speaking, incest is a huge taboo for spics, so the chance of truly retarded work force is considerably lower than hiring your typical hillbilly.

>if i call someone a cuck, people will agree with me!

Nigger Simulator

That's too adorable, you sick fucker.

>Building the wall would help with a large chunk of the rest.
What is a ladder?
What is a rope?
What is a tunnel?

They dont look American

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The wall is going to be halfway underground, if you are making a tunnel to get to America you are probably a drug runner. How would they get a rope to be sturdy enough to climb? And are illegal immigrants going to carry a 20 foot ladder around Mexico???

This gets posted every thread

Your first week on Yea Forums?


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Attached: How_Many_Teeth.webm (800x451, 709K)

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\fGFh734


Too bad you never see any follow-up posts from idiots like this. How many teeth did he lose? Were his lips damaged? How high was the dentist bill? We'll never know...

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edgy satan, as always

Wait dude, you made a mistake
It's illegal ALIEN
Use the correct legal terminology.
Immigrant means we owe them at least a modicum of respect, and not just a fat boot up their ass

guy got killed by some old fashion hard ribbon candy my grandpa would be exited

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That's it.

I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.

Fake moralfag in Yea Forums, good waste of time, nigger.

Oh boy, someone on the internet called me a waste of space.

Attached: Caught.jpg (666x500, 76K)

Are you retarded

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

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What a piece of shit. All of those people were unarmed.

>I have an opinion about your opinion about a past event that someone else did that you posted in this thread on the page which I both chose myself to now be offended.


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>defending sandniggers

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Though it's glowing hot it still is metal and is very heavy and came in fast. He almost certainly died from impact immediately. He probably did not feel any pain from the heat.

t. Safety officer at a foundry.

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Leave your mom's basement once in a while.

LMAO the guy filming this: Totally calm.
>Yep. They're idiots. I'm gonna upload this later.

You're an idiot.

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no thanks nigger but you should just go back to fageddit or twitch.

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Shut the fuck up. With 7.6 billion of us we are a highly expendable species. Every waste of space killed is another bit of peace.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, bitch boy.

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Couldn't take it anymore or nerve gas?

>not knowing that sharia law calls for the death of people who leave the muslim lifestyle
>not knowing sharia law allows rape of children and non muslims
>not knowing the majority of muslims support sharia law

you are the reason the west will fall

mommys cuddles and special tendies definitely help

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Tell that to the sandniggers, they do the same shit why more offen

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jet fuel i think

Jesus fuck

Aw that's too fuckin' cute.

Get the fuck off this site, niggerfaggot.

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Again... Damn it

Holy fuck dude, NO

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Gross, he ate a pigeon. I bet that pelican got the equivalent of bird herpies from that meal.

not this shit again. is it maggots?

Damn feds lied to me

the fuck? any medfags know what he just popped?

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Fuck you stupid retard

Boy, someone really wantet this motherfucker dead for sure.


Attached: One_of_Life_Lessons.webm (460x574, 753K)

Ofending christian niggers

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>implying im religious at all
jokes on you goatfucker

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yeah he had a left peritonsillar abscess that he just decided to drain himself. the correct treatment would have been IV clindamycin, aspiration with an 18g needle, decadron, oral clindamycin for 10 days, ENT follow up

NO! JUST NO! What the fuck?! Seriously?! Rekt shit is ok, but this?! Jesus!

"Infinity gauntlet,,. Snap.

>text interpretation -1

Goats are tight af 10/10

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Where the hole is at kinda looks like that tonsil got infected or somethin. Either way, no fucking thankyou

Yup, you need to go back to fageddit and twitch you fucktard millennial.

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Infected pocket of tonsil stones

Attached: 1555293002709.jpg (1024x1011, 121K)


An unarmed invader is still an invader

GTA 4 was the most realistic

so does your mom

No you wont... fagtard

We know he's a fag
We know he's stupid
We don't know when he'll die...
NASA just kidding, he's already dead

How not to make fruit roll-ups.

Should have paid his nerve gas bill

here's some aftermath stuff

I know its aggravating when the food delivery guy is late, but Goddamn!

Mike Pence posing with a bunch of retards.

I can't believe Liveleak banned this video because they don't want this kind of "psychopath" on their site. fucking what? lmao


He has a good excuse...he came from incestous white family, redneck upbringing,never got no pussy all the while refugees and immigrants succeding/flurishing in Australia.

He is driven by frustation with his failure of a life...and extreme jealaousy of others doing better. Thats all he is. Should have been euthanised as a teen.

Thank the lord he didnt gave kids.

undoubtely from connan the comic

i've never been so close to puking over a video on the internet

There was no other choice.
He was donzo.

>gas tanks on fire
>its a tank full of gas
>I'll put it out with my hands
I get that humans make dumb decisions in situations like this, but come the fuck on

Attached: tiger eats hand.webm (640x640, 1.2M)

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Its clearly a panther from captivity that is used to drinking from a bottle. Its only suckling on his finger

Thats hot


way to go, sink falls off the wall and hits you on the head when you taking a shit.

yeah, you could say he smASHED it ;)

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I audibly kekd

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>Getting run over by the Police for just crossing the street

Attached: Ugly ass negro.jpg (900x900, 75K)

Dem digits, 3 sets of dubs.